/*globals EmberDev */ import VERSION from 'ember/version'; import { ENV, context } from '@ember/-internals/environment'; import { libraries } from '@ember/-internals/metal'; import { getDebugFunction, setDebugFunction } from '@ember/debug'; import Application from '..'; import { Router, NoneLocation, Route as EmberRoute } from '@ember/-internals/routing'; import { jQueryDisabled, jQuery } from '@ember/-internals/views'; import { _loaded } from '@ember/application'; import Controller from '@ember/controller'; import { Object as EmberObject } from '@ember/-internals/runtime'; import { setTemplates } from '@ember/-internals/glimmer'; import { privatize as P } from '@ember/-internals/container'; import { assign } from '@ember/polyfills'; import { moduleFor, ApplicationTestCase, AbstractTestCase, AutobootApplicationTestCase, DefaultResolverApplicationTestCase, verifyInjection, verifyRegistration, } from 'internal-test-helpers'; import { run } from '@ember/runloop'; moduleFor( 'Application, autobooting multiple apps', class extends ApplicationTestCase { get fixture() { return `
`; } get applicationOptions() { return assign(super.applicationOptions, { rootElement: '#one', router: null, autoboot: true, }); } createSecondApplication(options) { let myOptions = assign(this.applicationOptions, options); return (this.secondApp = Application.create(myOptions)); } teardown() { super.teardown(); if (this.secondApp) { this.runTask(() => this.secondApp.destroy()); } } [`@test you can make a new application in a non-overlapping element`](assert) { let app = this.runTask(() => this.createSecondApplication({ rootElement: '#two', }) ); this.runTask(() => app.destroy()); assert.ok(true, 'should not raise'); } [`@test you cannot make a new application that is a parent of an existing application`]() { expectAssertion(() => { this.runTask(() => this.createSecondApplication({ rootElement: this.applicationOptions.rootElement, }) ); }); } [`@test you cannot make a new application that is a descendant of an existing application`]() { expectAssertion(() => { this.runTask(() => this.createSecondApplication({ rootElement: '#one-child', }) ); }); } [`@test you cannot make a new application that is a duplicate of an existing application`]() { expectAssertion(() => { this.runTask(() => this.createSecondApplication({ rootElement: '#one', }) ); }); } [`@test you cannot make two default applications without a rootElement error`]() { expectAssertion(() => { this.runTask(() => this.createSecondApplication()); }); } } ); moduleFor( 'Application', class extends ApplicationTestCase { [`@test builds a registry`](assert) { let { application } = this; assert.strictEqual( application.resolveRegistration('application:main'), application, `application:main is registered` ); assert.deepEqual( application.registeredOptionsForType('component'), { singleton: false }, `optionsForType 'component'` ); assert.deepEqual( application.registeredOptionsForType('view'), { singleton: false }, `optionsForType 'view'` ); verifyRegistration(assert, application, 'controller:basic'); verifyRegistration(assert, application, '-view-registry:main'); verifyInjection(assert, application, 'view', '_viewRegistry', '-view-registry:main'); verifyInjection(assert, application, 'route', '_topLevelViewTemplate', 'template:-outlet'); verifyRegistration(assert, application, 'route:basic'); verifyRegistration(assert, application, 'event_dispatcher:main'); verifyInjection(assert, application, 'router:main', 'namespace', 'application:main'); verifyInjection(assert, application, 'view:-outlet', 'namespace', 'application:main'); verifyRegistration(assert, application, 'location:auto'); verifyRegistration(assert, application, 'location:hash'); verifyRegistration(assert, application, 'location:history'); verifyRegistration(assert, application, 'location:none'); verifyInjection(assert, application, 'controller', 'target', 'router:main'); verifyInjection(assert, application, 'controller', 'namespace', 'application:main'); verifyRegistration(assert, application, P`-bucket-cache:main`); verifyInjection(assert, application, 'router', '_bucketCache', P`-bucket-cache:main`); verifyInjection(assert, application, 'route', '_bucketCache', P`-bucket-cache:main`); verifyInjection(assert, application, 