require 'rubyneat' require 'distribution' module NEAT #= Evolver -- Basis of all evolvers. # All evolvers shall derive from this basic evolver (or this one can be # used as is). Here, we'll have many different evolutionary operators # that will perform operations on the various critters in the population. # class Evolver < Operator attr_reader :npop def initialize(c) super @critter_op = self end # Generate the initial genes for a given genotype. # We key genes off their innovation numbers. def gen_initial_genes!(genotype) genotype.genes = {} genotype.neural_inputs.each do |s1, input| genotype.neural_outputs.each do |s2, output| g = Critter::Genotype::Gene[genotype, input, output, NEAT::controller.gaussian] genotype.genes[g.innovation] = g end end end # Here we mutate the population. def mutate!(population) @npop = population if @controller.parms.mate_only_prob.nil? or rand > @controller.parms.mate_only_prob log.debug "[[[ Neuron and Gene Giggling!" mutate_perturb_gene_weights! mutate_change_gene_weights! mutate_add_neurons! mutate_change_neurons! mutate_add_genes! mutate_disable_genes! mutate_reenable_genes! log.debug "]]] End Neuron and Gene Giggling!\n" else log.debug "*** Mating only!" end end # Here we clone the population and then evolve it # on the basis of fitness and novelty, etc. # # Returns the newly-evolved population. def evolve(population) @npop = population.dclone # Population sorting and evaluation for breeding, mutations, etc. prepare_speciation! prepare_fitness! prepare_novelty! mate! return @npop end # Here we specify evolutionary operators. protected def prepare_speciation! @npop.speciate! log.debug "SPECIES:" NEAT::dpp @npop.species end # Sort species within the basis of fitness. # Think of the fitness as an error / cost function. # The better fit, the closer to zero the fitness parameter will be. # # If a compare block is specified in the DSL, then that function is called # with the *fitness values* from critters c1 and c2. The default valuation # is <=> You may elect to evaluate them differently. def prepare_fitness! @npop.species.each do |k, sp| sp.sort!{|c1, c2| unless @controller.compare_func.nil? @controller.compare_func.(, else <=> end } end end #TODO: write novelty code def prepare_novelty! end # Perturb existing gene weights by adding a guassian to them. def mutate_perturb_gene_weights! @gperturb = Distribution::Normal::rng(0, @controller.parms.mutate_perturb_gene_weights_sd) if @gperturb.nil? @npop.critters.each do |critter| critter.genotype.genes.each { |innov, gene| if rand < @controller.parms.mutate_perturb_gene_weights_prob gene.weight += per = @gperturb.() log.debug { "Peturbed gene #{gene}.#{innov} by #{per}" } end } end end # Totally change weights to something completely different def mutate_change_gene_weights! @gchange = Distribution::Normal::rng(0, @controller.parms.mutate_change_gene_weights_sd) if @gchange.nil? @npop.critters.each do |critter| critter.genotype.genes.each { |innov, gene| if rand < @controller.parms.mutate_change_gene_weights_prob gene.weight = chg = @gchange.() log.debug { "Change gene #{gene}.#{innov} by #{chg}" } end } end end def mutate_add_genes! @npop.critters.each do |critter| if rand < @controller.parms.mutate_add_gene_prob log.debug "mutate_add_genes! for #{critter}" @critter_op.add_gene! critter end end end def mutate_disable_genes! @npop.critters.each do |critter| if rand < @controller.parms.mutate_gene_disable_prob log.debug "mutate_disable_genes! for #{critter}" @critter_op.disable_gene! critter end end end def mutate_reenable_genes! @npop.critters.each do |critter| if rand < @controller.parms.mutate_gene_reenable_prob log.debug "mutate_reenable_genes! for #{critter}" @critter_op.reenable_gene! critter end end end def mutate_add_neurons! @npop.critters.each do |critter| if rand < @controller.parms.mutate_add_neuron_prob log.debug "mutate_add_neurons! for #{critter}" @critter_op.add_neuron! critter end end end # TODO Finish mutate_change_neurons! def mutate_change_neurons! log.error "mutate_change_neurons! NIY" end # Here we select candidates for mating. We must look at species and fitness # to make the selection for mating. def mate! parm = @controller.parms popsize = parm.population_size surv = parm.survival_threshold survmin = parm.survival_mininum_per_species