merge = require('assimilate').withStrategy 'deep' type = require 'type' observable = require('observable').mixin $ = require 'jquery' # TODO remove jquery dependency and use simple promises implementation rest = require './rest.js' root = exports ? @ `import './dirtyable.js'` util = model: map: (records) -> @ record for record in records restful = model: # returns an array of promises create: (params..., callback) -> throw new TypeError("No arguments provided for #{@resource}.create") unless arguments.length unless typeof callback == 'function' params.push callback callback = undefined params.unshift {} unless params.length savings = [] for attributes in params # TODO accept dirty as attribute on record creation record = @ attributes record.dirty = true savings.push callback $.when savings... # returns a promise # TODO move to scopable every: (conditions = {}, doned, failed) -> if typeof conditions == 'function' doned = conditions conditions = {} # TODO Consider parent resources # if @parent and not @parent._id # return @model, [] $.when( @, conditions) .then( ) .done(doned ) .fail failed first: (conditions = {}, callback) -> if typeof conditions == 'function' callback = conditions conditions = {} namespaced = conditions[@resource] || {} namespaced.limit = 1 namespaced.order = 'desc' # TODO should fail when server returns more then one record @every conditions, callback # TODO better treating of arguments get: (action, data = {}) -> # TODO better way to override route old_route = @route # TODO extract route generation concern default_route = '/' default_route += @resource.scope + '/' if @resource.scope? default_route += if @resource.singular then else model.pluralize # TODO think why this code is here @route = default_route unless default_route == @route if action # TODO Get own property descriptor, or better way do override route Object.defineProperty @, 'route', value: "#{default_route}/#{action}" configurable: true # TODO not allow resource overriding resource = data.resource data = data.json() if data and data.json if resource? payload = data data = {} data[resource] = payload promise = @, data # TODO Get own property descriptor, or better way do override route Object.defineProperty @, 'route', value: old_route configurable: true promise put: rest.put delete: rest.delete record: ready: (callback) -> @ reload: (params...) -> # TODO better signature implementation data = params.pop() params.push data if type(data) != 'object' promise = @, data || {} promise.done @assign_attributes @failed @reloading = promise # Assign ready callback before, to allow promise override @ready = -> console.warn "resource.ready was deprecated, please use resource.reloading.done" promise.done arguments... # Bind one time save callbacks promise.done param for param in params promise # TODO sufix association attributes with '_attributes' and remove # double checking in this method assign_attributes: (attributes) -> # TODO only set associations on nested attributes! # TODO implement setter on has_many association and move this code there # First assign has_many associations for association_name in model[@resource.toString()].has_many associations_attributes = attributes[association_name + "_attributes"] or attributes[association_name] # TODO copy attributes object and don't change it inside the assignment method # TODO sufix association attributes with '_attributes' and remove # double checking in this method delete attributes[association_name] # Remove loaded json data delete attributes[association_name + '_attributes'] # Remove loaded json data # Clear current stored cache on this association # TODO implement setter on this association and let user to set # it to an empty array association = @[association_name] unless association? message = "Association '#{association_name}' not found. \n" message += "For record with resource #{@resource}. \n" message += "Probably defined on server side but not on client side.\n" message += "Skipping association assignment!" console.warn message continue # TODO implement association.clear association, 0 if association.length # continue if no associations_attributes were found by the server continue unless associations_attributes? and associations_attributes.length singular_resource = model.singularize association_name # Normalize json data for building on association for association_attributes in associations_attributes # TODO only nest specified nested attributes on model definition # TODO create special deserialization method on plural association # TODO check if we need to nest attributes in other association types for association_name in model[singular_resource].has_many association_attributes["#{association_name}_attributes"] = association_attributes[association_name] # TODO copy attributes object and don't change it inside # the assignment method delete association_attributes[association_name] # Load new associations_attributes on this association association.add associations_attributes... # Nested attributes # TODO implement setter on has_one association and move this # code there for association_name in model[@resource.toString()].has_one association_attributes = attributes[association_name] # TODO copy attributes object and don't change it inside the # assignment method delete attributes[association_name] delete attributes[association_name + "_attributes"] if association_attributes associated = @[association_name] || @["build_#{association_name}"] _id: association_attributes._id associated.assign_attributes association_attributes @[association_name] = associated # Nested attributes # TODO implement setter on belongs_to association and move this # code there for association_name in model[@resource.toString()].belongs_to association_attributes = attributes[association_name]?.json?