## RSence # Copyright 2009 Riassence Inc. # http://riassence.com/ # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along # with this software package. If not, contact licensing@riassence.com ## require 'jsmin_c' require 'jscompress' require 'html_min' begin require 'coffee-script' RSence.config[:client_pkg][:coffee_supported] = true rescue LoadError warn "CoffeeScript not installed. Install the 'coffee-script' gem to enable." RSence.config[:client_pkg][:coffee_supported] = false end class ClientPkgBuild def read_file( path ) filehandle = open( path, 'rb' ) filedata = filehandle.read filehandle.close return filedata end def gzip_string( string ) gz_string = GZString.new('') gz_writer = Zlib::GzipWriter.new( gz_string, @gz_strategy ) gz_writer.write( string ) gz_writer.close return gz_string end def read_css( src_path ) css_data = read_file( src_path ) unless @debug unless @no_whitespace_removal css_data = @html_min.minimize( css_data ) if @css_min css_data = CSSMin.minify( css_data ) end end end if @no_gzip gz_css = false else gz_css = gzip_string( css_data ) end return [css_data, gz_css] end def read_html( src_path ) html_data = read_file( src_path ) unless @debug unless @no_whitespace_removal html_data = @html_min.minimize( html_data ) end end if @no_gzip gz_html = false else gz_html = gzip_string( html_data ) end return [html_data, gz_html] end def read_gfx( src_path_theme, theme_newest ) gfx_size = 0 gfx_data = {} src_files_gfx_path = File.join( src_path_theme, 'gfx' ) [ src_path_theme, src_files_gfx_path ].each do |src_files_gfx| if File.exist?( src_files_gfx ) Dir.entries( src_files_gfx ).each do |src_gfx_filename| src_file_gfx = File.join( src_files_gfx, src_gfx_filename ) if @gfx_formats.include?( src_file_gfx[-4..-1] ) fstat = File.stat( src_file_gfx ) theme_newest = fstat.mtime.to_f if fstat.mtime.to_f > theme_newest gfx_size += fstat.size gfx_data[src_gfx_filename] = read_file( src_file_gfx ) end end end end return [ gfx_size, gfx_data, theme_newest ] end # processes theme-related files def read_theme( bundle_dir, bundle_name ) time_start = Time.now.to_f @theme_names.each do |theme_name| src_path_theme = File.join( bundle_dir, 'themes', theme_name ) if @src_cache[:theme_timestamp].has_key?(src_path_theme) theme_newest = @src_cache[:theme_timestamp][src_path_theme] else theme_newest = 0 end if theme_newest == 0 or find_newer( src_path_theme, theme_newest ) theme_css = { :data => '' } theme_html = { :data => '' } theme_size = { :css => [0,0], :html => [0,0], :gfx => 0 } [ File.join( src_path_theme, bundle_name+'.css' ), File.join( src_path_theme, 'css', bundle_name+'.css' ) ].each do |src_file_css| if File.exist?( src_file_css ) fstat = File.stat( src_file_css ) theme_newest = fstat.mtime.to_f if fstat.mtime.to_f > theme_newest ( css_data, gz_css ) = read_css( src_file_css ) theme_css = { :data => css_data, :gzip => gz_css } theme_size[:css][0] += fstat.size theme_size[:css][1] += css_data.bytesize break end end [ File.join( src_path_theme, bundle_name+'.html' ), File.join( src_path_theme, 'html', bundle_name+'.html' ) ].each do |src_file_html| if File.exist?( src_file_html ) fstat = File.stat( src_file_html ) theme_newest = fstat.mtime.to_f if fstat.mtime.to_f > theme_newest ( html_data, gz_html ) = read_html( src_file_html ) theme_html = { :data => html_data, :gzip => gz_html } theme_size[:html][0] += fstat.size theme_size[:html][1] += html_data.bytesize break end end ( gfx_size, theme_gfx, theme_newest ) = read_gfx( src_path_theme, theme_newest ) theme_size[:gfx] += gfx_size @src_cache[:theme_timestamp][src_path_theme] = theme_newest @src_cache[:theme_data][src_path_theme] = {} unless @src_cache[:theme_data].has_key?