mlist = [] # list of chosen mating pairs of critters [crit1, crit2], or [:carryover, crit] # species list already sorted in descending order of fitness. # We will generate the approximate number of pairs that correspond # to the survivial_threshold percentage of the population, # then backfill with the most fit out of the top original population. @npop.species.each do |k, sp| crem = [(sp.size * surv).ceil, survmin].max log.warn "Minumum per species hit -- #{survmin}" unless crem > survmin spsel = sp[0, crem] spsel = sp if spsel.empty? crem.times do mlist << [spsel[rand spsel.size], spsel[rand spsel.size]] end end # And now for the backfilling unless mlist.size >= @npop.critters.size mlist += @npop.critters[0, @npop.critters.size - mlist.size].map{|crit| [:carryover, crit]} end @npop.critters = do |crit1, crit2| (crit1 == :carryover) ? crit2 : sex(crit1, crit2) end end protected # Mate the given critters and return a baby. # This is rather involved, and relies heavily on the Innovation Numbers. # # Some definitions: # ## Matching Gene ### 2 genes with matching innovation numbers. # ## Disjoint Gene ### A gene in one has an innovation number in the range of innovation numbers ### of the other. # ## Excess Gene ### Gene in one critter that has an innovation number outside of the range ### of innovation numbers of the other. # ## Neurons ### Distinct Neurons from both crit1 and crit2 must be present in ### the baby. # # Excess and Disjoint genes are always included from the more fit parent. # Matching genes are randomly chosen. For now, we make it 50/50. def sex(crit1, crit2), true) do |baby| fitcrit = if > crit1 elsif > crit2 else (rand(2) == 1) ? crit1 : crit2 end a = crit1.genotype.genes.keys.to_set b = crit2.genotype.genes.keys.to_set disjoint = (a - b) + (b - a) joint = (a + b) - disjoint baby.genotype.neucleate { |gtype| { |innov| g1 = crit1.genotype.genes[innov] g2 = crit2.genotype.genes[innov] Critter::Genotype::Gene[gtype, g1.in_neuron, g1.out_neuron, (rand(2) == 1) ? g1.weight : g2.weight, innov] } + { |innov| fitcrit.genotype.genes[innov].clone unless fitcrit.genotype.genes[innov].nil? }.reject{|i| i.nil? } } baby.genotype.innervate! crit1.genotype.neurons, crit2.genotype.neurons baby.genotype.prune! baby.genotype.wire! end end # A set of Critter Genotype operators. class CritterOp < NeatOb def initialize(evol) super evol.controller @evolver = evol @npop = evol.npop end #= Add a neuron to given critter # Here, we add a neuron by randomly picking a # gene, and split it into two genes with an intervening # neuron. The old gene is not replaced, but disabled. 2 new genes are # created along with the new neuron. def add_neuron!(crit) gene = crit.genotype.genes.values.sample neu = g1 = Critter::Genotype::Gene[crit.genotype, gene.in_neuron,, gene.weight] g2 = Critter::Genotype::Gene[crit.genotype,, gene.out_neuron, gene.weight] gene.enabled = false crit.genotype.add_neurons neu crit.genotype.add_genes g1, g2 log.debug "add_neuron!: neu #{neu}, g1 #{g1}, g2 #{g2}" end #= Add a gene to the genome # Unlike adding a new neuron, adding a new gene # could result in a circular dependency. If so, # and if recurrency is switched off, we must detect # this condition and switch off the offending neurons. # # Obviously, this might result in a loss of functionality, but # oh well. # # An easy and obvious check is to make sure we don't # accept any inputs from output neurons, and we don't # do any outputs to input neurons. # # Constructs for handling recurrency are present in Expressor. def add_gene!(crit) n1 = crit.genotype.neurons.values.sample # input n2 = crit.genotype.neurons.values.sample # output # Sanity checks! unless n1 == n2 or n1.output? or n2.input? gene = Critter::Genotype::Gene[crit.genotype,,, NEAT::controller.gaussian] crit.genotype.add_genes gene log.debug "add_gene! Added gene #{gene}(#{} -> #{}) to #{crit}" end end # Pick an enabled gene at random and disable it. def disable_gene!(crit) gene = crit.genotype.genes.values.reject{|gene| gene.disabled? }.sample gene.enabled = false unless gene.nil? end # Pick a disabled gene at random and reenable it. def reenable_gene!(crit) gene = crit.genotype.genes.values.reject{|gene| gene.enabled? }.sample gene.enabled = true unless gene.nil? end end end end