() ? attributes[association_name] # TODO copy attributes object and don't change it inside the # assignment method delete attributes[association_name] delete attributes[association_name + "_attributes"] if association_attributes associated = @[association_name] || @["build_#{association_name}"] _id: association_attributes._id associated.assign_attributes association_attributes @[association_name] = associated # Assign remaining attributes # TODO see if it is a best practice not overriding unchanged attributes # TODO rename attributes for properties for name, attribute of attributes when attribute isnt @[name] # TODO faster object property assignment, get from model definition, instead of checking every attribute # TODO implement custom comparator for each object when es7 is out if type(attribute) == 'object' @[name] = attributes[name] if JSON.stringify(attribute) != JSON.stringify @[name] else @[name] = attributes[name] destroy: (doned, failed, data) -> throw new Error 'Can\'t delete record without id!' unless @id? or @_id? promise = @, data promise.done @destroyed @failed # Bind one time save callbacks promise.done doned failed promise saving: false salvation: null save: (doned, failed, data) -> lock = JSON.stringify @json() # When saving and receive save command again check if the model # has changed, then abort the salvation operation and send a new # save request # TODO check dirty property instead of lock! if @saving if @lock == lock return @salvation else @salvation.abort() # TODO better lock generation @lock = lock # TODO remove jquery dependency # TODO think with wich value makes more sense to resolve the # absence of need to save the model salvation = $.Deferred().resolveWith @, null unless @dirty @saving = true salvation ||= rest[if @_id then 'put' else 'post'].call @, data @salvation = salvation salvation.done @saved @failed salvation.always -> @saving = false # Bind one time save callbacks salvation.done doned failed salvation saved: (data) -> # TODO better lock generation if @lock == JSON.stringify(@json()) @dirty = false delete @lock @assign_attributes data if data? throw "Not supported after_save callback: " + callback for callback in @after_save if @after_save # Parse error json if any failed: (xhr, error, status) -> payload = xhr.responseJSON try payload ||= JSON.parse(xhr.responseText) catch e payload ||= xhr.responseText # When client fail switch xhr.status # TODO move to validatable when 0 message = status or xhr.statusText switch message when 'abort' "salvation probably aborted" when 'error' "server probably unreachable" else throw new Error 'Unhandled status code for xhr' when 422 definition = model[@resource.toString()] for attribute_name, messages of payload.errors # TODO add support for error checking message introspection # Check for association errors if (!definition.associations) # TODO update this attribute when associations are dinamically changed definition.associations = definition.has_one.concat(definition.has_many.concat(definition.belongs_to)) # Only add errors to existing attributes # TODO shorten this verification unless @hasOwnProperty(attribute_name) or definition.hasOwnProperty(attribute_name) or definition.associations.indexOf(attribute_name) != -1 or attribute_name == 'base' message = "Server returned an validation error message for a attribute that is not defined in your model.\n" message += "The attribute was '#{attribute_name}', the model resource was '#{@resource}'.\n" message += "The model definition keys were '#{JSON.stringify Object.keys definition }'.\n" message += "Please remove server validation, or update your model definition." throw new TypeError message for message in messages @errors.add attribute_name, 'server', server_message: message # Unknown fail else message = "Fail in #{@resource}.save:\n" message += "Record: #{@}\n" message += "Status: #{status} (#{(payload || xhr).status})\n" message += "Error : #{payload.error || payload.message || payload}" console.log message # Finish saving @saving = false # TODO move to toString: -> serialized = {} serialized[@resource] = @json() try # TODO figure out why it throws circular references sometines JSON.stringify serialized catch e console.warn "restfulable.toString: Failed to stringify record: #{e.message}. retrying..." for name, property of serialized delete serialized[name] if typeof property == 'object' JSON.stringify serialized # TODO move this to serializable module # TODO figure out why sometimes is rendering a circular referenced json # TODO rename to toJSON json: (options = {}) -> json = {} definition = model[@resource.toString()] for name of @ # TODO smarter way to ignore Dom node fix properties continue if observable.ignores.indexOf(name) != -1 # TODO treat other associations to! # TODO create association reflection for god sake! nested = @nested_attributes.indexOf(name) != -1 # Skip association attributes that are note nested TODO create # an associations array continue if not nested and (definition.belongs_to.indexOf(name) != -1 or definition.has_one.indexOf(name) != -1 or definition.has_many.indexOf(name) != -1) # TODO Bypass only undefined values so we can erase data on server value = @[name] continue unless value? nature = type value continue if nature == 'function' if nature == 'object' or nature == 'element' if nested unless value.json console.warn "json: Tryied to serialize nested attribute '#{name}' without serialization method!" continue # TODO move nested attributes to model definition and # implement toJSON there json["#{name}_attributes"] = value.json options[name] # Serialize complex type values else if value.toJSON? || value.json? # FIXME sometimes wrong pluralization occurs and we cannot # skip association objects, so detect them and skip here continue if value.resource # TODO rename json to toJSON if value.json? json[name] = value.json options[name] else json[name] = value.toJSON options[name] # It is a complex type value without serializtion support so # we just ignore it else # TODO maybe log warning based on debug or info flag here? continue else # Serialize primitive type values json[name] = value # Remove observable options and dom node properties json = observable.unobserve json for name, value of options.methods ? {} method = @[name] if typeof method == 'function' json[name] = method() else json[name] = method # TODO Store reserved words in a array # TODO Use _.omit function # TODO Use object.defineProperty to not need to delete this properties # Remove model reserved words delete json.dirty delete json.resource delete json.route delete json.initial_route # TODO implement better initial_route and remove attribute from here delete json.after_initialize delete json.before_initialize delete json.parent_resource delete json.nested_attributes delete json.reloading delete json.ready delete json.saving delete json.salvation delete json.sustained delete json.element delete json.default delete json.lock delete json.validated delete json.validation delete json.errors json # TODO pt udeprecation warning on json method # TODO rename json method to toJSON restful.toJSON = restful.json # Extend indemma model = window.model # TODO better way to get parent record = window.record # TODO better way to get parent model.restfulable = true record.mix (recordable) -> merge recordable, restful.record model.mix (modelable ) -> merge modelable , restful.model model.associable && model.associable.mix (singular_association, plural_association) -> # TODO move route setting to plural_association.after_mix plural_association.get = -> @route ||= "#{@parent.route}/#{@parent._id}/#{model.pluralize}" if @parent? rest.get.apply @, arguments = -> @route ||= "#{@parent.route}/#{@parent._id}/#{model.pluralize}" if @parent? @, arguments