# This started as my (Giles Bowkett's) .irbrc file, turned into a recipe on IRB for the Pragmatic Programmers, # and soon became a scrapbook of cool code snippets from all over the place. All the RDoc lives in the README. # Check that file for usage information, authorship, copyright, and extensive details. You can also find a # nice, HTMLified version of the README content at http://utilitybelt.rubyforge.org. UTILITY_BELT_IRB_STARTUP_PROCS = {} unless Object.const_defined? :UTILITY_BELT_IRB_STARTUP_PROCS %w{rubygems active_support utility_belt/equipper}.each {|internal_library| require internal_library} if Object.const_defined? :IRB # Called when the irb session is ready, after any external libraries have been loaded. This # allows the user to specify which gadgets in the utility belt to equip. (Kind of pushing the # metaphor, but hey, what the hell.) IRB.conf[:IRB_RC] = lambda do UtilityBelt.equip(:defaults) unless UtilityBelt.equipped? UTILITY_BELT_IRB_STARTUP_PROCS.each {|symbol, proc| proc.call} end # default: dark background UtilityBelt::Themes.background(:dark) if defined? UtilityBelt::Themes end