(src_path_theme) @src_cache[:theme_data][src_path_theme][:size] = theme_size @src_cache[:theme_data][src_path_theme][:data] = { :css => theme_css, :html => theme_html, :gfx => theme_gfx } else theme_size = @src_cache[:theme_data][src_path_theme][:size] tc = @src_cache[:theme_data][src_path_theme][:data] theme_css = tc[:css] theme_html = tc[:html] theme_gfx = tc[:gfx] end @html_by_theme[theme_name][bundle_name] = theme_html[:data] @css_by_theme[theme_name][bundle_name] = theme_css[:data] th = @themes[theme_name] th[:css][bundle_name] = theme_css th[:html][bundle_name] = theme_html th[:gfx].merge!(theme_gfx) unless @theme_sizes.has_key?( theme_name ) @theme_sizes[ theme_name ] = { :css => [0,0], :html => [0,0], :gfx => 0 } end ts = @theme_sizes[theme_name] ts[:css][0] += theme_size[:css][0] ts[:css][1] += theme_size[:css][1] ts[:html][0] += theme_size[:html][0] ts[:html][1] += theme_size[:html][1] ts[:gfx] += theme_size[:gfx] end @theme_time += (Time.now.to_f - time_start) end def add_bundle( bundle_name, bundle_path, entries, has_js=false, has_coffee=false ) has_themes = entries.include?( 'themes' ) and File.directory?( File.join( bundle_path, 'themes' ) ) if @bundles_found.has_key?( bundle_name ) @logger.log( "JSBuilder ERROR: duplicate bundles with the name #{bundle_name.inspect} found." ) @logger.log( " The first encountered is #{@bundles_found[ bundle_name ].inspect}" ) @logger.log( " The second encountered is #{bundle_path.inspect}" ) @logger.log( "abort." ) return false end unless @destinations.include?( bundle_name ) warn "JSBuilder WARNING: bundle name #{bundle_name.inspect} does not belong to any package, skipping.." if ARGV.include?('-d') return true end if has_coffee and @coffee_supported src_path = File.join( bundle_path, bundle_name+'.coffee' ) is_coffee = true elsif not has_js src_path = false else src_path = File.join( bundle_path, bundle_name+'.js' ) is_coffee = false end if src_path src_timestamp = File.stat( src_path ).mtime.to_i src_cache_compiled = @src_cache[:path_compiled].has_key?( src_path ) src_cache_timestamp = @src_cache[:path_timestamp].has_key?( src_path ) src_cache_entry = src_cache_compiled and src_cache_timestamp src_cached = ( src_cache_entry and ( @src_cache[:path_timestamp][src_path] == src_timestamp ) ) if src_cached js_data = @src_cache[:path_compiled][src_path] js_size = @src_cache[:orig_size][src_path] min_size = js_data.bytesize else process_start = Time.new.to_f if is_coffee begin coffee_src = read_file( src_path ) js_data = CoffeeScript.compile( coffee_src, :bare => true ) rescue CoffeeScript::CompilationError, ExecJS::RuntimeError if has_js js_data = %{console.log( "WARNING: CoffeeScript complilation failed for source file #{src_path.to_json}, using the js variant instead." );} js_data += read_file( File.join( bundle_path, bundle_name+'.js' ) ) else js_data = %{console.log( "WARNING: CoffeeScript complilation failed for source file #{src_path.to_json}" );} end end else js_data = read_file( src_path ) end js_size = js_data.bytesize if @debug min_size = js_size else js_data = @jsmin.minimize( js_data ) unless @no_whitespace_removal min_size = js_data.bytesize end if is_coffee @coffee_time += ( Time.new.to_f - process_start ) else @js_time += ( Time.new.to_f - process_start ) end @src_cache[:path_timestamp][src_path] = src_timestamp @src_cache[:path_compiled][src_path] = js_data @src_cache[:orig_size][src_path] = js_size end else js_data = %{console.log( "ERROR: CoffeeScript not suuported and no JS source available for #{bundle_path}" );} js_size = js_data.bytesize min_size = js_size src_timestamp = 0 end @bundles_found[ bundle_name ] = { :path => bundle_path, :js_data => js_data, :js_size => min_size, :orig_size => js_size, :has_themes => has_themes, :src_timestamp => src_timestamp } read_theme( bundle_path, bundle_name ) if has_themes return true end def find_bundles( src_dir ) # makes sure the src_dir exists and is a directory if File.exist?