require 'pio/open_flow10/send_out_port' describe Pio::SendOutPort do describe '.new' do When(:send_out_port) { } context 'with 1' do Given(:options) { 1 } Then { send_out_port.port_number == 1 } Then { send_out_port.max_len == 2**16 - 1 } describe '#==' do When(:result) { send_out_port == other } context 'with' do Given(:other) { } Then { result == true } end context 'with' do Given(:other) { } Then { result == false } end end end context 'with 0' do Given(:options) { 0 } Then do send_out_port == Failure(ArgumentError, 'The port_number should be > 0') end end context 'with 0xff01 (OFPP_MAX + 1)' do Given(:options) { 0xff01 } Then do send_out_port == Failure(ArgumentError, 'The port_number should be < 0xff00') end end context 'with :in_port' do Given(:options) { :in_port } Then { send_out_port.port_number == :in_port } end context 'with :table' do Given(:options) { :table } Then { send_out_port.port_number == :table } end context 'with :normal' do Given(:options) { :normal } Then { send_out_port.port_number == :normal } end context 'with :flood' do Given(:options) { :flood } Then { send_out_port.port_number == :flood } end context 'with :all' do Given(:options) { :all } Then { send_out_port.port_number == :all } end context 'with :controller' do Given(:options) { :controller } Then { send_out_port.port_number == :controller } end context 'with :controller' do Given(:options) { :local } Then { send_out_port.port_number == :local } end context 'with :controller' do Given(:options) { :none } Then { send_out_port.port_number == :none } end context 'with port_number: NUMBER option' do Given(:options) { { port_number: 1 } } Then { send_out_port.port_number == 1 } end context 'with port_number: SYMBOL option' do Given(:options) { { port_number: :flood } } Then { send_out_port.port_number == :flood } end context 'with port_number: and max_len: option' do Given(:options) { { port_number: 1, max_len: 256 } } Then { send_out_port.port_number == 1 } Then { send_out_port.max_len == 256 } end context 'with invalid max_len: (-1) option' do Given(:options) { { port_number: 1, max_len: -1 } } Then do send_out_port == Failure(ArgumentError, 'The max_len should be an unsigned 16bit integer.') end end context 'with invalid max_len: (2**16) option' do Given(:options) { { port_number: 1, max_len: 2**16 } } Then do send_out_port == Failure(ArgumentError, 'The max_len should be an unsigned 16bit integer.') end end end end