require 'active_storage/blob_key' require 'cloudinary/helper' unless ActiveStorage::Blob.method_defined? :original_key class ActiveStorage::Blob alias_method :original_key, :key def key original_key end end end module ActiveStorage class Service::CloudinaryService < Service module Headers CONTENT_TYPE = "Content-Type".freeze CONTENT_MD5 = "Content-MD5".freeze end attr_reader :upload_options def initialize(**options) @options = options @helper = end def upload(key, io, filename: nil, checksum: nil, **options) instrument :upload, key: key, checksum: checksum do begin extra_headers = checksum.nil? ? {} : {Headers::CONTENT_MD5 => checksum} options = @options.merge(options) Cloudinary::Uploader.upload( io, public_id: public_id(key), resource_type: resource_type(io, key), context: {active_storage_key: key, checksum: checksum}, extra_headers: extra_headers, **options ) rescue CloudinaryException => e raise ActiveStorage::IntegrityError, e.message, e.backtrace end end end def url(key, filename: nil, content_type: '', **options) instrument :url, key: key do |payload| url = Cloudinary::Utils.cloudinary_url( public_id(key), resource_type: resource_type(nil, key), format: ext_for_content_type(content_type), **@options.merge(options.symbolize_keys) ) payload[:url] = url url end end def url_for_direct_upload(key, **options) instrument :url, key: key do |payload| options = {:resource_type => resource_type(nil, key)}.merge(@options.merge(options.symbolize_keys)) options[:public_id] = public_id(key) options[:context] = {active_storage_key: key} options.delete(:file) payload[:url] = api_uri("upload", options) end end def headers_for_direct_upload(key, content_type:, checksum:, **) { Headers::CONTENT_TYPE => content_type, Headers::CONTENT_MD5 => checksum, } end def delete(key) instrument :delete, key: key do Cloudinary::Uploader.destroy public_id(key), resource_type: resource_type(nil, key) end end def delete_prefixed(prefix) # This method is used by ActiveStorage to delete derived resources after the main resource was deleted. # In Cloudinary, the derived resources are deleted automatically when the main resource is deleted. end def exist?(key) instrument :exist, key: key do |payload| begin Cloudinary::Api.resource public_id(key), resource_type: resource_type(nil, key) true rescue Cloudinary::Api::NotFound => e false end end end def download(key, &block) url = Cloudinary::Utils.unsigned_download_url(public_id(key), resource_type: resource_type(nil, key)) uri = URI(url) if block_given? instrument :streaming_download, key: key do Net::HTTP.start(, uri.port) do |http| request = uri http.request request do |response| response.read_body &block end end end else instrument :download, key: key do res = Net::HTTP::get_response(uri) res.body end end end # Return the partial content in the byte +range+ of the file at the +key+. def download_chunk(key, range) url = Cloudinary::Utils.unsigned_download_url(public_id(key), resource_type: resource_type(nil, key)) uri = URI(url) instrument :download, key: key do req = range_end = case when range.end.nil? then '' when range.exclude_end? then range.end - 1 else range.end end req['range'] = "bytes=#{[range.begin, range_end].join('-')}" res = Net::HTTP.start(uri.hostname, uri.port) do |http| http.request(req) end res.body.force_encoding(Encoding::BINARY) end end private def api_uri(action, options) base_url = Cloudinary::Utils.cloudinary_api_url(action, options) upload_params = Cloudinary::Uploader.build_upload_params(options) upload_params.reject! {|k, v| Cloudinary::Utils.safe_blank?(v)} unless options[:unsigned] upload_params = Cloudinary::Utils.sign_request(upload_params, options) end "#{base_url}?#{upload_params.to_query}" end def ext_for_content_type(content_type) @formats ||= do |h, key| ext = Rack::Mime::MIME_TYPES.invert[key] h[key] = ext.slice(1..-1) unless ext.nil? end @formats[content_type] end def public_id(key) # TODO: Allow custom manipulation of key to obscure how we store in Cloudinary key end def resource_type(io, key = "") return 'image' unless key.respond_to? :attributes options = key.attributes content_type = options[:content_type] || (io.nil? ? '' : Marcel::MimeType.for(io)) case content_type.split('/')[0] when 'video' 'video' when 'text' 'raw' else 'image' end end end end