# Bootswatch themes are free themes for bootstrap available at https://bootswatch.com/. # For every bootswatch theme we have one card of card type "bootswatch skin". # They all have codenames following the pattern "#{theme_name}_skin". # # The original bootswatch theme is build from two files, `_variables.scss` and # `_bootswatch.scss`. The original bootstrap scss has to be put between those two. # `_variables.scss` overrides bootstrap variables, `_bootswatch.scss` overrides # bootstrap css (variables are defined with `!default` hence only the first appearance # has an effect, for css the last appearance counts) # # The content of a bootswatch theme card consists of four parts: # * pre_variables: hard-coded theme independent stuff # and bootstrap functions to make them available in the variables part # * variables: the content from `_variables.scss`, # * post_variables: the bootstrap css and libraries like select2 and # bootstrap-colorpicker that depend on the theme # * stylesheets: the content from `_bootswatch.scss` and custom styles # # For the original bootswatch themes all those parts are hard-coded and the content # is taken from files. # The bootswatch theme content is taken directly from the files in the bootswatch # submodule. For the rest we use code file cards. # Cards of type "customized skin" have the same structure but make the variables # and stylesheets part editable. # # Bootswatch theme cards are machine cards for the following reason. # Machine cards usually store all involved input cards of all nested levels in # there +*machine_input pointer. All those input cards # are processed separately and the result is joined to build the machine output. # That's a problem for this card when it's used as input. # A lot of the items depend on the variables scss and can't # be processed independently. Therefore we return only self as item card and join # the content of all the item cards in the content of the bootswatch theme card. # But then this card has to forward updates of its items to the machine cards it provides # input for. # To do that it is a machine itself and stores the generated machine output as its # content which will trigger the updates of other machines that use this card. include_set Abstract::Machine include_set Type::Scss include_set Abstract::CodeFile include_set Abstract::SkinBox CONTENT_PARTS = %i[pre_variables variables post_variables stylesheets].freeze PRE_VARIABLES_CARD_NAMES = %i[ style_jquery_ui_smoothness style_right_sidebar bootstrap_functions ].freeze POST_VARIABLES_CARD_NAMES = %i[ bootstrap_core style_cards style_bootstrap_cards style_libraries style_mods ].freeze # @return Array def variables_card_names [] end # @return Array def stylesheets_card_names [] end # reject cards that don't contribute directly to the content like skin or pointer cards def engine_input extended_input_cards.select { |ca| ca.type_id.in? [ScssID, CssID] } end # Don't create "+*machine output" file card # instead save the the output as the card's content is def after_engine output Card::Auth.as_bot { update_attributes! db_content: output } end # needed to make the refresh_script_and_style method work with these cards def source_files extended_input_cards.map do |i_card| i_card.try(:source_files) end.flatten.compact end # needed to make the refresh_script_and_style method work with these cards def existing_source_paths extended_input_cards.map do |i_card| i_card.try(:existing_source_paths) end.flatten.compact end def extended_input_cards input_names.map do |n| Card.fetch(n).extended_item_cards end.flatten.compact end def content CONTENT_PARTS.map do |n| send "#{n}_content" end.join "\n" end def pre_variables_content load_content(*PRE_VARIABLES_CARD_NAMES) end def variables_content load_content variables_card_names end def post_variables_content load_content(*POST_VARIABLES_CARD_NAMES) end def stylesheets_content load_content stylesheets_card_names end def input_names _args={} (PRE_VARIABLES_CARD_NAMES + variables_card_names + POST_VARIABLES_CARD_NAMES + stylesheets_card_names).compact.map do |n| Card.fetch_name(n) end.compact end def item_names _args={} [] end def item_cards _args={} [self] end def load_content *names cards = names.flatten.map { |n| Card.fetch(n)&.extended_item_cards } cards.flatten.compact.map(&:content).join "\n" end def scss_from_theme_file file return "" unless (path = ::File.join(source_dir, "_#{file}.scss")) && ::File.exist?(path) ::File.read path end def theme_name /^(.+)_skin$/.match(codename)&.capture(0) || /^(.+)[ _][sS]kin/.match(name)&.capture(0)&.downcase end def source_dir @source_dir ||= ::File.expand_path "../../../vendor/bootswatch/dist/#{theme_name}", __FILE__ end