# Change Log ## 0.5.0 - Support Glimmer Web Component Slots (by adding `slot: :slot_name` to any parent element, like a `div`, inside a `Glimmer::Web::Component` `markup {...}` element) ## 0.4.4 - Support setting element `style` property as String or Hash (like `background-color: yello; font-size: 12px;` or `{background_color: :yellow, font_size: 12}`) - Support setting element `classes` property as String or Array of Strings/Symbols (like `"pushed round"`, `['pushed', 'round']` or `[:pushed, :round]`) - Upgrade opal-jquery to version 0.5.2 ## 0.4.3 - Support element class name inclusion data-binding (e.g. `class_name('pushed') <= [@button_model, :pushed]`) - Refactor Todo MVC sample to simplify and utilize new element inline style data-binding and element class name inclusion data-binding features - Fix issue with component removal removing its style element even if other instances of the same component still exist (this was breaking TodoMVC when clearly Todo items) ## 0.4.2 - Support element inline style data-binding (e.g. `style(:background_color) <= [@button_model, :background_color]`) - Support SVG element keywords - Hello, SVG! Sample: `require 'glimmer-dsl-web/samples/hello/hello_svg'` - Upgrade to glimmer-dsl-css 1.5.1 to get support for `px`, `in`, `pt`, `cm`, `mm`, `em` methods on `Numeric` (e.g. `14.px` => `"14px"` / `2.em` => `"2em"`) and support for `%` method on `Integer`/`Float` to allow producing `%` CSS values (e.g. `90.%` => `"90%"`) ## 0.4.1 - Enhance Hello, Style! sample to allow setting styled button background color - Fixed issue with `Glimmer::Web::Component::component_element_class` not working in components when programmatically changing the component markup root CSS class ## 0.4.0 - Support `style {}` block in `Glimmer::Web::Component` that would automatically add style in one place for all component instances - Support `Glimmer::Web::Component::component_element_class` to return CSS class automatically generated for a component based on its name (e.g. `StyledButton` gets `styled-button` CSS class) - Hello, Style! Sample: `require 'glimmer-dsl-web/samples/hello/hello_style'` - Upgrade to Glimmer DSL for CSS 1.5.0 - Remove support for including multiple `before_render` and `after_render` blocks in a component as it is not needed and can be confusing - Optimize performance of Todo MVC by not adding an edit input field to every todo, yet adding it only upon editing a todo. - Fix issue with `ElementProxy#add_css_class` and `ElementProxy#remove_css_class` crashing if called before rendering an element - Fix issue with Hello, Observer (Data-Binding)! crashing if run after Hello, Observer! due to both samples sharing the same class by mistake ## 0.3.2 - Optimize performance (~248% faster) of rendering by changing DSL ordering to avoid component checks at the top - Optimize performance of formatting html elements by adding Glimmer DSL shortcut methods - Optimize performance of component expressions by indexing component keywords - Upgrade to glimmer 2.7.9 ## 0.3.1 - Optimize Todo MVC performance for filtering between all, active, and completed (it happens instantly now) - Append Todo MVC todos at the bottom instead of prepending them at the top (the ES6 version was copied initially, which ordered todos the opposite way from how Todo MVC behaves in other versions) - Make Todo MVC "items left" text show "item left" if there is only 1 todo - Make Todo MVC footer links open a new tab/window (with `target: '_blank'` option) - Refactor/Simplify Todo MVC sample code - Upgrade to glimmer 2.7.8 ## 0.3.0 - Optimize performance (~170%-226% faster) of rendering by building GUI in bulk, assembling html as a string from all nested elements and mounting all HTML at once (instead of making many small DOM mount calls). The trade-off is not being able to interact with elements until rendering of the complete hierarchy is complete, which is acceptable because interactions do not happen till after everything is rendered anyways. Can be disabled by passing the `bulk_render: false` option to the top-level component/element of a frontend app. - Fix issue with not being able to add content to a custom control by opening a block that should add content inside its markup root element ## 0.2.8 - Support Content Data-Binding to multiple model attributes via `computed_by` option (e.g. `content(@game, :scale, computed_by: [:width, :height])` or `content(@game, computed_by: [:scale, :width, :height])` will re-render content on changes to `:scale`, `:width`, or `:height`) ## 0.2.7 - Unidirectional Data-Binding of element `style` property - Support `a` as a formatting element under `p` - Todo MVC Sample: `require 'glimmer-dsl-web/samples/regular/todo_mvc'` ## 0.2.6 - Upgrade to `glimmer-dsl-xml` 1.4.0 to provide access to `html_to_glimmer` converter command (converts legacy HTML to Glimmer DSL syntax) - Upgrade to `glimmer-dsl-css` 1.4.0 to provide access to `css_to_glimmer` converter command (converts legacy CSS to Glimmer DSL syntax) ## 0.2.5 - Support `Element#class_name` as an alternative to `Element#class` because `class` is a reserved method in Ruby - Handle case of data-binding an element that has no `type` attribute - Provide `attribute`/`attributes` as aliases for `option`/`options` inside classes mixing `Glimmer::Web::Component` given that the options behave like HTML attributes - Hello, Form MVP! Sample: `require 'glimmer-dsl-web/samples/hello/hello_form_mvp'` - Hello, Observer (Data-Binding)! Sample: `require 'glimmer-dsl-web/samples/hello/hello_observer_data_binding'` ## 0.2.4 - Enhance `Kernel#puts` & `Kernel#p` to enable printing any native JS object with `console.log` (without having to manually wrap with `Native`) - Support Content Data-Binding from inside a `Glimmer::Web::Component` ## 0.2.3 - Ensure that setting `element.class_name=classnameval` does not override its Glimmer built-in CSS classes - Alias `Kernel#p` as `Kernel#pi` (puts inspect) to allow using `pi` in place of `p` for printing inspected objects given that `p` is used up by the HTML DSL. - Remove `element` from dynamic part of Glimmer DSL to allow it to fail faster if an invalid HTML element name was used - Fix use of `span` keyword under `p`, fixing Hello, Paragraph! sample. ## 0.2.2 - Fix bug in content data-binding that was caused by recent performance optimizations (+ fix Hello, Content Data-Binding! sample) - Fix bug in rendering formatting elements that was caused by recent performance optimizations (+ fix Hello, Paragraph! sample) ## 0.2.1 - Optimize performance (~800% faster): - Optimize performance (~20% faster than 0.2.0) by not using glimmer-dsl-xml for rendering dom elements in the frontend as it is more suitable for backend rendering and we already have a separate dsl for the frontend - Optimize performance (~287% faster than previous bullet point) by adding Glimmer shortcut methods for all HTML element DSL keywords - Optimize performance (~235% faster than previous bullet point) by not selecting ElementProxy subclass dynamically for each element, yet always using ElementProxy ## 0.2.0 - Support `style` element content as Glimmer DSL for CSS syntax (Ruby Programmable CSS) as an alternative to a CSS `String` ## 0.1.1 - Upgrade to opal-jquery 0.5.1 (adds `# backtick_javascript: true` where needed to satisfy new Opal requirement) - Upgrade to opal-async 1.4.1 (adds `# backtick_javascript: true` where needed to satisfy new Opal requirement) - Update setup instructions to NOT disable Hotwire files, to allow running Hotwire/Turbo side by side with Glimmer DSL for Web (but not in the same pages) ## 0.1.0 - Update rendering system to render HTML elements immediately instead of waiting for complete components to be rendered all at once. - Support `render: false` option in any element or component to avoid rendering when building the elements/components (including a Component#create alternative to Component#render that defers rendering if needed). - Fix `Glimmer::Web::Component` `after_render` hook by ensuring it only fires after the component markup has been rendered ## 0.0.12 - Treat HTML text formatting elements differently (e.g. `b`, `i`, `strong`, `em`, `sub`, `sup`, `del`, `ins`, `small`, `mark`) by not appending to their parent content, yet having them generate a String with `to_s` that can be embedded in a `String` that is the text content of another normal element like `p` or `div`. - Treat `span` as a special text formatting element if included inside a `p` and as a normal element outside a `p`. - Hello, Paragraph! Sample: `require 'glimmer-dsl-web/samples/hello/hello_paragraph'` ## 0.0.11 - Support element custom event listener: `on_remove` - Support `observe` keyword to observe Model attributes in Views with a convenient DSL keyword. - Clean observers declared with `observe` keyword inside a component when `component.markup_root.remove` is called (or equivalent `component.remove` is called). - Update `glimmer_component` to render its content immediately without waiting for `Document.ready?` as that is not necessary given its container is added to the DOM immediately - Upgrade jquery-opal to 0.5.0 (latest version) - Hello, Observer! Sample: `require 'glimmer-dsl-web/samples/hello/hello_observer'` - Button Counter Sample: `require 'glimmer-dsl-web/samples/regular/button_counter'` ## 0.0.10 - Glimmer Component Rails Helper (add `include GlimmerHelper` to `ApplicationHelper` or another Rails helper) and use `<%= glimmer_component("path/to/component", *args) %>` in Views - Support passing args to Components via `ComponentClassName.render(*args)` - Update `element#render` API to require `:parent` kwarg to pass parent selector (no longer accepting parent selector directly as first arg) - Upgrade to opal 1.8.2 (latest version) - Upgrade to opal-rails 2.0.3 (latest version) - Change setup instructions to avoid relying on `app/assets/javascript/application.js.rb`, yet instead rename to `app/assets/opal/application.rb` and rely on `app/assets/opal` for Opal frontend files. ## 0.0.9 - Component