/// /// This implements the bridge between Origen and the simulation, it implements a /// simple string-based message protocol for communicating between the two domains /// #include "bridge.h" #include "client.h" #include "defines.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #define MAX_NUMBER_PINS 2000 #define MAX_WAVE_EVENTS 50 #define MAX_TRANSACTION_ERRORS 128 typedef struct Pin { char *name; vpiHandle data; // A handle to the driver data register vpiHandle drive; // A handle to the driver drive enable register vpiHandle force_data; // A handle to the driver force_data register vpiHandle compare; // A handle to the driver compare enable register vpiHandle capture; // A handle to the driver capture enable register int drive_wave; // Index of the drive wave to be used for this pin int compare_wave; // Index of the compare wave to be used for this pin int drive_wave_pos; // Position of the pin in the drive_wave's active pin array int compare_wave_pos; // Position of the pin in the compare_wave's active pin array int index; // The pin's index in the pins array int previous_state; // Used to keep track of whether the pin was previously driving or comparing int drive_data; // Used to hold the new drive data for this pin until needed by the drive wave bool capture_en; // Used to indicated when compare data should be captured instead of compared bool present; // Set to true if the pin is present in the testbench } Pin; typedef struct Event { uint64_t time; char data; } Event; typedef struct Wave { Event events[MAX_WAVE_EVENTS]; Pin *active_pins[MAX_NUMBER_PINS]; int active_pin_count; } Wave; // Used to record a miscompare event that is used by OrigenSim to work out the actual data // from a failed register read transaction typedef struct Miscompare { char *pin_name; unsigned long long cycle; int expected; int received; } Miscompare; static Miscompare miscompares[MAX_TRANSACTION_ERRORS]; static int transaction_error_count = 0; static bool transaction_open = false; static int match_loop_error_count = 0; static bool match_loop_open = false; static uint64_t period_in_simtime_units; static unsigned long repeat = 0; static Pin pins[MAX_NUMBER_PINS]; static int number_of_pins = 0; // Allocate space for a unique wave for each pin, in reality it will be much less static Wave drive_waves[MAX_NUMBER_PINS]; static int number_of_drive_waves = 0; static Wave compare_waves[MAX_NUMBER_PINS]; static int number_of_compare_waves = 0; static int runtime_errors = 0; static int log_messages = 0; static int error_count = 0; static int max_errors = 100; static unsigned long long cycle_count = 0; static bool max_errors_exceeded = false; static bool max_errors_exceeded_during_transaction = false; static void set_period(char*); static void define_pin(char*, char*, char*, char*); static void define_wave(char*, char*, char*); static void cycle(void); static void drive_pin(char*, char*); static void compare_pin(char*, char*); static void capture_pin(char*); static void stop_capture_pin(char*); static void dont_care_pin(char*); static void register_wave_events(void); static void register_wave_event(int, int, int, uint64_t); static void enable_drive_wave(Pin*); static void disable_drive_wave(Pin*); static void enable_compare_wave(Pin*); static void disable_compare_wave(Pin*); static void clear_waves_and_pins(void); static bool is_drive_whole_cycle(Pin*); static void origen_log(int, const char*, ...); static void end_simulation(void); static void on_max_errors_exceeded(void); static void define_pin(char * name, char * pin_ix, char * drive_wave_ix, char * compare_wave_ix) { int