require 'triglav/agent/base/monitor' require 'vertica' require 'uri' require 'cgi' require 'securerandom' require 'rack/utils' module Triglav::Agent module Vertica class Monitor < Base::Monitor attr_reader :connection, :resource_uri_prefix, :resource, :periodic_last_epoch, :singular_last_epoch # @param [Triglav::Agent::Vertica::Connection] connection # @param [String] resource_uri_prefix # @param [TriglavClient::ResourceResponse] resource # resource: # uri: vertica://host/database/schema/table # unit: 'daily', 'hourly', 'singular', or their combinations such as 'singular,daily,hourly' # timezone: '+09:00' # span_in_days: 32 # # View is not supported def initialize(connection, resource_uri_prefix, resource) @connection = connection @resource_uri_prefix = resource_uri_prefix @resource = resource @status =, resource.uri) @periodic_last_epoch = $setting.debug? ? 0 : get_from_status_file(:periodic_last_epoch) @singular_last_epoch = $setting.debug? ? 0 : get_from_status_file(:singular_last_epoch) end def process unless resource_valid? $logger.warn { "Broken resource: #{resource.to_s}" } return nil end $logger.debug { msgs = ["Start process #{resource.uri}"] msgs << "periodic_last_epoch:#{periodic_last_epoch}" if periodic_last_epoch msgs << "singular_last_epoch:#{singular_last_epoch}" if singular_last_epoch msgs.join(', ') } if periodic? periodic_events, new_periodic_last_epoch = get_periodic_events events = periodic_events || [] end if singular? singular_events, new_singular_last_epoch = get_singular_events events.nil? ? (events = singular_events) : events.concat(singular_events || []) end $logger.debug { msgs = ["Finish process #{resource.uri}"] msgs << "periodic_last_epoch:#{periodic_last_epoch}" if periodic_last_epoch msgs << "singular_last_epoch:#{singular_last_epoch}" if singular_last_epoch msgs << "new_periodic_last_epoch:#{new_periodic_last_epoch}" if new_periodic_last_epoch msgs << "new_singular_last_epoch:#{new_singular_last_epoch}" if new_singular_last_epoch msgs.join(', ') } return nil if events.nil? || events.empty? yield(events) if block_given? # send_message update_status_file(:periodic_last_epoch, new_periodic_last_epoch) if new_periodic_last_epoch update_status_file(:singular_last_epoch, new_singular_last_epoch) if new_singular_last_epoch true end def get_periodic_events if hourly? events, new_last_epoch, rows = get_hourly_events if daily? daily_events = build_daily_events_from_hourly(rows) events.concat(daily_events) end [events, new_last_epoch] elsif daily? get_daily_events else raise end end def get_singular_events sql = "select " \ "NULL AS d, NULL AS h, max(epoch) " \ "from #{q_db}.#{q_schema}.#{q_table} " \ "#{q_where.empty? ? '' : "where #{q_where} "}" \ "having max(epoch) > #{q_singular_last_epoch}" query_and_get_events(:singular, sql) end def get_hourly_events sql = "select " \ "#{q_date} AS d, DATE_PART('hour', #{q_timestamp}) AS h, max(epoch) " \ "from #{q_db}.#{q_schema}.#{q_table} " \ "where #{q_date} IN ('#{dates.join("','")}') " \ "#{q_where.empty? ? '' : "AND #{q_where} "}" \ "group by d, h having max(epoch) > #{q_periodic_last_epoch} " \ "order by d, h" query_and_get_events(:hourly, sql) end def get_daily_events sql = "select " \ "#{q_date} AS d, 0 AS h, max(epoch) " \ "from #{q_db}.#{q_schema}.