# encoding: utf-8 require "logstash/outputs/base" require "logstash/namespace" require "socket" # for Socket.gethostname # TODO integrate aws_config in the future #require "logstash/plugin_mixins/aws_config" # # INFORMATION: # # This plugin was created for store the logstash's events into Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3). # For use it you needs authentications and an s3 bucket. # Be careful to have the permission to write file on S3's bucket and run logstash with super user for establish connection. # # S3 plugin allows you to do something complex, let's explain:) # # S3 outputs create temporary files into "/opt/logstash/S3_temp/". If you want, you can change the path at the start of register method. # This files have a special name, for example: # # ls.s3.ip-10-228-27-95.2013-04-18T10.00.tag_hello.part0.txt # # ls.s3 : indicate logstash plugin s3 # # "ip-10-228-27-95" : indicate you ip machine, if you have more logstash and writing on the same bucket for example. # "2013-04-18T10.00" : represents the time whenever you specify time_file. # "tag_hello" : this indicate the event's tag, you can collect events with the same tag. # "part0" : this means if you indicate size_file then it will generate more parts if you file.size > size_file. # When a file is full it will pushed on bucket and will be deleted in temporary directory. # If a file is empty is not pushed, but deleted. # # This plugin have a system to restore the previous temporary files if something crash. # ##[Note] : # ## If you specify size_file and time_file then it will create file for each tag (if specified), when time_file or ## their size > size_file, it will be triggered then they will be pushed on s3's bucket and will delete from local disk. # ## If you don't specify size_file, but time_file then it will create only one file for each tag (if specified). ## When time_file it will be triggered then the files will be pushed on s3's bucket and delete from local disk. # ## If you don't specify time_file, but size_file then it will create files for each tag (if specified), ## that will be triggered when their size > size_file, then they will be pushed on s3's bucket and will delete from local disk. # ## If you don't specific size_file and time_file you have a curios mode. It will create only one file for each tag (if specified). ## Then the file will be rest on temporary directory and don't will be pushed on bucket until we will restart logstash. # # INFORMATION ABOUT CLASS: # # I tried to comment the class at best i could do. # I think there are much thing to improve, but if you want some points to develop here a list: # # TODO Integrate aws_config in the future # TODO Find a method to push them all files when logtstash close the session. # TODO Integrate @field on the path file # TODO Permanent connection or on demand? For now on demand, but isn't a good implementation. # Use a while or a thread to try the connection before break a time_out and signal an error. # TODO If you have bugs report or helpful advice contact me, but remember that this code is much mine as much as yours, # try to work on it if you want :) # # # USAGE: # # This is an example of logstash config: # [source,ruby] # output { # s3{ # access_key_id => "crazy_key" (required) # secret_access_key => "monkey_access_key" (required) # endpoint_region => "eu-west-1" (required) # bucket => "boss_please_open_your_bucket" (required) # size_file => 2048 (optional) # time_file => 5 (optional) # format => "plain" (optional) # canned_acl => "private" (optional. Options are "private", "public_read", "public_read_write", "authenticated_read". Defaults to "private" ) # } # } # # We analize this: # # access_key_id => "crazy_key" # Amazon will give you the key for use their service if you buy it or try it. (not very much open source anyway) # # secret_access_key => "monkey_access_key" # Amazon will give you the secret_access_key for use their service if you buy it or try it . (not very much open source anyway). # # endpoint_region => "eu-west-1" # When you make a contract with Amazon, you should know where the services you use. # # bucket => "boss_please_open_your_bucket" # Be careful you have the permission to write on bucket and know the name. # # size_file => 2048 # Means the size, in KB, of files who can store on temporary directory before you will be pushed on bucket. # Is useful if you have a little server with poor space on disk and you don't want blow up the server with unnecessary temporary log files. # # time_file => 5 # Means, in minutes, the time before the files will be pushed on bucket. Is useful if you want to push the files every specific time. # # format => "plain" # Means the format of events you want to store in the files # # canned_acl => "private" # The S3 canned ACL to use when putting the file. Defaults to "private". # # LET'S ROCK AND ROLL ON THE CODE! # class LogStash::Outputs::S3 < LogStash::Outputs::Base #TODO integrate aws_config in the future # include LogStash::PluginMixins::AwsConfig config_name "s3" milestone 1 # Aws access_key. config :access_key_id, :validate => :string # Aws secret_access_key config :secret_access_key, :validate => :string # S3 bucket config :bucket, :validate => :string # Aws endpoint_region config :endpoint_region, :validate => ["us-east-1", "us-west-1", "us-west-2", "eu-west-1", "ap-southeast-1", "ap-southeast-2", "ap-northeast-1", "sa-east-1", "us-gov-west-1"], :default => "us-east-1" # Set the size of file in KB, this means that files on bucket when have dimension > file_size, they are stored in two or more file. # If you have tags then it will generate a specific size file for every tags ##NOTE: define size of file is the better thing, because generate a local temporary file on disk and then put it in bucket. config :size_file, :validate => :number, :default => 0 # Set the time, in minutes, to close the current sub_time_section of