# # = bio.rb - Loading all BioRuby modules # # Copyright:: Copyright (C) 2001-2007 # Toshiaki Katayama # License:: The Ruby License # # $Id:$ # module Bio autoload :BIORUBY_VERSION, 'bio/version' autoload :BIORUBY_EXTRA_VERSION, 'bio/version' autoload :BIORUBY_VERSION_ID, 'bio/version' ### Basic data types ## Sequence autoload :Sequence, 'bio/sequence' ## below are described in bio/sequence.rb #class Sequence # autoload :Common, 'bio/sequence/common' # autoload :NA, 'bio/sequence/na' # autoload :AA, 'bio/sequence/aa' # autoload :Generic, 'bio/sequence/generic' # autoload :Format, 'bio/sequence/format' # autoload :Adapter, 'bio/sequence/adapter' #end ## Locations/Location autoload :Location, 'bio/location' autoload :Locations, 'bio/location' ## Features/Feature autoload :Feature, 'bio/feature' autoload :Features, 'bio/compat/features' ## References/Reference autoload :Reference, 'bio/reference' autoload :References, 'bio/compat/references' ## Pathway/Relation autoload :Pathway, 'bio/pathway' autoload :Relation, 'bio/pathway' ## Alignment autoload :Alignment, 'bio/alignment' ## Tree autoload :Tree, 'bio/tree' ## Map autoload :Map, 'bio/map' ### Constants autoload :NucleicAcid, 'bio/data/na' autoload :AminoAcid, 'bio/data/aa' autoload :CodonTable, 'bio/data/codontable' ### DB parsers autoload :DB, 'bio/db' autoload :NCBIDB, 'bio/db' autoload :KEGGDB, 'bio/db' autoload :EMBLDB, 'bio/db' ## GenBank/RefSeq/DDBJ autoload :GenBank, 'bio/db/genbank/genbank' autoload :GenPept, 'bio/db/genbank/genpept' autoload :RefSeq, 'bio/db/genbank/refseq' autoload :DDBJ, 'bio/db/genbank/ddbj' ## below are described in bio/db/genbank/ddbj.rb #class DDBJ # autoload :XML, 'bio/io/ddbjxml' #end ## EMBL/TrEMBL/Swiss-Prot/SPTR autoload :EMBL, 'bio/db/embl/embl' autoload :SPTR, 'bio/db/embl/sptr' autoload :TrEMBL, 'bio/db/embl/trembl' autoload :UniProt, 'bio/db/embl/uniprot' autoload :SwissProt, 'bio/db/embl/swissprot' ## KEGG class KEGG autoload :GENOME, 'bio/db/kegg/genome' autoload :GENES, 'bio/db/kegg/genes' autoload :ENZYME, 'bio/db/kegg/enzyme' autoload :COMPOUND, 'bio/db/kegg/compound' autoload :DRUG, 'bio/db/kegg/drug' autoload :GLYCAN, 'bio/db/kegg/glycan' autoload :REACTION, 'bio/db/kegg/reaction' autoload :BRITE, 'bio/db/kegg/brite' autoload :CELL, 'bio/db/kegg/cell' autoload :EXPRESSION, 'bio/db/kegg/expression' autoload :ORTHOLOGY, 'bio/db/kegg/orthology' autoload :KGML, 'bio/db/kegg/kgml' autoload :Taxonomy, 'bio/db/kegg/taxonomy' end ## other formats autoload :FastaFormat, 'bio/db/fasta' autoload :FastaNumericFormat, 'bio/db/fasta/qual' # change to FastaFormat::Numeric ? autoload :FastaDefline, 'bio/db/fasta/defline' # change to FastaFormat::Defline ? autoload :Fastq, 'bio/db/fastq' autoload :GFF, 'bio/db/gff' autoload :AAindex, 'bio/db/aaindex' autoload :AAindex1, 'bio/db/aaindex' # change to AAindex::AAindex1 ? autoload :AAindex2, 'bio/db/aaindex' # change to AAindex::AAindex2 ? autoload :TRANSFAC, 'bio/db/transfac' autoload :PROSITE, 'bio/db/prosite' autoload :LITDB, 'bio/db/litdb' autoload :MEDLINE, 'bio/db/medline' autoload :FANTOM, 'bio/db/fantom' autoload :GO, 'bio/db/go' autoload :PDB, 'bio/db/pdb' autoload :NBRF, 'bio/db/nbrf' autoload :REBASE, 'bio/db/rebase' autoload :SOFT, 'bio/db/soft' autoload :Lasergene, 'bio/db/lasergene' autoload :SangerChromatogram, 'bio/db/sanger_chromatogram/chromatogram' autoload :Scf, 'bio/db/sanger_chromatogram/scf' autoload :Abif, 'bio/db/sanger_chromatogram/abif' autoload :Newick, 'bio/db/newick' autoload :Nexus, 'bio/db/nexus' autoload :PhyloXML, 'bio/db/phyloxml/phyloxml_elements' # Bio::Taxonomy will be moved to other file autoload :Taxonomy, 'bio/db/phyloxml/phyloxml_elements' ## below are described in bio/db/phyloxml/phyloxml_elements.rb #module PhyloXML # autoload :Parser, 'bio/db/phyloxml/phyloxml_parser' # autoload :Writer, 'bio/db/phyloxml/phyloxml_writer' #end ### IO interface modules autoload :Registry, 'bio/io/registry' autoload :Fetch, 'bio/io/fetch' autoload :SQL, 'bio/io/sql' autoload :SOAPWSDL, 'bio/io/soapwsdl' autoload :FlatFile, 'bio/io/flatfile' autoload :FlatFileIndex, 'bio/io/flatfile/index' # chage to FlatFile::Index ? ## below are described in bio/io/flatfile/index.rb #class FlatFileIndex # autoload :Indexer, 'bio/io/flatfile/indexer' # autoload :BDBdefault, 'bio/io/flatfile/bdb' # autoload :BDBwrapper, 'bio/io/flatfile/bdb' # autoload :BDB_1, 'bio/io/flatfile/bdb' #end autoload :PubMed, 'bio/io/pubmed' autoload :DAS, 'bio/io/das' autoload :DBGET, 'bio/io/dbget' autoload :Ensembl, 'bio/io/ensembl' autoload :Hinv, 'bio/io/hinv' ## below are described in bio/appl/blast.rb #class Blast # autoload :Fastacmd, 'bio/io/fastacmd' #end class KEGG autoload :API, 'bio/io/keggapi' end ## below are described in bio/db/genbank/ddbj.rb #class DDBJ # autoload :XML, 'bio/io/ddbjxml' #end class HGC autoload :HiGet, 'bio/io/higet' end class EBI autoload :SOAP, 'bio/io/ebisoap' end autoload :NCBI, 'bio/io/ncbirest' ## below are described in bio/io/ncbirest.rb #class NCBI # autoload :SOAP, 'bio/io/ncbisoap' # autoload :REST, 'bio/io/ncbirest' #end autoload :TogoWS, 'bio/io/togows' ### Applications autoload :Fasta, 'bio/appl/fasta' ## below are described in bio/appl/fasta.rb #class Fasta # autoload :Report, 'bio/appl/fasta/format10' #end autoload :Blast, 'bio/appl/blast' ## below are described in bio/appl/blast.rb #class Blast # autoload :Fastacmd, 'bio/io/fastacmd' # autoload :Report, 'bio/appl/blast/report' # autoload :Default, 'bio/appl/blast/format0' # autoload :WU, 'bio/appl/blast/wublast' # autoload :Bl2seq, 'bio/appl/bl2seq/report' # autoload :RPSBlast, 'bio/appl/blast/rpsblast' # autoload :NCBIOptions, 'bio/appl/blast/ncbioptions' # autoload :Remote, 'bio/appl/blast/remote' #end autoload :HMMER, 'bio/appl/hmmer' ## below are described in bio/appl/hmmer.rb #class HMMER # autoload :Report, 'bio/appl/hmmer/report' #end autoload :EMBOSS, 'bio/appl/emboss' # use bio/command, improve autoload :PSORT, 'bio/appl/psort' ## below are described in bio/appl/psort.rb #class PSORT # class PSORT1 # autoload :Report, 'bio/appl/psort/report' # end # class PSORT2 # autoload :Report, 'bio/appl/psort/report' # end #end autoload :TMHMM, 'bio/appl/tmhmm/report' autoload :TargetP, 'bio/appl/targetp/report' autoload :SOSUI, 'bio/appl/sosui/report' autoload :Genscan, 'bio/appl/genscan/report' autoload :ClustalW, 'bio/appl/clustalw' ## below are described in bio/appl/clustalw.rb #class ClustalW # autoload :Report, 'bio/appl/clustalw/report' #end autoload :MAFFT, 'bio/appl/mafft' ## below are described in bio/appl/mafft.rb #class MAFFT # autoload :Report, 'bio/appl/mafft/report' #end autoload :Tcoffee, 'bio/appl/tcoffee' autoload :Muscle, 'bio/appl/muscle' autoload :Probcons, 'bio/appl/probcons' autoload :Sim4, 'bio/appl/sim4' ## below are described in bio/appl/sim4.rb #class Sim4 # autoload :Report, 'bio/appl/sim4/report' #end autoload :Spidey, 'bio/appl/spidey/report' autoload :Blat, 'bio/appl/blat/report' module GCG autoload :Msf, 'bio/appl/gcg/msf' autoload :Seq, 'bio/appl/gcg/seq' end module Phylip autoload :PhylipFormat, 'bio/appl/phylip/alignment' autoload :DistanceMatrix, 'bio/appl/phylip/distance_matrix' end autoload :Iprscan, 'bio/appl/iprscan/report' autoload :PAML, 'bio/appl/paml/common' ## below are described in bio/appl/paml/common.rb # module PAML # autoload :Codeml, 'bio/appl/paml/codeml' # autoload :Baseml, 'bio/appl/paml/baseml' # autoload :Yn00, 'bio/appl/paml/yn00' # end ### Utilities autoload :SiRNA, 'bio/util/sirna' autoload :ColorScheme, 'bio/util/color_scheme' autoload :ContingencyTable, 'bio/util/contingency_table' autoload :RestrictionEnzyme, 'bio/util/restriction_enzyme' ### Service libraries autoload :Command, 'bio/command' ### Provide BioRuby shell 'command' also as 'Bio.command' (like ChemRuby) def self.method_missing(*args) require 'bio/shell' extend Bio::Shell public_class_method(*Bio::Shell.private_instance_methods) if Bio.respond_to?(args.first) Bio.send(*args) else raise NameError end end end