support (View component classes simply `include Glimmer::Web::Component`) - Improve README.md setup instructions, documenting how to enable Browser Opal Debugging in Ruby using Opal Source Maps - Allow passing element `:parent` selector through `render` method as first argument (`render(selector)`) for a potentially more readable second way of doing the same thing - Fix Hello, Content Data-Binding! as it forgot to include Glimmer to top-level main object and forgot to wait for Document.ready? - New Hello, Component! Sample: `require 'glimmer-dsl-web/samples/hello/hello_component'` ## 0.0.8 - Validate that element keywords belong to the valid list of HTML element tag names to prevent rendering fake elements the keyword does not match a real HTML element tag - Support inner_html/outer_html properties (it seems they did not convert to innerHTML/outerHTML correctly because of the all caps HTML) - Support element properties via original JS names (e.g. innerHTML) to prevent logic from breaking if some do not convert correctly from underscored versions - Package dependencies properly in the gem to avoid instructing users to add in Rails Gemfile manually - Content Data-Binding support to regenerate element content based on changes to an observed model attribute. Content Data-Binding Example: content(*data_binding_options) { |data_binding_value| li { data_binding_value } } - Ensuring removing data-binding model listeners when calling `element#remove` in addition to already removing standard HTML event listeners - New Hello, Content Data-Binding! Sample: `require 'glimmer-dsl-web/samples/hello/hello_content_data_binding'` ## 0.0.7 - Support input[type=number] value data-binding as a Ruby Numeric object (Integer or Float) - Support input[type=range] value data-binding as a Ruby Numeric object (Integer or Float) - Support input[type=datetime-local] value data-binding as a Ruby Time object - Support input[type=date] value data-binding as a Ruby Date object - Support input[type=time] value data-binding as a Ruby Time object - Update Hello, Data-Binding! Sample to include a checkbox - New Hello, Input (Date/Time)! Sample: `require 'glimmer-dsl-web/samples/hello/hello_input'` ## 0.0.6 - Support attribute unidirectional/bidirectional data-binding - Support `select` element (it was blocked by a built-in Ruby method) - Handle case of `:parent` selector being invalid, defaulting to `body`. - Remove pure-struct gem dependency as the latest Opal fixed the implementation of Struct - New Hello, Data-Binding! Sample: `require 'glimmer-dsl-web/samples/hello/hello_data_binding'` ## 0.0.5 - Support `p` element as it was overriden by Ruby's `p` method. - Update listener syntax to be the original HTML event name (e.g. `onclick`) without being underscored to keep the transition to the Glimmer GUI DSL simple (e.g. `onclick` not `on_click`) - Wrap listener `event` argument with `Glimmer::Web::Event` object, which proxies calls to JS event when needed - Rename Hello Button! Sample to Hello, Form! Sample: `require 'glimmer-dsl-web/samples/hello/hello_form'` - Update Hello, Form! Sample to display browser native validation errors and have automatic focus support on the name field - Event listeners do not call `prevent_default` by default anymore, leaving it to the consumer of the library to decide - New Hello, Button! Sample (replacing older one): `require 'glimmer-dsl-web/samples/hello/hello_button'` ## 0.0.4 - Support nesting attributes/properties under element (e.g. `input { value 'something'; dir 'rtl' }`) - Ensure when calling `element#remove`, all its listeners and children are removed cleanly too (e.g. calling `button.remove` automatically unregisters `on_click` listener) ## 0.0.3 - Set Glimmer specific element attributes (e.g. `parent`) as data attributes on generated HTML elements - Support setting text content by passing as first argument to an element as an alternative to block return value - Proxy method/attribute invocations on an element to its HTML element (e.g. `input_element.check_validity` proxies to `checkValidity` JS function) - Support JS listeners like `onclick` by nesting an `on_someeventname` block under an element (e.g. `on_click { ... }`) - New Hello, Button! Sample: `require 'glimmer-dsl-web/samples/hello/hello_button'` ## 0.0.2 - Rename element `:root` option to `:parent` option - Set `body` as parent by default if `:parent` option is not specified for a root element - Set `class` instead of `id` on generated HTML elements to identify them (e.g. `element-2`). - New Hello, World! Sample: `require 'glimmer-dsl-web/samples/hello/hello_world'` ## 0.0.1 - Render top-level HTML element + attributes under a root parent element by specifying `root: 'css_selector'` option (e.g. `div(root: 'css_selector')`) - Render nested HTML element + attributes by nesting under another HTML element (`div(root: 'css_selector') { span }`) - Render `String` text content as the return value of the block of an HTML element (`div(root: 'css_selector') { "Hello, World!" }`)