bucket. # If you define file_size you have a number of files in consideration of the section and the current tag. # 0 stay all time on listerner, beware if you specific 0 and size_file 0, because you will not put the file on bucket, # for now the only thing this plugin can do is to put the file when logstash restart. config :time_file, :validate => :number, :default => 0 # The event format you want to store in files. Defaults to plain text. config :format, :validate => [ "json", "plain", "nil" ], :default => "plain" ## IMPORTANT: if you use multiple instance of s3, you should specify on one of them the "restore=> true" and on the others "restore => false". ## This is hack for not destroy the new files after restoring the initial files. ## If you do not specify "restore => true" when logstash crashes or is restarted, the files are not sent into the bucket, ## for example if you have single Instance. config :restore, :validate => :boolean, :default => false # Aws canned ACL config :canned_acl, :validate => ["private", "public_read", "public_read_write", "authenticated_read"], :default => "private" # Method to set up the aws configuration and establish connection def aws_s3_config @endpoint_region == 'us-east-1' ? @endpoint_region = 's3.amazonaws.com' : @endpoint_region = 's3-'+@endpoint_region+'.amazonaws.com' @logger.info("Registering s3 output", :bucket => @bucket, :endpoint_region => @endpoint_region) AWS.config( :access_key_id => @access_key_id, :secret_access_key => @secret_access_key, :s3_endpoint => @endpoint_region ) @s3 = AWS::S3.new end # This method is used to manage sleep and awaken thread. def time_alert(interval) Thread.new do loop do start_time = Time.now yield elapsed = Time.now - start_time sleep([interval - elapsed, 0].max) end end end # this method is used for write files on bucket. It accept the file and the name of file. def write_on_bucket (file_data, file_basename) # if you lose connection with s3, bad control implementation. if ( @s3 == nil) aws_s3_config end # find and use the bucket bucket = @s3.buckets[@bucket] @logger.debug "S3: ready to write "+file_basename+" in bucket "+@bucket+", Fire in the hole!" # prepare for write the file object = bucket.objects[file_basename] object.write(:file => file_data, :acl => @canned_acl) @logger.debug "S3: has written "+file_basename+" in bucket "+@bucket + " with canned ACL \"" + @canned_acl + "\"" end # this method is used for create new path for name the file def getFinalPath @pass_time = Time.now return @temp_directory+"ls.s3."+Socket.gethostname+"."+(@pass_time).strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H.%M") end # This method is used for restore the previous crash of logstash or to prepare the files to send in bucket. # Take two parameter: flag and name. Flag indicate if you want to restore or not, name is the name of file def upFile(flag, name) Dir[@temp_directory+name].each do |file| name_file = File.basename(file) if (flag == true) @logger.warn "S3: have found temporary file: "+name_file+", something has crashed before... Prepare for upload in bucket!" end if (!File.zero?(file)) write_on_bucket(file, name_file) if (flag == true) @logger.debug "S3: file: "+name_file+" restored on bucket "+@bucket else @logger.debug "S3: file: "+name_file+" was put on bucket "+@bucket end end File.delete (file) end end # This method is used for create new empty temporary files for use. Flag is needed for indicate new subsection time_file. def newFile (flag) if (flag == true) @current_final_path = getFinalPath @sizeCounter = 0 end if (@tags.size != 0) @tempFile = File.new(@current_final_path+".tag_"+@tag_path+"part"+@sizeCounter.to_s+".txt", "w") else @tempFile = File.new(@current_final_path+".part"+@sizeCounter.to_s+".txt", "w") end end public def register require "aws-sdk" @temp_directory = "/opt/logstash/S3_temp/" if (@tags.size != 0) @tag_path = "" for i in (0..@tags.size-1) @tag_path += @tags[i].to_s+"." end end if !(File.directory? @temp_directory) @logger.debug "S3: Directory "+@temp_directory+" doesn't exist, let's make it!" Dir.mkdir(@temp_directory) else @logger.debug "S3: Directory "+@temp_directory+" exist, nothing to do" end if (@restore == true ) @logger.debug "S3: is attempting to verify previous crashes..." upFile(true, "*.txt") end newFile(true) if (time_file != 0) first_time = true @thread = time_alert(@time_file*60) do if (first_time == false) @logger.debug "S3: time_file triggered, let's bucket the file if dosen't empty and create new file " upFile(false, File.basename(@tempFile)) newFile(true) else first_time = false end end end end public def receive(event) return unless output?(event) # Prepare format of Events if (@format == "plain") message = self.class.format_message(event) elsif (@format == "json") message = event.to_json else message = event.to_s end if(time_file !=0) @logger.debug "S3: trigger files after "+((@pass_time+60*time_file)-Time.now).to_s end # if specific the size if(size_file !=0) if (@tempFile.size < @size_file ) @logger.debug "S3: File have size: "+@tempFile.size.to_s+" and size_file is: "+ @size_file.to_s @logger.debug "S3: put event into: "+File.basename(@tempFile) # Put the event in the file, now! File.open(@tempFile, 'a') do |file| file.puts message file.write "\n" end else @logger.debug "S3: file: "+File.basename(@tempFile)+" is too large, let's bucket it and create new file" upFile(false, File.basename(@tempFile)) @sizeCounter += 1 newFile(false) end # else we put all in one file else @logger.debug "S3: put event into "+File.basename(@tempFile) File.open(@tempFile, 'a') do |file| file.puts message file.write "\n" end end end def self.format_message(event) message = "Date: #{event[LogStash::Event::TIMESTAMP]}\n" message << "Source: #{event["source"]}\n" message << "Tags: #{event["tags"].join(', ')}\n" message << "Fields: #{event.to_hash.inspect}\n" message << "Message: #{event["message"]}" end end # Enjoy it, by Bistic:)