index = atoi(pin_ix); Pin *pin = &pins[index]; number_of_pins += 1; (*pin).name = malloc(strlen(name) + 1); strcpy((*pin).name, name); (*pin).index = index; (*pin).drive_wave = atoi(drive_wave_ix); (*pin).compare_wave = atoi(compare_wave_ix); (*pin).previous_state = 0; (*pin).capture_en = false; (*pin).drive_data = 0; char * driver = (char *) malloc(strlen(name) + 16); strcpy(driver, ORIGEN_SIM_TESTBENCH_CAT("pins.")); strcat(driver, name); char * data = (char *) malloc(strlen(driver) + 16); strcpy(data, driver); strcat(data, ".data"); (*pin).data = vpi_handle_by_name(data, NULL); free(data); if (!(*pin).data) { origen_log(LOG_WARNING, "Your DUT defines pin '%s', however it is not present in the testbench and will be ignored", (*pin).name); (*pin).present = false; } else { (*pin).present = true; } char * drive = (char *) malloc(strlen(driver) + 16); strcpy(drive, driver); strcat(drive, ".drive"); (*pin).drive = vpi_handle_by_name(drive, NULL); free(drive); char * force = (char *) malloc(strlen(driver) + 16); strcpy(force, driver); strcat(force, ".force_data"); (*pin).force_data = vpi_handle_by_name(force, NULL); free(force); char * compare = (char *) malloc(strlen(driver) + 16); strcpy(compare, driver); strcat(compare, ".compare"); (*pin).compare = vpi_handle_by_name(compare, NULL); free(compare); char * capture = (char *) malloc(strlen(driver) + 16); strcpy(capture, driver); strcat(capture, ".capture"); (*pin).capture = vpi_handle_by_name(capture, NULL); free(capture); free(driver); } static void define_wave(char * index, char * compare, char * events) { int ix = atoi(index); Wave * wave; if (compare[0] == '0') { wave = &drive_waves[ix]; number_of_drive_waves += 1; } else { wave = &compare_waves[ix]; number_of_compare_waves += 1; } char * token; // strtok needs a writable copy of events char * myevents = (char *) malloc(strlen(events) + 1); strcpy(myevents, events); int i = 0; token = strtok(myevents, "_"); while (token != NULL) { (*wave).events[i].time = (int)strtol(token, NULL, 10); token = strtok(NULL, "_"); (*wave).events[i].data = token[0]; token = strtok(NULL, "_"); i++; } (*wave).events[i].data = 'T'; // Indicate that there are no more events free(myevents); (*wave).active_pin_count = 0; } static void register_wave_events() { for (int i = 0; i < number_of_drive_waves; i++) { if (drive_waves[i].active_pin_count) { int x = 0; while (drive_waves[i].events[x].data != 'T' && x < MAX_WAVE_EVENTS) { uint64_t time; time = drive_waves[i].events[x].time; // TODO: May save some time by calling directly at time 0 //if (time == 0) { //} else { register_wave_event(i, x, 0, time); //} x++; } } } for (int i = 0; i < number_of_compare_waves; i++) { if (compare_waves[i].active_pin_count) { int x = 0; while (compare_waves[i].events[x].data != 'T' && x < MAX_WAVE_EVENTS) { uint64_t time; time = compare_waves[i].events[x].time; // TODO: May save some time by calling directly at time 0 //if (time == 0) { //} else { register_wave_event(i, x, 1, time); //} x++; } } } } /// Enables the drive condition of the given pin. /// This is done by adding the pin to the wave's active pin list, if the wave has /// at least one pin in its list, the necessary callbacks will get triggered on every /// cycle to implement the required waveform. static void enable_drive_wave(Pin * pin) { Wave *wave = &drive_waves[(*pin).drive_wave]; (*wave).active_pins[(*wave).active_pin_count] = pin; (*pin).drive_wave_pos = (*wave).active_pin_count; (*wave).active_pin_count += 1; } static void disable_drive_wave(Pin * pin) { Wave *wave = &drive_waves[(*pin).drive_wave]; if ((*wave).active_pin_count == 