module Vedeu module Input # Translates escape sequences provided by the terminal into # symbols which Vedeu can use for various behaviours. # class Translator # @param (see #initialize) # @return [Symbol] def self.translate(code) new(code).translate end # Returns a new instance of Vedeu::Input::Translator. # # @param code [String] # @return [Vedeu::Input::Translator] def initialize(code) @code = code end # @return [Symbol] def translate Vedeu::KEY_TABLE[code] || code end protected # @!attribute [r] code # @return [String] attr_reader :code end # Translator end # Input KEY_TABLE = { "\u0001" => :ctrl_a, "\u0002" => :ctrl_b, "\u0003" => :ctrl_c, "\u2404" => :ctrl_c, "\u0004" => :ctrl_d, "\u2403" => :ctrl_d, "\u0005" => :ctrl_e, "\u0006" => :ctrl_f, "\u0007" => :ctrl_g, "\u0008" => :ctrl_h, # "\u0009" => :ctrl_i, # duplicates tab "\u0010" => :ctrl_j, # produces "\n" "\u0011" => :ctrl_k, "\u0012" => :ctrl_l, "\u0013" => :ctrl_m, "\u0014" => :ctrl_n, "\u0015" => :ctrl_o, "\u0016" => :ctrl_p, "\u0017" => :ctrl_q, "\u0018" => :ctrl_r, "\u2412" => :ctrl_r, "\u0019" => :ctrl_s, # "\u0020" => :ctrl_t, # duplicates spacebar "\u0021" => :ctrl_u, "\u0022" => :ctrl_v, "\u0023" => :ctrl_w, "\u0024" => :ctrl_x, "\u0025" => :ctrl_y, "\u0026" => :ctrl_z, "\eOP" => :f1, "\eOQ" => :f2, "\eOR" => :f3, "\eOS" => :f4, "\e[15~" => :f5, "\e[17~" => :f6, "\e[18~" => :f7, "\e[19~" => :f8, "\e[20~" => :f9, "\e[21~" => :f10, "\e[23~" => :f11, "\e[24~" => :f12, "\e[15;2~" => :shift_f5, "\e[17;2~" => :shift_f6, "\e[18;2~" => :shift_f7, "\e[19;2~" => :shift_f8, "\e[20;2~" => :shift_f9, "\e[21;2~" => :shift_f10, "\e[23;2~" => :shift_f11, "\e[24;2~" => :shift_f12, "\e[15;5~" => :ctrl_f5, "\e[17;5~" => :ctrl_f6, "\e[18;5~" => :ctrl_f7, "\e[19;5~" => :ctrl_f8, "\e[20;5~" => :ctrl_f9, "\e[21;5~" => :ctrl_f10, "\e[23;5~" => :ctrl_f11, "\e[24;5~" => :ctrl_f12, "\e[B" => :down, "\u2193" => :down, "\e[D" => :left, "\u2190" => :left, "\e[C" => :right, "\u2192" => :right, "\e[A" => :up, "\u2191" => :up, "\u007F" => :backspace, "\u2408" => :backspace, "\u23CE" => :carriage_return, "\e[3~" => :delete, "\u232B" => :delete, "\e[F" => :end, "\r" => :enter, "\n" => :enter, "\e" => :escape, "\u238B" => :escape, "\e[H" => :home, "\eOH" => :home, "\e[2~" => :insert, "\u240A" => :line_feed, "\e[5~" => :page_up, "\e[6~" => :page_down, "\e[1;2R" => :pause_break, "\e[1;2P" => :print_screen, "\e[1;2Q" => :scroll_lock, "\e[Z" => :shift_tab, "\t" => :tab, "\u21B9" => :tab, }.freeze end # Vedeu