( src_dir ) and File.directory?( src_dir ) # array of item names in dir dir_entries = Dir.entries( src_dir ) # the name of src_dir (src_dir itself is a full path) dir_name = File.split( src_dir )[1] # bundles are defined as directories with a js file of the same name plus the 'js.inc' tagfile not_disabled = ( not dir_entries.include?( 'disabled' ) ) has_js = dir_entries.include?( dir_name+'.js' ) has_coffee = dir_entries.include?( dir_name+'.coffee' ) is_bundle = not_disabled and ( has_js or has_coffee ) # if src_dir is detected as a bundle, handle it in add_bundle if is_bundle add_bundle( dir_name, src_dir, dir_entries, has_js, has_coffee ) end # descend into the sub-directory: dir_entries.each do | dir_entry | # don't descend into themes or hidden dirs: next if dir_entry[0].chr == '.' or dir_entry == 'themes' sub_dir = File.join( src_dir, dir_entry ) find_bundles( sub_dir ) if File.directory?( sub_dir ) end end end def build_indexes indexes = [] @destination_files.each_key do | package_name | indexes.push( @destination_files[ package_name ] ) end @jscompress.build_indexes( indexes.join("\n") ) unless @no_obfuscation end def pre_convert(jsc_data) return @jscompress.compress( jsc_data ) end def minimize_data unless @quiet @logger.log( '' ) @logger.log( "Client package build report.......................#{Time.now.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')}" ) @logger.log( '' ) @logger.log( "JS Package....................: Source | Minimized | GNUZipped" ) @logger.log( " : | |" ) end @package_origsizes = {} @destination_files.each_key do | package_name | jsc_data = process_js( @destination_files[package_name] ) @js[package_name] = jsc_data unless @no_gzip gz_data = gzip_string( jsc_data ) @gz[package_name] = gz_data end unless @quiet js_size = @destination_origsize[package_name] #@destination_files[ package_name ].bytesize @package_origsizes[package_name] = js_size jsc_size = jsc_data.bytesize if @no_gzip gz_size = -1 else gz_size = gz_data.bytesize end print_stat( package_name, js_size, jsc_size, gz_size ) end end end def squeeze( js, is_coffee=false ) unless @no_whitespace_removal begin js = @jsmin.minimize( js ).strip # js = JSMinC.minify( js ) rescue IndexError => e warn "js can't get smaller using js; just ignoring jsmin" end end unless @no_obfuscation begin ## Not creating new indexes on the fly, to save some speed # @jscompress.build_indexes( js ) js = @jscompress.compress( js ) rescue warn "jscompress failed squeeze; just ignoring jscompress" end end return js end def coffee( src ) begin js = CoffeeScript.compile( src, :bare => true ) rescue ExecJS::RuntimeError => e warn "ExecJS RuntimeError, invalid CoffeScript supplied:\n----\n#{src}----\n" js = "function(){console.log('ERROR; invalid CoffeeScript supplied: #{src.to_json}');}" rescue CoffeeScript::CompilationError warn "Invalid CoffeeScript supplied:\n----\n#{src}----\n" js = "function(){console.log('ERROR; invalid CoffeeScript supplied: #{src.to_json}');}" rescue js = "function(){console.log('ERROR; CoffeeScript compilation failed: #{src.to_json}');}" end js = squeeze( js ) return js[1..-3] if js.start_with?('(') and js.end_with?(');') return js end def process_js( src_in ) if @debug return src_in else src_out = src_in src_out = pre_convert( src_out ) unless @no_obfuscation return src_out end end def build_themes time_start = Time.now.to_f unless @quiet @logger.log( '' ) @logger.log( "Theme name and part...........: Source | Minimized | GNUZipped" ) @logger.log( " : | |" ) end # compile "all-in-one" css and html resources @theme_names.each do |theme_name| html_templates = @html_by_theme[ theme_name ] css_templates = @css_by_theme[ theme_name ] theme_css_template_data = css_templates.values.join("\n") theme_html_js_arr = [] theme_html_js_arr.push "(function(){" theme_html_js_arr.push "HThemeManager._tmplCache[#{theme_name.to_json}]=#{html_templates.to_json}; " theme_html_js_arr.push "HNoComponentCSS.push(#{theme_name.to_json});" theme_html_js_arr.push "HNoCommonCSS.push(#{theme_name.to_json});" theme_html_js_arr.push %{ HThemeManager._pushStart( function(){ var _this = HThemeManager; _this._cssUrl( #{theme_name.to_json}, #{(theme_name+'_theme').to_json}, _this.themePath, null ); _this.useCSS(#{theme_css_template_data.to_json}); } ); } theme_html_js_arr.push "})();" theme_html_js = theme_html_js_arr.join("\n") @package_origsizes[theme_name+'_theme'] = theme_html_js.bytesize theme_html_js = process_js( theme_html_js ) @js[theme_name+'_theme'] = theme_html_js unless @no_gzip theme_html_gz = gzip_string( @js[theme_name+'_theme'] ) @gz[theme_name+'_theme'] = theme_html_gz end unless @quiet print_stat( "#{theme_name}/html", @theme_sizes[theme_name][:html][0], @theme_sizes[theme_name][:html][1], theme_html_gz.bytesize ) end @themes[theme_name][:css][theme_name+'_theme'] = { :data => theme_css_template_data, :gzip => false } unless @no_gzip theme_css_template_data_gz = gzip_string( theme_css_template_data ) @themes[theme_name][:css][theme_name+'_theme'][:gzip] = theme_css_template_data_gz end unless @quiet print_stat( "#{theme_name}/css", @theme_sizes[theme_name][:css][0], @theme_sizes[theme_name][:css][1], theme_css_template_data_gz.bytesize ) print_stat( "#{theme_name}/gfx", @theme_sizes[theme_name][:gfx], @theme_sizes[theme_name][:gfx], @theme_sizes[theme_name][:gfx] ) @logger.log( '' ) end end @theme_time += (Time.now.to_f - time_start) end def build_compound_packages time_start = Time.now.to_f unless @quiet @logger.log( '' ) @logger.log( "Compound package..............: Source | Minimized | GNUZipped" ) @logger.log( " : | |" ) end @compounds.each do |pkg_name, js_order| js_size = 0 pkg_parts = [] js_order.each do |js_pkg| pkg_part = @js[ js_pkg ] pkg_parts.push( pkg_part ) pkg_size = ( @package_origsizes[ js_pkg ] or @destination_origsize[ js_pkg ] or @compound_origsize[ js_pkg ] ) warn "nil pkg size of: #{js_pkg}" if pkg_size.nil? or pkg_size == 0 js_size += pkg_size.nil? ? 0 : pkg_size end js_src = pkg_parts.join("\n") @js[ pkg_name ] = js_src unless @no_gzip gz_data = gzip_string( js_src ) @gz[ pkg_name ] = gz_data end unless @quiet jsc_size = js_src.bytesize if @no_gzip gz_size = -1 else gz_size = gz_data.bytesize end @compound_origsize[ pkg_name ] = js_size print_stat( pkg_name, js_size, jsc_size, gz_size ) end end @js_time += (Time.now.to_f - time_start) end def reset_structures # hash of bundles per bundle name per theme; @html_by_theme[theme_name][bundle_name] = bundle_data @html_by_theme = {} @css_by_theme = {} @theme_names.each do | theme_name | @html_by_theme[ theme_name ] = {} @css_by_theme[ theme_name ] = {} end @theme_sizes = {} # hash of bundle -> package mappings (reverse @packages) @destinations = {} @package_names.each do | package_name | @packages[ package_name ].each do |bundle_name| @destinations[ bundle_name ] = [] unless @destinations.include?( bundle_name ) @destinations[ bundle_name ].push( package_name ) end end @bundles_found = {} # populated by add_bundle @conversion_stats = {} # populated by add_hints end def traverse_bundles src_dirs = @src_dirs.clone src_dirs.each do | src_dir | find_bundles( src_dir ) end end def compose_destinations @destination_files = {} # rename to package_products @destination_origsize = {} @compound_origsize = {} @package_names.each do |package_name| @packages[package_name].each do |bundle_name| if @bundles_found.has_key?( bundle_name ) @destination_files[ package_name ] = [] unless @destination_files.has_key?( package_name ) @destination_files[ package_name ].push( @bundles_found[bundle_name][:js_data] ) @destination_origsize[ package_name ] = 0 unless @destination_origsize.has_key?