0) { origen_log(LOG_ERROR, "Wanted to disable drive on pin %i, but its drive wave has no active pins!", (*pin).index); end_simulation(); } // If pin is last, we can clear it by just decrementing the active pin counter if ((*pin).drive_wave_pos != (*wave).active_pin_count - 1) { // Otherwise we can remove it by overwriting it with the current last pin in the // array, since the order is not important (*wave).active_pins[(*pin).drive_wave_pos] = (*wave).active_pins[(*wave).active_pin_count - 1]; // Need to let the moved pin know its new position (*(*wave).active_pins[(*pin).drive_wave_pos]).drive_wave_pos = (*pin).drive_wave_pos; } (*wave).active_pin_count -= 1; } static void enable_compare_wave(Pin * pin) { Wave *wave = &compare_waves[(*pin).compare_wave]; (*wave).active_pins[(*wave).active_pin_count] = pin; (*pin).compare_wave_pos = (*wave).active_pin_count; (*wave).active_pin_count += 1; } static void disable_compare_wave(Pin * pin) { Wave *wave = &compare_waves[(*pin).compare_wave]; // If pin is last, we can clear it by just decrementing the active pin counter if ((*pin).compare_wave_pos != (*wave).active_pin_count - 1) { // Otherwise we can remove it by overwriting it with the current last pin in the // array, since the order is not important (*wave).active_pins[(*pin).compare_wave_pos] = (*wave).active_pins[(*wave).active_pin_count - 1]; // Need to let the moved pin know its new position (*(*wave).active_pins[(*pin).compare_wave_pos]).compare_wave_pos = (*pin).compare_wave_pos; } (*wave).active_pin_count -= 1; } static void clear_waves_and_pins() { for (int i = 0; i < number_of_pins; i++) { Pin *pin = &pins[i]; free((*pin).name); } number_of_pins = 0; number_of_drive_waves = 0; number_of_compare_waves = 0; } static void set_period(char * p_in_simtime_units_str) { uint64_t p = (uint64_t) strtol(p_in_simtime_units_str, NULL, 10); period_in_simtime_units = p; clear_waves_and_pins(); } static bool is_drive_whole_cycle(Pin * pin) { Wave *wave = &drive_waves[(*pin).drive_wave]; // If drive wave only has one event if ((*wave).events[1].data == 'T') { // Return true if the single event specifies drive for the whole cycle return (*wave).events[0].data == 'D' && (*wave).events[0].time == 0; } else { return false; } } /// Immediately drives the given pin to the given value static void drive_pin(char * index, char * val) { Pin *pin = &pins[atoi(index)]; s_vpi_value v = {vpiIntVal, {0}}; if ((*pin).present) { // Store the pin drive data to be applied at the data edge (*pin).drive_data = (val[0] - '0'); // Apply the data value to the pin's driver if (is_drive_whole_cycle(pin)) { v.value.integer = (*pin).drive_data; vpi_put_value((*pin).data, &v, NULL, vpiNoDelay); } // Make sure not comparing v.value.integer = 0; vpi_put_value((*pin).compare, &v, NULL, vpiNoDelay); // Register it as actively driving with it's wave // If it is already driving the wave will already be setup if ((*pin).previous_state != 1) { // If the drive is for the whole cycle, then we can enable it here // and don't need a callback if (is_drive_whole_cycle(pin)) { v.value.integer = 1; vpi_put_value((*pin).drive, &v, NULL, vpiNoDelay); } else { enable_drive_wave(pin); } if ((*pin).previous_state == 2) { disable_compare_wave(pin); } (*pin).previous_state = 1; } } } /// Immediately sets the given pin to compare against the given value static void compare_pin(char * index, char * val) { Pin *pin = &pins[atoi(index)]; s_vpi_value v = {vpiIntVal, {0}}; if ((*pin).present) { // Apply the data value to the pin's driver, don't enable compare yet, // the wave will do that later v.value.integer = (val[0] - '0'); vpi_put_value((*pin).data, &v, NULL, vpiNoDelay); // Make sure not driving v.value.integer = 0; vpi_put_value((*pin).drive, &v, NULL, vpiNoDelay); // Register it as actively comparing with it's wave // If it is already comparing the wave will already be setup if ((*pin).previous_state != 2) { enable_compare_wave(pin); if ((*pin).previous_state == 1) { if (!is_drive_whole_cycle(pin)) { disable_drive_wave(pin); } } (*pin).previous_state = 2; } } } /// Immediately sets the given pin to capture by registering it for compare /// but with its capture flag set static void capture_pin(char * index) { Pin *pin = &pins[atoi(index)]; (*pin).capture_en = true; compare_pin(index, "0"); } /// Immediately sets the given pin to stop capture by clearing its capture flag static void stop_capture_pin(char * index) { Pin *pin = &pins[atoi(index)]; (*pin).capture_en = false; } /// Immediately sets the given pin to don't compare static void dont_care_pin(char * index) { Pin *pin = &pins[atoi(index)]; s_vpi_value v = {vpiIntVal, {0}}; if ((*pin).present) { // Disable drive and compare on the pin's driver v.value.integer = 0; vpi_put_value((*pin).drive, &v, NULL, vpiNoDelay); vpi_put_value((*pin).compare, &v, NULL, vpiNoDelay); if ((*pin).previous_state != 0) { if ((*pin).previous_state == 1) { if (!is_drive_whole_cycle(pin)) { disable_drive_wave(pin); } } if ((*pin).previous_state == 2) { disable_compare_wave(pin); } (*pin).previous_state = 0; } } } /// Callback handler to implement the events registered by register_wave_event PLI_INT32 apply_wave_event_cb(p_cb_data data) { s_vpi_value v = {vpiIntVal, {0}}; s_vpi_value v2 = {vpiIntVal, {0}}; s_vpi_value v3 = {vpiIntVal, {0}}; int * wave_ix = (int*)(&(data->user_data[0])); int * event_ix = (int*)(&(data->user_data[sizeof(int)])); int * compare = (int*)(&(data->user_data[sizeof(int) * 2])); Wave * wave; if (*compare) { wave = &compare_waves[*wave_ix]; int d; switch((*wave).events[*event_ix].data) { case 'C' : d = 1; break; case 'X' : d = 0; break; default : origen_log(LOG_ERROR, "Unknown compare event: %c", (*wave).events[*event_ix].data); runtime_errors += 1; end_simulation(); return 1; } v.value.integer = d; for (int i = 0; i < (*wave).active_pin_count; i++) { if ((*(*wave).active_pins[i]).capture_en) { vpi_put_value((*(*wave).active_pins[i]).capture, &v, NULL, vpiNoDelay); } else { vpi_put_value((*(*wave).active_pins[i]).compare, &v, NULL, vpiNoDelay); } } } else { wave = &drive_waves[*wave_ix]; //vpi_printf("[DEBUG] Apply drive wave %i, event %i, data %c\n", *wave_ix, *event_ix, (*wave).events[*event_ix].data); int d; int on; switch((*wave).events[*event_ix].data) { case '0' : d = 1; on = 1; break; case '1' : d = 2; on = 1; break; case 'D' : d = 0; on = 1; // Apply the data value to the pin's driver for (int i = 0; i < (*wave).active_pin_count; i++) { v3.value.integer = (*(*wave).active_pins[i]).drive_data; vpi_put_value((*(*wave).active_pins[i]).data, &v3, NULL, vpiNoDelay); } break; case 'X' : d = 0; on = 0; break; default : origen_log(LOG_ERROR, "Unknown drive event: %c\n", (*wave).events[*event_ix].data); runtime_errors += 1; end_simulation(); return 1; } v.value.integer = d; v2.value.integer = on; if (on) { for (int i = 0; i < (*wave).active_pin_count; i++) { vpi_put_value((*(*wave).active_pins[i]).force_data, &v, NULL, vpiNoDelay); vpi_put_value((*(*wave).active_pins[i]).drive, &v2, NULL, vpiNoDelay); } } else { for (int i = 0; i < (*wave).active_pin_count; i++) { vpi_put_value((*(*wave).active_pins[i]).drive, &v2, NULL, vpiNoDelay); } } } free(data->user_data); return 0; } /// Registers a callback to apply