rails_best_practices ==================== rails_best_practices is a code metric tool to check the quality of rails codes. Usage ----- At the root directory of rails app rails_best_practices . or html output rails_best_practices -f html . By default rails_best_practices will do parse codes in vendor, spec, test and features directories. If you need, see the command options: $ rails_best_practices -h Usage: rails_best_practices [options] -d, --debug Debug mode -f, --format FORMAT output format --without-color only output plain text without color --with-textmate open file by textmate in html format --with-mvim open file by mvim in html format --vendor include vendor files --spec include spec files --test include test files --features include features files -x, --exclude PATTERNS Don't analyze files matching a pattern (comma-separated regexp list) -g, --generate Generate configuration yaml -v, --version Show this version -h, --help Show this message Resources --------- Homepage: <http://rails-bestpractices.com> Github: <http://github.com/flyerhzm/rails_best_practices> RDoc: <http://rdoc.rails-bestpractices.com> Team Blog <http://rails-bestpractices.com/blog/posts> Google Group: <https://groups.google.com/group/rails_best_practices> Wiki: <http://github.com/flyerhzm/rails_best_practices/wiki> Issue Tracker: <http://github.com/flyerhzm/rails_best_practices/issues> Donating -------- <a href='http://www.pledgie.com/campaigns/12057'>Support rails_best_practices at Pledgie</a> Install ------- gem install rails_best_practices Issue ----- If you install the rails_best_practices with bundler-installed github-sourced gem, please use the following command instead. bundle exec rails_best_practices . If you got NoMethodError or any syntax error, you should use debug mode to detect which file rails_best_practices is parsing and getting the error. rails_best_practices -d . Then give me the error stack and the source code of the file that rails_best_practices is parsing error. Customize Configuration ----------------------- First run rails_best_practices -g to generate `rails_best_practices.yml` file. Now you can customize this configuration file, the default configuration is as follows: MoveFinderToNamedScopeCheck: { } UseModelAssociationCheck: { } UseScopeAccessCheck: { } AddModelVirtualAttributeCheck: { } ReplaceComplexCreationWithFactoryMethodCheck: { attribute_assignment_count: 2 } MoveModelLogicIntoModelCheck: { use_count: 4 } OveruseRouteCustomizationsCheck: { customize_count: 3 } NeedlessDeepNestingCheck: { nested_count: 2 } NotUseDefaultRouteCheck: { } KeepFindersOnTheirOwnModelCheck: { } LawOfDemeterCheck: { } UseObserverCheck: { } IsolateSeedDataCheck: { } AlwaysAddDbIndexCheck: { } UseBeforeFilterCheck: { } MoveCodeIntoControllerCheck: { } MoveCodeIntoModelCheck: { use_count: 2 } MoveCodeIntoHelperCheck: { array_count: 3 } ReplaceInstanceVariableWithLocalVariableCheck: { } DryBundlerInCapistranoCheck: { } UseSayWithTimeInMigrationsCheck: { } UseQueryAttributeCheck: { } RemoveTrailingWhitespaceCheck: { } UseMultipartAlternativeAsContentTypeOfEmailCheck: {} You can remove or comment one review to disable it, and you can change the options. Implementation -------------- Move code from Controller to Model 1. Move finder to named_scope (rails2 only) 2. Use model association 3. Use scope access 4. Add model virtual attribute 5. Replace Complex Creation with Factory Method 6. Move Model Logic into the Model RESTful Conventions 1. Overuse route customizations 2. Needless deep nesting 3. Not use default route Model 1. Keep Finders on Their Own Model (rails2 only) 2. the Law of Demeter 3. Use Observer 4. Use Query Attribute Mailer 1. Use multipart/alternative as content_type of email Migration 1. Isolating Seed Data 2. Always add DB index 3. Use Say with Time in Migrations Controller 1. Use before_filter View 1. Move code into controller 2. Move code into model 3. Move code into helper 4. Replace instance variable with local variable Deployment 1. Dry bundler in capistrano Other 1. Remove Trailing Whitespace Contribute ---------- If you want to add your rails best practices into the gem, please post your best practices on <http://rails-bestpractices.com> Contact Us ---------- We provide rails consulting services, you can contact us by twitter or email. Follow us on twitter: <http://twitter.com/railsbp> Send us email: <team@rails-bestpractices.com> Copyright © 2009 - 2011 Richard Huang (flyerhzm@gmail.com), released under the MIT license