(function($, window, document, undefined){ "use strict"; if(!$.webshims){ var langs = navigator.browserLanguage || navigator.language || $('html').attr('lang') || ''; $.webshims = { addReady: function(fn){$(function(){fn(document, $([]));});}, ready: function(n, fn){fn();}, activeLang: function(){return langs;} }; } var webshims = $.webshims; var customValidityRules = {}; var formReady = false; var blockCustom; var initTest; var onEventTest = function(e){ webshims.refreshCustomValidityRules(e.target); }; webshims.customErrorMessages = {}; webshims.addCustomValidityRule = function(name, test, defaultMessage){ customValidityRules[name] = test; if(!webshims.customErrorMessages[name]){ webshims.customErrorMessages[name] = []; webshims.customErrorMessages[name][''] = defaultMessage || name; } if($.isReady && formReady){ $('input, select, textarea').each(function(){ testValidityRules(this); }); } }; webshims.refreshCustomValidityRules = function(elem){ if(!elem.form || (!initTest && !$.prop(elem, 'willValidate')) ){return;} blockCustom = true; var customMismatchedRule = $.data(elem, 'customMismatchedRule'); var validity = $.prop(elem, 'validity') || {}; var message = ''; if(customMismatchedRule || !validity.customError){ var val = $(elem).val(); $.each(customValidityRules, function(name, test){ message = test(elem, val) || ''; customMismatchedRule = name; if(message){ if(typeof message != 'string'){ message = $(elem).data('errormessage') || elem.getAttribute('x-moz-errormessage') || webshims.customErrorMessages[name][webshims.activeLang()] || webshims.customErrorMessages[name]['']; } if(typeof message == 'object'){ message = message[name] || message.customError || message.defaultMessage; } return false; } }); if(message){ $.data(elem, 'customMismatchedRule', customMismatchedRule); } $(elem).setCustomValidity(message); } blockCustom = false; }; var testValidityRules = webshims.refreshCustomValidityRules; webshims.ready('forms', function(){ formReady = true; var oldCustomValidity = $.fn.setCustomValidity || function(message){ return this.each(function(){ if(this.setCustomValidity){ this.setCustomValidity(message); } }); }; $.fn.setCustomValidity = function(message){ if(!blockCustom){ this.data('customMismatchedRule', ''); } return oldCustomValidity.apply(this, arguments); }; $(document).bind('change', onEventTest); webshims.addReady(function(context, selfElement){ initTest = true; $('input, select, textarea', context).add(selfElement.filter('input, select, textarea')).each(function(){ testValidityRules(this); }); initTest = false; }); $(document).bind('refreshCustomValidityRules', onEventTest); }); })(jQuery, window, document); /* * adds support for HTML5 constraint validation * - partial pattern: <input data-partial-pattern="RegExp" /> * - creditcard-validation: <input class="creditcard-input" /> * - several dependent-validation patterns (examples): * - <input type="email" id="mail" /> <input data-dependent-validation='mail' /> * - <input type="date" id="start" data-dependent-validation='{"from": "end", "prop": "max"}' /> <input type="date" id="end" data-dependent-validation='{"from": "start", "prop": "min"}' /> * - <input type="checkbox" id="check" /> <input data-dependent-validation='checkbox' /> */ (function($, window, document, undefined){ "use strict"; var addCustomValidityRule = $.webshims.addCustomValidityRule; addCustomValidityRule('partialPattern', function(elem, val){ if(!val || !elem.getAttribute('data-partial-pattern')){return;} var pattern = $(elem).data('partial-pattern'); if(!pattern){return;} return !