'route', '_router', 'router:main'); verifyRegistration(assert, application, 'component:-text-field'); verifyRegistration(assert, application, 'component:-text-area'); verifyRegistration(assert, application, 'component:-checkbox'); verifyRegistration(assert, application, 'component:link-to'); verifyRegistration(assert, application, 'service:-routing'); verifyInjection(assert, application, 'service:-routing', 'router', 'router:main'); // DEBUGGING verifyRegistration(assert, application, 'resolver-for-debugging:main'); verifyInjection( assert, application, 'container-debug-adapter:main', 'resolver', 'resolver-for-debugging:main' ); verifyInjection( assert, application, 'data-adapter:main', 'containerDebugAdapter', 'container-debug-adapter:main' ); verifyRegistration(assert, application, 'container-debug-adapter:main'); verifyRegistration(assert, application, 'component-lookup:main'); verifyRegistration(assert, application, 'service:-glimmer-environment'); verifyRegistration(assert, application, 'service:-dom-changes'); verifyRegistration(assert, application, 'service:-dom-tree-construction'); verifyInjection( assert, application, 'service:-glimmer-environment', 'appendOperations', 'service:-dom-tree-construction' ); verifyInjection( assert, application, 'service:-glimmer-environment', 'updateOperations', 'service:-dom-changes' ); verifyInjection(assert, application, 'renderer', 'env', 'service:-glimmer-environment'); verifyRegistration(assert, application, 'view:-outlet'); verifyRegistration(assert, application, 'renderer:-dom'); verifyRegistration(assert, application, 'renderer:-inert'); verifyRegistration(assert, application, P`template:components/-default`); verifyRegistration(assert, application, 'template:-outlet'); verifyInjection(assert, application, 'view:-outlet', 'template', 'template:-outlet'); verifyInjection(assert, application, 'template', 'compiler', P`template-compiler:main`); assert.deepEqual( application.registeredOptionsForType('helper'), { instantiate: false }, `optionsForType 'helper'` ); } } ); moduleFor( 'Application, default resolver with autoboot', class extends DefaultResolverApplicationTestCase { constructor() { super(...arguments); this.originalLookup = context.lookup; } teardown() { context.lookup = this.originalLookup; super.teardown(); setTemplates({}); } get applicationOptions() { return assign(super.applicationOptions, { autoboot: true, }); } [`@test acts like a namespace`](assert) { this.application = this.runTask(() => this.createApplication()); let Foo = (this.application.Foo = EmberObject.extend()); assert.equal(Foo.toString(), 'TestApp.Foo', 'Classes pick up their parent namespace'); } [`@test can specify custom router`](assert) { let MyRouter = Router.extend(); this.runTask(() => { this.createApplication(); this.application.Router = MyRouter; }); assert.ok( this.application.__deprecatedInstance__.lookup('router:main') instanceof MyRouter, 'application resolved the correct router' ); } [`@test Minimal Application initialized with just an application template`]() { this.setupFixture(''); this.runTask(() => this.createApplication()); this.assertInnerHTML('Hello World'); } } ); moduleFor( 'Application, autobooting', class extends AutobootApplicationTestCase { constructor() { super(...arguments); this.originalLogVersion = ENV.LOG_VERSION; this.originalDebug = getDebugFunction('debug'); this.originalWarn = getDebugFunction('warn'); } teardown() { setDebugFunction('warn', this.originalWarn); setDebugFunction('debug', this.originalDebug); ENV.LOG_VERSION = this.originalLogVersion; super.teardown(); } [`@test initialized application goes to initial route`]() { this.runTask(() => { this.createApplication(); this.addTemplate('application', '{{outlet}}'); this.addTemplate('index', '

Hi from index

