## 2.2.3 * Added `main` tag. ## 2.1.0 * Added AJAX-rendering to `Arbre::Rails::LegacyDocument` * Bug fix: classes specified in the class definition are not overwritten anymore by those passed to the `build!` method. * When using the `build!` method, any attributes that have a corresponding `=` method on the element class will cause this method to be invoked rather than the attributes array being updated. * Bug fix: querying using multiple selectors now works (tag.find('a, button')). * Bug fix using `render`: all child elements are now copied into the caller's element. * Added public RSpec API. ## 2.0.1 * Added `app/views/arbre` as autoload path when using Rails * Added DSL methods `Arbre::Html::Tag.tag`, `Arbre::Html::Tag.tag_id` and `Arbre::Html::Tag.tag_classes` ## 2.0.0 * Increased RSpec coverage to 100% * Clear of specs failing when integrating into Flux framework ## 2.0.0.rc2 * Support for symbolic classes * Various fixes & spec upgrades after integration into Flux framework ### Breaking changes * Renaming `build` to `build!` * Renaming `build_tag`/`build_element` to `build` * Renaming `insert_tag`/`insert_element` to `insert` ## 2.0.0.rc1 * Rails: added content-layout structure * Rails: optimized template output handling, removed need for String masquerading * Added querying * Increased RSpec coverage to near 100% ### Breaking changes * Removal of `:for`-feature in tags * Renamed `current_arbre_element` to `current_element` * Renamed `Arbre::HTML` into `Arbre::Html` *Joost Lubach* ## 1.0.1 * Template handler converts to string to satisfy Rack::Lint (@jpmckinney, #6) * Fix to `Tag#add_class` when passing a string of classes to Tag build method (@gregbell, #7) * Not longer uses the default separator (@LTe, #4) ## 1.0.0 * Added support for the use of `:for` with non Active Model objects ## 1.0.0.rc4 * Fix issue where user could call `symbolize_keys!` on a HashWithIndifferentAccess which doesn't implement the method ## 1.0.0.rc3 * Implemented `Arbre::Html::Tag#default_id_for_prefix` ## 1.0.0.rc2 * Fixed bug where Component's build methods were being rendered within the parent context. ## 1.0.0.rc1 * Initial release and extraction from Active Admin