(new RegExp('(' + pattern + ')', 'i').test(val)); }, 'This format is not allowed here.'); addCustomValidityRule('tooShort', function(elem, val){ if(!val || !elem.getAttribute('data-minlength')){return;} return $(elem).data('minlength') > val.length; }, 'Entered value is too short.'); var groupTimer = {}; addCustomValidityRule('group-required', function(elem, val){ var name = elem.name; if(!name || elem.type !== 'checkbox' || !$(elem).hasClass('group-required')){return;} var checkboxes = $( (elem.form && elem.form[name]) || document.getElementsByName(name)); var isValid = checkboxes.filter(':checked:enabled'); if(groupTimer[name]){ clearTimeout(groupTimer[name]); } groupTimer[name] = setTimeout(function(){ checkboxes .unbind('click.groupRequired') .bind('click.groupRequired', function(){ checkboxes.filter('.group-required').each(function(){ $.webshims.refreshCustomValidityRules(this); }); }) ; }, 9); return !(isValid[0]); }, 'Please check one of these checkboxes.'); // based on https://sites.google.com/site/abapexamples/javascript/luhn-validation addCustomValidityRule('creditcard', function(elem, value){ if(!value || !$(elem).hasClass('creditcard-input')){return;} value = value.replace(/\-/g, ""); //if it's not numeric return true >- for invalid if(value != value * 1){return true;} var len = value.length; var sum = 0; var mul = 1; var ca; while (len--) { ca = parseInt(value.charAt(len),10) * mul; sum += ca - (ca>9)*9;// sum += ca - (-(ca>9))|9 // 1 <--> 2 toggle. mul ^= 3; // (mul = 3 - mul); } return !((sum%10 === 0) && (sum > 0)); }, 'Please enter a valid credit card number'); var dependentDefaults = { //"from": "IDREF || UniqueNAMEREF", //required property: element "prop": "value", //default: value||disabled (last if "from-prop" is checked) "from-prop": "value", //default: value||checked (last if element checkbox or radio) "toggle": false }; var getGroupElements = function(elem) { return $(elem.form[elem.name]).filter('[type="radio"]'); }; $.webshims.ready('form-core', function(){ if($.webshims.modules){ getGroupElements = $.webshims.modules["form-core"].getGroupElements || getGroupElements; } }); addCustomValidityRule('dependent', function(elem, val){ if( !elem.getAttribute('data-dependent-validation') ){return;} var data = $(elem).data('dependentValidation'); var specialVal; if(!data){return;} var depFn = function(e){ var val = $.prop(data.masterElement, data["from-prop"]); if(specialVal){ val = $.inArray(val, specialVal) !== -1; } if(data.toggle){ val = !val; } $.prop( elem, data.prop, val); }; if(!data._init || !data.masterElement){ if(typeof data == 'string'){ data = {"from": data}; } data.masterElement = document.getElementById(data["from"]) || (document.getElementsByName(data["from"] || [])[0]); if (!data.masterElement || !data.masterElement.form) {return;} if(/radio|checkbox/i.test(data.masterElement.type)){ if(!data["from-prop"]){ data["from-prop"] = 'checked'; } if(!data.prop && data["from-prop"] == 'checked'){ data.prop = 'disabled'; } } else if(!data["from-prop"]){ data["from-prop"] = 'value'; } if(data["from-prop"].indexOf('value:') === 0){ specialVal = data["from-prop"].replace('value:', '').split('||'); data["from-prop"] = 'value'; } data = $.data(elem, 'dependentValidation', $.extend({_init: true}, dependentDefaults, data)); if(data.prop !== "value" || specialVal){ $(data.masterElement.type === 'radio' && getGroupElements(data.masterElement) || data.masterElement).bind('change', depFn); } else { $(data.masterElement).bind('change', function(){ $.webshims.refreshCustomValidityRules(elem); if($(elem).is('.user-error, .user-success')){ $(elem).trigger('refreshvalidityui'); } }); } } if(data.prop == "value" && !specialVal){ return ($.prop(data.masterElement, 'value') != val); } else { depFn(); return ''; } }, 'The value of this field does not repeat the value of the other field'); })(jQuery, window, document);