'); }); this.assertText('Hi from index'); } [`@test ready hook is called before routing begins`](assert) { assert.expect(2); this.runTask(() => { function registerRoute(application, name, callback) { let route = EmberRoute.extend({ activate: callback, }); application.register('route:' + name, route); } let MyApplication = Application.extend({ ready() { registerRoute(this, 'index', () => { assert.ok(true, 'last-minute route is activated'); }); }, }); let app = this.createApplication({}, MyApplication); registerRoute(app, 'application', () => assert.ok(true, 'normal route is activated')); }); } [`@test initialize application via initialize call`](assert) { this.runTask(() => this.createApplication()); // This is not a public way to access the container; we just // need to make some assertions about the created router let router = this.applicationInstance.lookup('router:main'); assert.equal(router instanceof Router, true, 'Router was set from initialize call'); assert.equal( router.location instanceof NoneLocation, true, 'Location was set from location implementation name' ); } [`@test initialize application with stateManager via initialize call from Router class`]( assert ) { this.runTask(() => { this.createApplication(); this.addTemplate('application', '


'); }); // This is not a public way to access the container; we just // need to make some assertions about the created router let router = this.application.__deprecatedInstance__.lookup('router:main'); assert.equal(router instanceof Router, true, 'Router was set from initialize call'); this.assertText('Hello!'); } [`@test Application Controller backs the appplication template`]() { this.runTask(() => { this.createApplication(); this.addTemplate('application', '


'); this.add( 'controller:application', Controller.extend({ greeting: 'Hello!', }) ); }); this.assertText('Hello!'); } [`@test enable log of libraries with an ENV var`](assert) { if (EmberDev && EmberDev.runningProdBuild) { assert.ok(true, 'Logging does not occur in production builds'); return; } let messages = []; ENV.LOG_VERSION = true; setDebugFunction('debug', message => messages.push(message)); libraries.register('my-lib', '2.0.0a'); this.runTask(() => this.createApplication()); assert.equal(messages[1], 'Ember : ' + VERSION); if (jQueryDisabled) { assert.equal(messages[2], 'my-lib : ' + '2.0.0a'); } else { assert.equal(messages[2], 'jQuery : ' + jQuery().jquery); assert.equal(messages[3], 'my-lib : ' + '2.0.0a'); } libraries.deRegister('my-lib'); } [`@test disable log of version of libraries with an ENV var`](assert) { let logged = false; ENV.LOG_VERSION = false; setDebugFunction('debug', () => (logged = true)); this.runTask(() => this.createApplication()); assert.ok(!logged, 'library version logging skipped'); } [`@test can resolve custom router`](assert) { let CustomRouter = Router.extend(); this.runTask(() => { this.createApplication(); this.add('router:main', CustomRouter); }); assert.ok( this.application.__deprecatedInstance__.lookup('router:main') instanceof CustomRouter, 'application resolved the correct router' ); } [`@test does not leak itself in onLoad._loaded`](assert) { assert.equal(_loaded.application, undefined); this.runTask(() => this.createApplication()); assert.equal(_loaded.application, this.application); this.runTask(() => this.application.destroy()); assert.equal(_loaded.application, undefined); } [`@test can build a registry via Application.buildRegistry() --- simulates ember-test-helpers`]( assert ) { let namespace = EmberObject.create({ Resolver: { create: function() {} }, }); let registry = Application.buildRegistry(namespace); assert.equal(registry.resolve('application:main'), namespace); } } ); moduleFor( 'Application#buildRegistry', class extends AbstractTestCase { [`@test can build a registry via Application.buildRegistry() --- simulates ember-test-helpers`]( assert ) { let namespace = EmberObject.create({ Resolver: { create() {} }, }); let registry = Application.buildRegistry(namespace); assert.equal(registry.resolve('application:main'), namespace); } } ); moduleFor( 'Application - instance tracking', class extends ApplicationTestCase { ['@test tracks built instance'](assert) { let instance = this.application.buildInstance(); run(() => { this.application.destroy(); }); assert.ok(instance.isDestroyed, 'instance was destroyed'); } ['@test tracks built instances'](assert) { let instanceA = this.application.buildInstance(); let instanceB = this.application.buildInstance(); run(() => { this.application.destroy(); }); assert.ok(instanceA.isDestroyed, 'instanceA was destroyed'); assert.ok(instanceB.isDestroyed, 'instanceB was destroyed'); } } );