the given wave during this cycle static void register_wave_event(int wave_ix, int event_ix, int compare, uint64_t delay_in_simtime_units) { s_cb_data call; s_vpi_time time; // This will get freed by the callback char * user_data = (char *) malloc((sizeof(int) * 3)); int * d0 = (int*)(&user_data[0]); int * d1 = (int*)(&user_data[sizeof(int)]); int * d2 = (int*)(&user_data[sizeof(int) * 2]); *d0 = wave_ix; *d1 = event_ix; *d2 = compare; time.type = vpiSimTime; time.high = (uint32_t)(delay_in_simtime_units >> 32); time.low = (uint32_t)(delay_in_simtime_units); call.reason = cbAfterDelay; call.cb_rtn = apply_wave_event_cb; call.obj = 0; call.time = &time; call.value = 0; call.user_data = user_data; vpi_free_object(vpi_register_cb(&call)); } /// Entry point to the bridge_wait_for_msg loop PLI_INT32 bridge_init() { client_put("READY!\n"); return bridge_wait_for_msg(NULL); } /// Send output to the Origen log, this will be automatically timestamped to the simulation and /// sprintf type arguments can be supplied when calling: /// /// origen_log(LOG_ERROR, "Wanted to disable drive on pin %i, but its drive wave has no active pins!", (*pin).index); /// origen_log(LOG_INFO, "Something to tell you about"); static void origen_log(int type, const char * fmt, ...) { s_vpi_time now; int max_msg_len = 2048; char msg[max_msg_len]; va_list aptr; now.type = vpiSimTime; vpi_get_time(0, &now); va_start(aptr, fmt); vsprintf(msg, fmt, aptr); va_end(aptr); vpi_printf("!%d![%u,%u] %s\n", type, now.high, now.low, msg); }; /// Waits and responds to instructions from Origen (to set pin states). /// When Origen requests a cycle, time will be advanced and this func will be called again. PLI_INT32 bridge_wait_for_msg(p_cb_data data) { UNUSED(data); int max_msg_len = 1024; char msg[max_msg_len]; char comment[128]; int err; int timescale; int type; char *opcode, *arg1, *arg2, *arg3, *arg4; vpiHandle handle; s_vpi_value v; while(1) { err = client_get(max_msg_len, msg); if (err) { // Don't send to the Origen log since Origen may not be there vpi_printf("ERROR: Failed to receive from Origen!\n"); end_simulation(); return 1; } if (runtime_errors) { end_simulation(); return 1; } if (log_messages) { vpi_printf("[MESSAGE] %s\n", msg); } // Keep a copy of the original message, helpful for debugging char* orig_msg = calloc(strlen(msg)+1, sizeof(char)); strcpy(orig_msg, msg); opcode = strtok(msg, "^"); if (!max_errors_exceeded || (max_errors_exceeded && ( // When max_errors_exceeded, only continue to process the following opcodes. // These are the ones required to enable a controlled shutdown driven by the main Origen process // and also any that return data to Origen so that the main process does not get blocked: // Sync-up End Simulation Peek Flush Log *opcode == '7' || *opcode == '8' || *opcode == '9' || *opcode == 'j' || *opcode == 'k' || // Get version Get timescale Read reg trans Get cycle count *opcode == 'i' || *opcode == 'l' || *opcode == 'n' || *opcode == 'o' ))) { switch(*opcode) { // Define pin // 0^pin_name^pin_index^drive_wave_ix^capture_wave_ix // // 0 for the wave indexes means the default, custom waves // must therefore start from index 1 // // The pin index must be uniquely assigned to the pin by the caller // and must be less than MAX_NUMBER_PINS // // 0^tdi^12^0^0 case '0' : arg1 = strtok(NULL, "^"); arg2 = strtok(NULL, "^"); arg3 = strtok(NULL, "^"); arg4 = strtok(NULL, "^"); //DEBUG("Define Pin: %s, %s, %s, %s\n", arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4); define_pin(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4); break; // Set Period // 1^100000 