module CurlyMustache module Crud def self.included(mod) mod.send(:extend, ClassMethods) mod.send(:include, InstanceMethods) end module ClassMethods def generate_id Digest::MD5.hexdigest(rand.to_s + end def create(attributes = {}) returning(new(attributes)){ |record| } end def create!(attributes = {}) new(attributes).save! end def find(*ids) ids = [ids].flatten if ids.length == 1 find_one(ids.first) else find_many(ids) end end def delete_all(*ids) ids_to_keys(ids).each{ |key| connection.delete(key) } end def destroy_all(*ids) find(ids).each{ |record| record.destroy } end private def find_one(id) raise RecordNotFound, "Couldn't find #{self} without an ID" if id.blank? raise RecordNotFound, "Couldn't find #{self} with ID=#{id}" if (data = connection.get(id_to_key(id))).blank? returning(new){ |record| record.send(:load, data) } end def find_many(ids) keys = ids_to_keys(ids) datas = connection.mget(keys) if keys.length != datas.length raise RecordNotFound, "Couldn't find all #{} with IDs (#{ids.join(',')}) (found #{datas.length} results, but was looking for #{ids.length})" else datas.collect{ |data| returning(new){ |record| record.send(:load, data) } } end end end module InstanceMethods def initialize(attributes = {}) @attributes = {} @new_record = true attributes.each{ |k, v| write_attribute(k, v) } end def reload returning(self){ @attributes = self.class.find(id).attributes } end def save save! true rescue ValidationError => e false end def save! new_record? ? create : update self end def destroy self.class.delete_all(id) self.freeze end private def set_id if id.blank? @attributes[:id] = self.class.generate_id else true end end def create set_id and store end def update store end def load(data) @attributes = data @new_record = false end def store connection.put(key, @attributes) @new_record = false end end # end module InstanceMethods end end