( package_name ) @destination_origsize[ package_name ] += @bundles_found[bundle_name][:orig_size] end end end @destination_files.each do | package_name, package_array | package_data = package_array.join("\n") @destination_files[ package_name ] = package_data end end def run( last_change=0 ) time_start = Time.now.to_f*10000 @coffee_time = 0 @js_time = 0 @theme_time = 0 @last_change = last_change reset_structures traverse_bundles compose_destinations build_indexes minimize_data build_themes build_compound_packages ms_taken = ((Time.now.to_f*10000)-time_start).round/10.0 js_taken = (@js_time*10000).round/10.0 coffee_taken = (@coffee_time*10000).round/10.0 themes_taken = (@theme_time*10000).round/10.0 other_taken = ((ms_taken - coffee_taken - js_taken - themes_taken)*10).round/10.0 @logger.log( "\nTime taken:\n js: #{js_taken}ms\n coffee: #{coffee_taken}ms\n themes: #{themes_taken}ms\n other: #{other_taken}ms\n total: #{ms_taken}ms\n\n" ) end def setup_dirs # make sure the src_dirs contain only absolute paths. # if not, use current working dir as a logical prefix @src_dirs.map! do |src_dir| File.expand_path( src_dir ) end @src_dirs.each do |src_dir| # exit with error if the src dir does not exist unless File.exist?( src_dir ) @logger.log( "JSBuilder ERROR: the source directory #{src_dir.inspect} does not exist." ) @logger.log( "abort." ) return false end end @package_names.each do |package_name| @js[package_name] = '' @gz[package_name] = '' end # ensures the destination directories of various theme parts exist @theme_names.each do |theme_name| @themes[theme_name] = { :css => {}, :html => {}, :gfx => {} } end return true end def add_src_dir( src_dir ) @src_dirs.push( src_dir ) unless @src_dirs.include? src_dir end def add_src_dirs( src_dirs ) src_dirs.each { |src_dir| add_src_dir( src_dir ) } end def del_src_dir( src_dir ) @src_dirs.delete( src_dir ) if @src_dirs.include? src_dir end def del_src_dirs( src_dirs ) src_dirs.each { |src_dir| del_src_dir( src_dir ) } end def add_theme( theme_name ) @theme_names.push( theme_name ) unless @theme_names.include? theme_name end def add_themes( theme_names ) theme_names.each { |theme_name| add_theme( theme_name ) } end def del_theme( theme_name ) @theme_names.delete( theme_name ) if @theme_names.include? theme_name end def del_themes( theme_names ) theme_names.each { |theme_name| del_theme( theme_name ) } end def add_package( pkg_name, pkg_items ) if @packages.has_key?( pkg_name ) warn "Package #{pkg_name} already exists, ignoring." else @packages[ pkg_name ] = pkg_items @package_names = @packages.keys end end def add_packages( packages ) packages.each do | pkg_name, pkg_items | add_package( pkg_name, pkg_items ) end end def del_package( pkg_name ) if @packages.has_key?( pkg_name ) @packages.delete( pkg_name ) @package_names = @packages.keys end end def del_packages( packages ) packages.each { |pkg_name| del_package( pkg_name ) } end def add_compound( compound_name, pkg_names ) if @compounds.has_key?( compound_name ) warn "Compound #{compound_name} already exists, ignoring." else @compounds[ compound_name ] = pkg_names end end def add_compounds( compounds ) compounds.each do | compound_name, pkg_names | add_compound( compound_name, pkg_names ) end end def del_compound( compound_name ) if @compounds.has_key?