case '1' : arg1 = strtok(NULL, "^"); set_period(arg1); break; // Drive Pin // 2^pin_index^data // // 2^12^0 // 2^12^1 case '2' : arg1 = strtok(NULL, "^"); arg2 = strtok(NULL, "^"); //DEBUG("Drive Pin: %s, %s\n", arg1, arg2); drive_pin(arg1, arg2); break; // Cycle // 3^number_of_cycles // // 3^1 // 3^65535 case '3' : arg1 = strtok(NULL, "^"); repeat = strtol(arg1, NULL, 10); if (repeat) { repeat = repeat - 1; } cycle(); return 0; // Compare Pin // 4^pin_index^data // // 4^14^0 // 4^14^1 case '4' : arg1 = strtok(NULL, "^"); arg2 = strtok(NULL, "^"); compare_pin(arg1, arg2); break; // Don't Care Pin // 5^pin_index // // 5^14 case '5' : arg1 = strtok(NULL, "^"); dont_care_pin(arg1); break; // Define wave // 6^wave_index^compare^events // // 0 for the wave indexes means the default, custom waves // must therefore start from index 1 // // 0 for the compare parameter means it is a drive wave, 1 means it is // for when the pin is in compare mode // // Some example events are shown below: // // 6^1^0^0_D_25_0_50_D_75_0 // Drive at 0ns, off at 25ns, drive at 50ns, off at 75ns case '6' : arg1 = strtok(NULL, "^"); arg2 = strtok(NULL, "^"); arg3 = strtok(NULL, "^"); //DEBUG("Define Wave: %s, %s, %s\n", arg1, arg2, arg3); define_wave(arg1, arg2, arg3); break; // Sync-up // 7^ case '7' : client_put("OK!\n"); break; // Complete // 8^ case '8' : end_simulation(); return 0; // Peek // Returns the current value of the given net, the 2nd argument specifies whether to // return an integer or a float/real value // // 9^origen.debug.errors^i // 9^origen.dut.my_real_val^f case '9' : arg1 = strtok(NULL, "^"); arg2 = strtok(NULL, "^"); handle = vpi_handle_by_name(arg1, NULL); if (handle) { if (*arg2 == 'i') { v.format = vpiBinStrVal; vpi_get_value(handle, &v); sprintf(msg, "%s\n", v.value.str); } else { v.format = vpiRealVal; vpi_get_value(handle, &v); sprintf(msg, "%f\n", v.value.real); } client_put(msg); } else { client_put("FAIL\n"); } break; // Set Pattern Name // a^atd_ramp_25mhz case 'a' : handle = vpi_handle_by_name(ORIGEN_SIM_TESTBENCH_CAT("debug.pattern"), NULL); arg1 = strtok(NULL, "^"); v.format = vpiStringVal; v.value.str = arg1; vpi_put_value(handle, &v, NULL, vpiNoDelay); break; // Poke // Sets the given value on the given net, the number should be given // as a decimal string, an integer or a float, and the 2nd argument specifies // which has been given // // b^origen.debug.errors^i^15 // b^origen.dut.my_real_val^f^1.12 case 'b' : arg1 = strtok(NULL, "^"); arg2 = strtok(NULL, "^"); arg3 = strtok(NULL, "^"); handle = vpi_handle_by_name(arg1, NULL); if (handle) { if (*arg2 == 'i') { v.format = vpiDecStrVal; v.value.str = arg3; } else { v.format = vpiRealVal; v.value.real = strtof(arg3, NULL); } vpi_put_value(handle, &v, NULL, vpiNoDelay); } break; // Set Comment // c^0^Some comment about the pattern case 'c' : arg1 = strtok(NULL, "^"); arg2 = strtok(NULL, "^"); strcpy(comment, ORIGEN_SIM_TESTBENCH_CAT("debug.comments")); strcat(comment, arg1); handle = vpi_handle_by_name(comment, NULL); v.format = vpiStringVal; v.value.str = arg2; vpi_put_value(handle, &v, NULL, vpiNoDelay); break; // Log all messages // d^1 Turn logging on // d^0 Turn logging off case 'd' : arg1 = strtok(NULL, "^"); log_messages = atoi(arg1); break; // Capture Pin // e^pin_index // // e^14 case 'e' : arg1 = strtok(NULL, "^"); capture_pin(arg1); break; // Sync enable case 'f' : handle = vpi_handle_by_name(ORIGEN_SIM_TESTBENCH_CAT("pins.sync"), NULL); v.format = vpiDecStrVal; v.value.str = "1"; vpi_put_value(handle, &v, NULL, vpiNoDelay); break; // Sync disable case 'g' : handle = vpi_handle_by_name(ORIGEN_SIM_TESTBENCH_CAT("pins.sync"), NULL); v.format = vpiDecStrVal; v.value.str = "0"; vpi_put_value(handle, &v, NULL, vpiNoDelay); break; // Stop Capture Pin // h^pin_index // // h^14 case 'h' : arg1 = strtok(NULL, "^"); stop_capture_pin(arg1); break; // Get version, returns the version of OrigenSim the DUT object was compiled with // i^ case 'i' : client_put(ORIGEN_SIM_VERSION"\n"); break; // Flush case 'j' : vpi_flush(); break; // Log message // k^2^A message to output to the console/log case 'k' : arg1 = strtok(NULL, "^"); arg2 = strtok(NULL, "^"); type = atoi(arg1); origen_log(type, arg2); break; // Get timescale, returns a number that maps as follows: // -15 - fs // -14 - 10fs // -13 - 100fs // -12 - ps // -11 - 10ps // -10 - 100ps // -9 - ns // -8 - 10ns // -7 - 100ns // -6 - us // -5 - 10us // -4 - 100us // -3 - ms // -2 - 10ms // -1 - 100ms // 0 - s // 1 - 10s // 2 - 100s // l^ case 'l' : timescale = vpi_get(vpiTimeUnit, 0); sprintf(msg, "%d\n", timescale); client_put(msg); break; // Set max_errors // m^10 case 'm' : arg1 = strtok(NULL, "^"); max_errors = atoi(arg1); break; // Read reg transaction // n^1 - Start transaction // n^0 - Stop transaction case 'n' : arg1 = strtok(NULL, "^"); if (*arg1 == '1') { transaction_error_count = 0; transaction_open = true; } else { // Send Origen the error data sprintf(msg, "%d,%d\n", transaction_error_count, MAX_TRANSACTION_ERRORS); client_put(msg); for (int i = 0; i < transaction_error_count; i++) { Miscompare *m = &miscompares[i]; sprintf(msg, "%s,%llu,%d,%d\n", (*m).pin_name, (*m).cycle, (*m).expected, (*m).received); client_put(msg); free((*m).pin_name); } transaction_open = false; if (max_errors_exceeded_during_transaction) { on_max_errors_exceeded(); } } break; // Get cycle count // o^ case 'o' : sprintf(msg, "%llu\n", cycle_count); client_put(msg); break; // Set cycle count // p^100 case 'p' : arg1 = strtok(NULL, "^"); cycle_count = atoll(arg1); break; // Match loop // q^1 - Start match loop // q^0 - Stop match loop case 'q' : arg1 = strtok(NULL, "^"); if (*arg1 == '1') { match_loop_error_count = 0; match_loop_open = true; } else { match_loop_open = false; } break; // Force // Forces the given value on the given net, the number should be given // as a decimal string, an integer or a float, and the 2nd argument specifies // which has been given // // r^origen.dut.some.net^i^1^ // r^origen.dut.some.net^f^1.25 case 'r' : arg1 = strtok(NULL, "^"); arg2 = strtok(NULL, "^"); arg3 = strtok(NULL, "^"); handle = vpi_handle_by_name(arg1, NULL); if (handle) { if (*arg2 == 'i') { v.format = vpiDecStrVal; v.value.str = arg3; } else { v.format = vpiRealVal; v.value.real = strtof(arg3, NULL); } vpi_put_value(handle, &v, NULL, vpiForceFlag); } break; // Release // Releases an existing force on the given net // // s^origen.dut.some.net // s^origen.dut.some.net case 's' : arg1 = strtok(NULL, "^"); handle = vpi_handle_by_name(arg1, NULL); if (handle) { vpi_put_value(handle, &v, NULL, vpiReleaseFlag); } break; default : origen_log(LOG_ERROR, "Illegal message received from Origen: %s", orig_msg); runtime_errors += 1; end_simulation(); return 1; } } else { // Simulation has been aborted but not told to end yet by Origen repeat = 0; set_period("1"); cycle(); } free(orig_msg); } } static void end_simulation() { vpiHandle handle; s_vpi_value v; // Setting this node will cause the testbench to call $finish handle = vpi_handle_by_name(ORIGEN_SIM_TESTBENCH_CAT("finish"), NULL); v.format = vpiDecStrVal; v.value.str = "1"; vpi_put_value(handle, &v, NULL, vpiNoDelay); // Corner case during testing, the timeset may not have