{}[https://github.com/tj/terminal-table/actions] = Terminal Table == Description Terminal Table is a fast and simple, yet feature rich ASCII table generator written in Ruby. == Installation $ gem install terminal-table == Usage === Basics To use Terminal Table: require 'terminal-table' To generate a table, provide an array of arrays (which are interpreted as rows): rows = [] rows << ['One', 1] rows << ['Two', 2] rows << ['Three', 3] table = Terminal::Table.new :rows => rows # > puts table # # +-------+---+ # | One | 1 | # | Two | 2 | # | Three | 3 | # +-------+---+ The constructor can also be given a block which is either yielded the Table object or instance evaluated: table = Terminal::Table.new do |t| t.rows = rows end table = Terminal::Table.new do self.rows = rows end Adding rows one by one: table = Terminal::Table.new do |t| t << ['One', 1] t.add_row ['Two', 2] end To add separators between rows: table = Terminal::Table.new do |t| t << ['One', 1] t << :separator t.add_row ['Two', 2] t.add_separator t.add_row ['Three', 3] end # > puts table # # +-------+---+ # | One | 1 | # +-------+---+ # | Two | 2 | # +-------+---+ # | Three | 3 | # +-------+---+ Cells can handle multiline content: table = Terminal::Table.new do |t| t << ['One', 1] t << :separator t.add_row ["Two\nDouble", 2] t.add_separator t.add_row ['Three', 3] end # > puts table # # +--------+---+ # | One | 1 | # +--------+---+ # | Two | 2 | # | Double | | # +--------+---+ # | Three | 3 | # +--------+---+ === Head To add a head to the table: table = Terminal::Table.new :headings => ['Word', 'Number'], :rows => rows # > puts table # # +-------+--------+ # | Word | Number | # +-------+--------+ # | One | 1 | # | Two | 2 | # | Three | 3 | # +-------+--------+ === Title To add a title to the table: table = Terminal::Table.new :title => "Cheatsheet", :headings => ['Word', 'Number'], :rows => rows # > puts table # # +------------+--------+ # | Cheatsheet | # +------------+--------+ # | Word | Number | # +------------+--------+ # | One | 1 | # | Two | 2 | # | Three | 3 | # +------------+--------+ === Alignment To align the second column to the right: table.align_column(1, :right) # > puts table # # +-------+--------+ # | Word | Number | # +-------+--------+ # | One | 1 | # | Two | 2 | # | Three | 3 | # +-------+--------+ To align an individual cell, you specify the cell value in a hash along the alignment: table << ["Four", {:value => 4.0, :alignment => :center}] # > puts table # # +-------+--------+ # | Word | Number | # +-------+--------+ # | One | 1 | # | Two | 2 | # | Three | 3 | # | Four | 4.0 | # +-------+--------+ === Style To specify style options: table = Terminal::Table.new :headings => ['Word', 'Number'], :rows => rows, :style => {:width => 80} # > puts table # # +--------------------------------------+---------------------------------------+ # | Word | Number | # +--------------------------------------+---------------------------------------+ # | One | 1 | # | Two | 2 | # | Three | 3 | # +--------------------------------------+---------------------------------------+ And change styles on the fly: table.style = {:width => 40, :padding_left => 3, :border_x => "=", :border_i => "x"} # > puts table # # x====================x=================x # | Cheatsheet | # x====================x=================x # | Word | Number | # x====================x=================x # | One | 1 | # | Two | 2 | # | Three | 3 | # x====================x=================x You can also use styles to add a separator after every row: table = Terminal::Table.new do |t| t.add_row [1, 'One'] t.add_row [2, 'Two'] t.add_row [3, 'Three'] t.style = {:all_separators => true} end # > puts table # # +---+-------+ # | 1 | One | # +---+-------+ # | 2 | Two | # +---+-------+ # | 3 | Three | # +---+-------+ You can also use styles to disable top and bottom borders of the table table = Terminal::Table.new do |t| t.headings = ['id', 'name'] t.rows = [[1, 'One'], [2, 'Two'], [3, 'Three']] t.style = { :border_top => false, :border_bottom => false } end # > puts table # | id | name | # +----+-------+ # | 1 | One | # | 2 | Two | # | 3 | Three | To change the default style options: Terminal::Table::Style.defaults = {:width => 80} All Table objects created afterwards will inherit these defaults. === Constructor options and setter methods Valid options for the constructor are :rows, :headings, :style and :title - and all options can also be set on the created table object by their setter method: table = Terminal::Table.new table.title = "Cheatsheet" table.headings = ['Word', 'Number'] table.rows = rows table.style = {:width => 40} == More examples For more examples, please see the examples/examples.rb file included in the source distribution. == Author TJ Holowaychuk