( compound_name ) @compounds.delete( compound_name ) end end def del_compounds( compounds ) compounds.each { |compound_name| del_compound( compound_name ) } end def add_reserved_name( reserved_name ) @reserved_names.push( reserved_name ) unless @reserved_names.include? reserved_name end def add_reserved_names( reserved_names ) reserved_names.each { |n| add_reserved_name( n ) } end def del_reserved_name( reserved_name ) @reserved_names.delete( reserved_name ) if @resered_names.include? reserved_name end def del_reserved_names( reserved_names ) reserved_names.each { |n| del_reserved_name( n ) } end def add_gfx_format( gfx_format ) @gfx_formats.push( gfx_format ) unless @gfx_formats.include? gfx_format end def add_gfx_formats( gfx_formats ) gfx_formats.each { |gfx_format| add_gfx_format( gfx_format ) } end def del_gfx_format( gfx_format ) @gfx_formats.delete( gfx_format ) if @gfx_formats.include? gfx_format end def del_gfx_formats( gfx_formats ) gfx_formats.each { |gfx_format| del_gfx_format( gfx_format ) } end #delete: @js_dst_dir, @themes_dst_dir, attr_reader :js, :gz, :themes, :jsmin, :jscompress def initialize( config, logger ) @coffee_supported = config[:coffee_supported] @src_cache = { :path_timestamp => {}, :path_compiled => {}, :orig_size => {}, :theme_timestamp => {}, :theme_data => {} } @logger = logger # src_dirs is supposed to be an array of js source directories @src_dirs = config[:src_dirs] @js = {} @gz = {} @themes = {} # theme_names is supposed to be an array of theme names to include in the build @theme_names = config[:theme_names] # pkg_info is supposed to be a hash of js package name definitions by pkg_name @packages = config[:packages] # packages is supposed to be a list of js package name definitions to include @package_names = @packages.keys # reserved_names is supposed to be a list of reserved words (words that shouldn't be compressed) @reserved_names = config[:reserved_names] # JSCompress compresses js by "obfuscating" # all variables beginning with an underscore "_", # eg. "_this" -> "_0", except # those specified in the @reserved_names array @jscompress = JSCompress.new( config[:reserved_names] ) # HTMLMin compresses css and html by removing whitespace @html_min = HTMLMin.new # JSMin removes js white-space (makes the source shorter) @jsmin = JSMin.new # makes sure the specified dirs are ok return if not setup_dirs begin require 'rubygems' require 'cssmin' @css_min = true rescue LoadError => e warn "cssmin not installed. install cssmin (gem install cssmin) to improve the css minifiying." @css_min = false end # contains a list of theme gfx extensions allowed @gfx_formats = config[:gfx_formats] # compression strategy ( fastest vs smallest ) @gz_strategy = config[:gz_strategy] @no_gzip = config[:no_gzip] @no_obfuscation = config[:no_obfuscation] @no_whitespace_removal = config[:no_whitespace_removal] @debug = RSence.args[:debug] @quiet = (not RSence.args[:verbose] and RSence.args[:suppress_build_messages]) @compounds = config[:compound_packages] end def find_newer( src_dir, newer_than, quiet=false ) if File.exist?( src_dir ) and File.directory?( src_dir ) Dir.entries( src_dir ).each do | dir_entry | next if dir_entry[0].chr == '.' sub_dir = File.join( src_dir, dir_entry ) if File.directory?( sub_dir ) return true if find_newer( sub_dir, newer_than ) else if newer_than < File.stat( sub_dir ).mtime.to_i @logger.log( "File changed: #{sub_dir}" ) unless quiet return true end end end end return false end def bundle_changes( newer_than ) @bundles_found.each do | bundle_name, bundle_info | bundle_path = bundle_info[:path] is_newer = find_newer( bundle_path, newer_than ) return true if is_newer end return false end def print_stat( package_name, dst_size, jsc_size, gz_size ) # percent = 'n/a' if dst_size > 0 percent1 = (100*(jsc_size/dst_size.to_f)).to_i.to_s + '%' percent2 = (100*(gz_size/dst_size.to_f)).to_i.to_s + '%' else percent1 = '-' percent2 = '-' end if jsc_size == -1 jsc_size = '' percent1 = '' end if gz_size == -1 gz_size = '' percent2 = '' end @logger.log( "#{package_name.ljust(30).gsub(' ','.')}: #{dst_size.to_s.rjust(9)} | #{jsc_size.to_s.rjust(6)} #{percent1.rjust(4)} | #{gz_size.to_s.rjust(6)} #{percent2.rjust(4)}" ) end def flush @jscompress.free_indexes end end