been set yet set_period("1"); // Do a cycle so that the simulation sees the edge on origen.finish cycle(); } PLI_INT32 cycle_cb(p_cb_data data) { UNUSED(data); repeat = repeat - 1; cycle(); return 0; } /// Registers a callback after a cycle period, the main server loop should unblock /// after calling this to allow the simulation to proceed for a cycle static void cycle() { s_cb_data call; s_vpi_time time; time.type = vpiSimTime; time.high = (uint32_t)(period_in_simtime_units >> 32); time.low = (uint32_t)(period_in_simtime_units); cycle_count++; call.reason = cbAfterDelay; call.obj = 0; call.time = &time; call.value = 0; call.user_data = 0; //DEBUG("REPEAT: %d\n", repeat); if (repeat) { call.cb_rtn = cycle_cb; } else { call.cb_rtn = bridge_wait_for_msg; } vpi_free_object(vpi_register_cb(&call)); register_wave_events(); } static void on_max_errors_exceeded() { // This will cause the simulation to stop processing messages from Origen max_errors_exceeded = true; // And this let's the Origen process know that we have stopped processing origen_log(LOG_ERROR, "!MAX_ERROR_ABORT!"); } /// Called every time a miscompare event occurs, 3 args will be passed in: /// the pin name, expected data, actual data PLI_INT32 bridge_on_miscompare(PLI_BYTE8 * user_dat) { char *pin_name; int expected; int received; s_vpi_value val; vpiHandle handle; if (match_loop_open) { match_loop_error_count++; handle = vpi_handle_by_name(ORIGEN_SIM_TESTBENCH_CAT("debug.match_errors"), NULL); val.format = vpiIntVal; val.value.integer = match_loop_error_count; vpi_put_value(handle, &val, NULL, vpiNoDelay); } else { vpiHandle callh = vpi_handle(vpiSysTfCall, 0); vpiHandle argv = vpi_iterate(vpiArgument, callh); vpiHandle arg; arg = vpi_scan(argv); val.format = vpiStringVal; vpi_get_value(arg, &val); pin_name = val.value.str; arg = vpi_scan(argv); val.format = vpiIntVal; vpi_get_value(arg, &val); expected = val.value.integer; arg = vpi_scan(argv); val.format = vpiIntVal; vpi_get_value(arg, &val); received = val.value.integer; vpi_free_object(argv); if (received == 1 || received == 0) { origen_log(LOG_ERROR, "Miscompare on pin %s, expected %d received %d", pin_name, expected, received); } else if (received == -2) { origen_log(LOG_ERROR, "Miscompare on pin %s, expected %d received Z", pin_name, expected); } else { origen_log(LOG_ERROR, "Miscompare on pin %s, expected %d received X", pin_name, expected); } error_count++; handle = vpi_handle_by_name(ORIGEN_SIM_TESTBENCH_CAT("debug.errors"), NULL); val.format = vpiIntVal; val.value.integer = error_count; vpi_put_value(handle, &val, NULL, vpiNoDelay); if (error_count > max_errors) { // If a transaction is currently open hold off aborting until after that has completed // to enable a proper error message to be generated for it if (transaction_open) { max_errors_exceeded_during_transaction = true; } else { on_max_errors_exceeded(); } } // Store all errors during a transaction if (transaction_open) { if (transaction_error_count < MAX_TRANSACTION_ERRORS) { Miscompare *miscompare = &miscompares[transaction_error_count]; (*miscompare).pin_name = malloc(strlen(pin_name) + 1); strcpy((*miscompare).pin_name, pin_name); (*miscompare).cycle = cycle_count; (*miscompare).expected = expected; (*miscompare).received = received; } transaction_error_count++; } } return 0; } /// Defines which functions are callable from Verilog as system tasks void bridge_register_system_tasks() { s_vpi_systf_data tf_data; tf_data.type = vpiSysTask; tf_data.tfname = "$bridge_on_miscompare"; tf_data.calltf = bridge_on_miscompare; tf_data.compiletf = 0; vpi_register_systf(&tf_data); }