class Selection extends Plugin @className: 'Selection' constructor: (args...) -> super args... @sel = document.getSelection() @editor = @widget _init: -> #@editor.on 'selectionchanged focus', (e) => #range = @editor.selection.getRange() #return unless range? #$container = $(range.commonAncestorContainer) #if range.collapsed and $'.simditor-body') and @editor.util.isBlockNode($container.children()) #@editor.blur() clear: -> try @sel.removeAllRanges() catch e getRange: -> if !@editor.inputManager.focused or !@sel.rangeCount return null return @sel.getRangeAt 0 selectRange: (range) -> @clear() @sel.addRange(range) # firefox won't auto focus while applying new range @editor.body.focus() if !@editor.inputManager.focused and (@editor.util.browser.firefox or @editor.util.browser.msie) rangeAtEndOf: (node, range = @getRange()) -> return unless range? and range.collapsed node = $(node)[0] endNode = range.endContainer endNodeLength = @editor.util.getNodeLength endNode #node.normalize() if !(range.endOffset == endNodeLength - 1 and $(endNode).contents().last().is('br')) and range.endOffset != endNodeLength return false if node == endNode return true else if !$.contains(node, endNode) return false result = true $(endNode).parentsUntil(node).addBack().each (i, n) => nodes = $(n).parent().contents().filter -> !(this != n && this.nodeType == 3 && !this.nodeValue) $lastChild = nodes.last() unless $lastChild.get(0) == n or ($'br') and $lastChild.prev().get(0) == n) result = false return false result rangeAtStartOf: (node, range = @getRange()) -> return unless range? and range.collapsed node = $(node)[0] startNode = range.startContainer if range.startOffset != 0 return false if node == startNode return true else if !$.contains(node, startNode) return false result = true $(startNode).parentsUntil(node).addBack().each (i, n) => nodes = $(n).parent().contents().filter -> !(this != n && this.nodeType == 3 && !this.nodeValue) result = false unless nodes.first().get(0) == n result insertNode: (node, range = @getRange()) -> return unless range? node = $(node)[0] range.insertNode node @setRangeAfter node, range setRangeAfter: (node, range = @getRange()) -> return unless range? node = $(node)[0] range.setEndAfter node range.collapse(false) @selectRange range setRangeBefore: (node, range = @getRange()) -> return unless range? node = $(node)[0] range.setEndBefore node range.collapse(false) @selectRange range setRangeAtStartOf: (node, range = @getRange()) -> node = $(node).get(0) range.setEnd(node, 0) range.collapse(false) @selectRange range setRangeAtEndOf: (node, range = @getRange()) -> $node = $(node) node = $node.get(0) if $'pre') contents = $node.contents() if contents.length > 0 lastChild = contents.last() lastText = lastChild.text() if lastText.charAt(lastText.length - 1) is '\n' range.setEnd(lastChild[0], @editor.util.getNodeLength(lastChild[0]) - 1) else range.setEnd(lastChild[0], @editor.util.getNodeLength(lastChild[0])) else range.setEnd(node, 0) else nodeLength = @editor.util.getNodeLength node if node.nodeType != 3 and nodeLength > 0 $lastNode = $(node).contents().last() if $'br') nodeLength -= 1 else if $lastNode[0].nodeType != 3 and @editor.util.isEmptyNode($lastNode) $lastNode.append @editor.util.phBr node = $lastNode[0] nodeLength = 0 range.setEnd(node, nodeLength) range.collapse(false) @selectRange range deleteRangeContents: (range = @getRange()) -> startRange = range.cloneRange() endRange = range.cloneRange() startRange.collapse(true) endRange.collapse(false) # the default behavior of cmd+a is buggy if !range.collapsed and @rangeAtStartOf(@editor.body, startRange) and @rangeAtEndOf(@editor.body, endRange) @editor.body.empty() range.setStart @editor.body[0], 0 range.collapse true @selectRange range else range.deleteContents() range breakBlockEl: (el, range = @getRange()) -> $el = $(el) return $el unless range.collapsed range.setStartBefore $el.get(0) return $el if range.collapsed $el.before range.extractContents() save: (range = @getRange()) -> return if @_selectionSaved startCaret = $('').addClass('simditor-caret-start') endCaret = $('').addClass('simditor-caret-end') range.insertNode(startCaret[0]) range.collapse(false) range.insertNode(endCaret[0]) @clear() @_selectionSaved = true restore: () -> return false unless @_selectionSaved startCaret = @editor.body.find('.simditor-caret-start') endCaret = @editor.body.find('.simditor-caret-end') if startCaret.length and endCaret.length startContainer = startCaret.parent() startOffset = startContainer.contents().index(startCaret) endContainer = endCaret.parent() endOffset = endContainer.contents().index(endCaret) if startContainer[0] == endContainer[0] endOffset -= 1 range = document.createRange() range.setStart(startContainer.get(0), startOffset) range.setEnd(endContainer.get(0), endOffset) startCaret.remove() endCaret.remove() @selectRange range else startCaret.remove() endCaret.remove() @_selectionSaved = false range class Formatter extends Plugin @className: 'Formatter' constructor: (args...) -> super args... @editor = @widget @_allowedTags = ['br', 'a', 'img', 'b', 'strong', 'i', 'u', 'font', 'p', 'ul', 'ol', 'li', 'blockquote', 'pre', 'h1', 'h2', 'h3', 'h4', 'hr'] @_allowedAttributes = img: ['src', 'alt', 'width', 'height', 'data-image-src', 'data-image-size', 'data-image-name', 'data-non-image'] a: ['href', 'target'] font: ['color'] pre: ['data-lang', 'class'] p: ['data-indent'] h1: ['data-indent'] h2: ['data-indent'] h3: ['data-indent'] h4: ['data-indent'] _init: -> @editor.body.on 'click', 'a', (e) => false decorate: ($el = @editor.body) -> @editor.trigger 'decorate', [$el] undecorate: ($el = @editor.body.clone()) -> @editor.trigger 'undecorate', [$el] $.trim $el.html() autolink: ($el = @editor.body) -> linkNodes = [] findLinkNode = ($parentNode) -> $parentNode.contents().each (i, node) -> $node = $(node) if $'a') or $node.closest('a, pre', $el).length return if $node.contents().length findLinkNode $node else if (text = $node.text()) and /https?:\/\/|www\./ig.test(text) linkNodes.push $node findLinkNode $el re = /(https?:\/\/|www\.)[\w\-\.\?&=\/#%:,\!\+]+/ig for $node in linkNodes text = $node.text() replaceEls = [] match = null lastIndex = 0 while (match = re.exec(text)) != null replaceEls.push document.createTextNode(text.substring(lastIndex, match.index)) lastIndex = re.lastIndex uri = if /^(http(s)?:\/\/|\/)/.test(match[0]) then match[0] else 'http://' + match[0] replaceEls.push $('').text(match[0])[0] replaceEls.push document.createTextNode(text.substring(lastIndex)) $node.replaceWith $(replaceEls) $el # make sure the direct children is block node format: ($el = @editor.body) -> if $ ':empty' $el.append '

' + @editor.util.phBr + '

' return $el @cleanNode(n, true) for n in $el.contents() for node in $el.contents() $node = $(node) if $'br') blockNode = null if blockNode? $node.remove() else if @editor.util.isBlockNode(node) if $'li') if blockNode and'ul, ol') blockNode.append node else blockNode = $('