#{q_table} " \ "where #{q_date} IN ('#{dates.join("','")}') " \ "#{q_where.empty? ? '' : "AND #{q_where} "}" \ "group by d having max(epoch) > #{q_periodic_last_epoch} " \ "order by d" query_and_get_events(:daily, sql) end private def query_and_get_events(unit, sql) $logger.debug { "Query: #{sql}" } rows = connection.query(sql) events = build_events(unit, rows) new_last_epoch = build_latest_epoch(rows) [events, new_last_epoch, rows] rescue ::Vertica::Error::QueryError => e $logger.warn { "#{e.class} #{e.message}" } # e.message includes sql nil rescue ::Vertica::Error::TimedOutError => e $logger.warn { "#{e.class} #{e.message} SQL:#{sql}" } nil end def update_status_file(key, last_epoch) @status.set(key.to_sym, last_epoch) end def get_from_status_file(key) @status.getsetnx(key.to_sym, get_current_epoch) end def get_current_epoch connection.query('select GET_CURRENT_EPOCH()').first.first end def resource_valid? resource_unit_valid? && !resource.timezone.nil? && !resource.span_in_days.nil? end def resource_unit_valid? resource.unit.split(',').each do |item| return false unless %w[singular daily hourly].include?(item) end true end def hourly? return @is_hourly unless @is_hourly.nil? @is_hourly = resource.unit.include?('hourly') end def daily? return @is_daily unless @is_daily.nil? @is_daily = resource.unit.include?('daily') end def singular? return @is_singular unless @is_singular.nil? @is_singular = resource.unit.include?('singular') end def periodic? hourly? or daily? end def dates return @dates if @dates now = @dates = do |i| (now - (i * 86400)).strftime('%Y-%m-%d') end end def build_latest_epoch(rows) {|row| row[2] }.max end def build_events(unit, rows) do |row| date, hour, epoch = row[0], row[1], row[2] { uuid: SecureRandom.uuid, resource_uri: resource.uri, resource_unit: unit.to_s, resource_time: date_hour_to_i(date, hour, resource.timezone), resource_timezone: resource.timezone, payload: (date ? {d: date.to_s, h: hour.to_i} : {}).merge!(epoch: epoch).to_json, } end end def build_daily_events_from_hourly(rows) max_epoch_of = {} rows.each do |row| date, hour, epoch = row[0], row[1], row[2] max_epoch_of[date] = [epoch, max_epoch_of[date] || 0].max end daily_events = do |date, epoch| { uuid: SecureRandom.uuid, resource_uri: resource.uri, resource_unit: 'daily', resource_time: date_hour_to_i(date, 0, resource.timezone), resource_timezone: resource.timezone, payload: {d: date.to_s, h: 0, epoch: epoch}.to_json, } end end def date_hour_to_i(date, hour, timezone) return 0 if date.nil? Time.strptime("#{date.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")} #{hour.to_i} #{timezone}", '%Y-%m-%d %H %z').to_i end def q_periodic_last_epoch @q_periodic_last_epoch ||= ::Vertica.quote(periodic_last_epoch) end def q_singular_last_epoch @q_singular_last_epoch ||= ::Vertica.quote(singular_last_epoch) end def parsed_uri @parsed_uri ||= URI.parse(resource.uri) end def parsed_query @parsed_query ||= Rack::Utils.parse_nested_query(parsed_uri.query) end def db @db ||= parsed_uri.path[1..-1].split('/')[0] end def schema @schema ||= parsed_uri.path[1..-1].split('/')[1] end def table @table ||= parsed_uri.path[1..-1].split('/')[2] end def date_column parsed_query['date'] || $setting.dig(:vertica, :date_column) || 'd' end def timestamp_column parsed_query['timestamp'] || $setting.dig(:vertica, :timestamp_column) || 't' end def where parsed_query['where'] || {} end def q_db @q_db ||= ::Vertica.quote_identifier(db) end def q_schema @q_schema ||= ::Vertica.quote_identifier(schema) end def q_table @q_table ||= ::Vertica.quote_identifier(table) end def q_date @q_date ||= ::Vertica.quote_identifier(date_column) end def q_timestamp @q_timestamp ||= ::Vertica.quote_identifier(timestamp_column) end # Value specification: # * A value looks like an integer string is treated as an integer. # * If you want to treat it as as string, surround with double quote or single quote. # * A value does not look like an integer is treated as a string. # Operator specification: # * Only equality is supported now def q_where @q_where ||= do |col, val| begin val = Integer(val) rescue => e if val.start_with?("'") and val.end_with?("'") val = val[1..-2] elsif val.start_with?('"') and val.end_with?('"') val = val[1..-2] end end "#{::Vertica.quote_identifier(col)} = #{::Vertica.quote(val)}" end.join(' AND ') end end end end