module Sorcery module Controller def self.included(klass) klass.class_eval do extend ClassMethods include InstanceMethods Config.submodules.each do |mod| begin include Submodules.const_get(mod.to_s.split("_").map {|p| p.capitalize}.join("")) rescue NameError # don't stop on a missing submodule. end end Config.update! end end module ClassMethods def activate_sorcery!(&block) yield Config if block_given? after_config! end def after_config! Config.after_config.each {|c| send(c)} end end module InstanceMethods # To be used as before_filter. # Will trigger auto-login attempts via the call to logged_in? # If all attempts to auto-login fail, the failure callback will be called. def require_login if !logged_in? session[:return_to_url] = request.url if Config.save_return_to_url self.send(Config.not_authenticated_action) end end # Takes credentials and returns a user on successful authentication. # Runs hooks after login or failed login. def login(*credentials) user = Config.user_class.authenticate(*credentials) if user return_to_url = session[:return_to_url] reset_session # protect from session fixation attacks session[:return_to_url] = return_to_url login_user(user) after_login!(user, credentials) current_user else after_failed_login!(credentials) nil end end # Resets the session and runs hooks before and after. def logout if logged_in? before_logout!(current_user) reset_session after_logout! end end def logged_in? !!current_user end # attempts to auto-login from the sources defined (session, basic_auth, cookie, etc.) # returns the logged in user if found, false if not (using old restful-authentication trick, nil != false). def current_user @current_user ||= login_from_session || login_from_other_sources unless @current_user == false end # used when a user tries to access a page while logged out, is asked to login, and we want to return him back to the page he originally wanted. def redirect_back_or_to(url, flash_hash = {}) redirect_to(session[:return_to_url] || url, :flash => flash_hash) end # The default action for denying non-authenticated users. # You can override this method in your controllers, # or provide a different method in the configuration. def not_authenticated redirect_to root_path end protected # Tries all available sources (methods) until one doesn't return false. def login_from_other_sources result = nil Config.login_sources.find do |source| result = send(source) end result || false end def login_user(user) session[:user_id] = end def login_from_session @current_user = (Config.user_class.find_by_id(session[:user_id]) if session[:user_id]) || false end def after_login!(user, credentials) Config.after_login.each {|c| self.send(c, user, credentials)} end def after_failed_login!(credentials) Config.after_failed_login.each {|c| self.send(c, credentials)} end def before_logout!(user) Config.before_logout.each {|c| self.send(c, user)} end def after_logout! Config.after_logout.each {|c| self.send(c)} end end module Config class << self attr_accessor :submodules, :user_class, # what class to use as the user class. Set automatically when you call activate_sorcery! in the User class. :not_authenticated_action, # what controller action to call for non-authenticated users. :save_return_to_url, # when a non logged in user tries to enter a page that requires login, save the URL he wanted to reach, # and send him there after login. :login_sources, :after_login, :after_failed_login, :before_logout, :after_logout, :after_config def init! @defaults = { :@user_class => nil, :@submodules => [], :@not_authenticated_action => :not_authenticated, :@login_sources => [], :@after_login => [], :@after_failed_login => [], :@before_logout => [], :@after_logout => [], :@after_config => [], :@save_return_to_url => true } end # Resets all configuration options to their default values. def reset! @defaults.each do |k,v| instance_variable_set(k,v) end end def update! @defaults.each do |k,v| instance_variable_set(k,v) if !instance_variable_defined?(k) end end end init! reset! end end end