module ApiResource module Associations class Scope attr_accessor :klass, :current_scope, :internal_object attr_reader :scopes def initialize(klass, current_scope, opts = {}) # Holds onto the association proxy this RelationScope is bound to @klass = klass @parent = opts.delete(:parent) @ttl = opts.delete(:expires_in) # splits on _and_ and sorts to get a consistent scope key order @current_scope = (self.parent_scope + Array.wrap(current_scope.to_s)).sort # define methods for the scopes of the object klass.scopes.each do |key, val| self.instance_eval <<-EOE, __FILE__, __LINE__ + 1 # This class always has at least one scope, adding a new one should clone this object def #{key}(*args) obj = self.clone # Call reload to make it go back to the webserver the next time it loads obj.reload return obj.enhance_current_scope(:#{key}, *args) end EOE self.scopes[key.to_s] = val end # Use the method current scope because it gives a string # This expression substitutes the options from opts into the default attributes of the scope, it will only copy keys that exist in the original self.scopes[self.current_scope] = opts.inject(self.scopes[current_scope]){|accum,(k,v)| accum.key?(k.to_s) ? accum.merge(k.to_s => v) : accum} end def ttl @ttl || 0 end # Use this method to access the internal data, this guarantees that loading only occurs once per object def internal_object raise "Not Implemented: This method must be implemented in a subclass" end def scopes @scopes ||= {}.with_indifferent_access end def scope?(scp) self.scopes.key?(scp.to_s) end def current_scope"_and_").concat("_scope")) end def to_hash self.parent_hash.merge(self.scopes[self.current_scope]) end # gets the current hash and calls to_query on it def to_query #We need to add the unescape because to_query breaks on nested arrays CGI.unescape(self.to_hash.to_query) end def method_missing(method, *args, &block) self.internal_object.send(method, *args, &block) end def reload remove_instance_variable(:@internal_object) if instance_variable_defined?(:@internal_object) self end def to_s self.internal_object.to_s end def inspect self.internal_object.inspect end def blank? self.internal_object.blank? end alias_method :empty?, :blank? protected # scope from the parent def parent_scope ret = @parent ? Array.wrap(@parent.current_scope).collect{|el| el.gsub(/_scope$/,'')} : [] ret.collect{|el| el.split(/_and_/)}.flatten end # querystring hash from parent def parent_hash @parent ? @parent.to_hash : {} end def enhance_current_scope(scp, *args) opts = args.extract_options! check_scope(scp) cache_key = "a#{Digest::MD5.hexdigest((args.sort + [scp]).to_s)}" return instance_variable_get("@#{cache_key}") if instance_variable_defined?("@#{cache_key}") return instance_variable_set("@#{cache_key}", self.class.class_factory(self.scopes[scp]).new(self.klass, scp, *args, opts.merge(:parent => self))) end # make sure we have a valid scope def check_scope(scp) raise ArgumentError, "Unknown scope #{scp}" unless self.scope?(scp.to_s) end end end end