// ========================================================================== // Project: SproutCore - JavaScript Application Framework // Copyright: ©2006-2009 Sprout Systems, Inc. and contributors. // Portions ©2008-2009 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. // License: Licensed under MIT license (see license.js) // ========================================================================== /** @class A Record is the core model class in SproutCore. It is analogous to NSManagedObject in Core Data and EOEnterpriseObject in the Enterprise Objects Framework (aka WebObjects), or ActiveRecord::Base in Rails. To create a new model class, in your SproutCore workspace, do: {{{ $ sc-gen model MyApp.MyModel }}} This will create MyApp.MyModel in clients/my_app/models/my_model.js. The core attributes hash is used to store the values of a record in a format that can be easily passed to/from the server. The values should generally be stored in their raw string form. References to external records should be stored as primary keys. Normally you do not need to work with the attributes hash directly. Instead you should use get/set on normal record properties. If the property is not defined on the object, then the record will check the attributes hash instead. You can bulk update attributes from the server using the updateAttributes() method. @extends SC.Object @since SproutCore 1.0 */ SC.Record = SC.Object.extend( /** @scope SC.Record.prototype */ { /** Walk like a duck @property {Boolean} */ isRecord: YES, // ............................... // PROPERTIES // /** This is the primary key used to distinguish records. If the keys match, the records are assumed to be identical. @property {String} */ primaryKey: 'guid', /** Returns the id for the record instance. The id is used to uniquely identify this record instance from all others of the same type. If you have a primaryKey set on this class, then the id will be the value of the primaryKey property on the underlying JSON hash. @property {String} */ id: function(key, value) { if (value !== undefined) { this.writeAttribute(this.get('primaryKey'), value); return value; } else { return SC.Store.idFor(this.storeKey); } }.property('storeKey').cacheable(), /** All records generally have a life cycle as they are created or loaded into memory, modified, committed and finally destroyed. This life cycle is managed by the status property on your record. The status of a record is modelled as a finite state machine. Based on the current state of the record, you can determine which operations are currently allowed on the record and which are not. In general, a record can be in one of five primary states; SC.Record.EMPTY, SC.Record.BUSY, SC.Record.READY, SC.Record.DESTROYED, SC.Record.ERROR. These are all described in more detail in the class mixin (below) where they are defined. @property {Number} */ status: function() { return this.store.readStatus(this.storeKey); }.property('storeKey').cacheable(), /** The store that owns this record. All changes will be buffered into this store and committed to the rest of the store chain through here. This property is set when the record instance is created and should not be changed or else it will break the record behavior. @property {SC.Store} */ store: null, /** This is the store key for the record, it is used to link it back to the dataHash. If a record is reused, this value will be replaced. You should not edit this store key but you may sometimes need to refer to this store key when implementing a Server object. @property {Number} */ storeKey: null, /** YES when the record has been destroyed @property {Boolean} */ isDestroyed: function() { return !!(this.get('status') & SC.Record.DESTROYED); }.property('status').cacheable(), /** YES when the record is in an editable state. You can use this property to quickly determine whether attempting to modify the record would raise an exception or not. This property is both readable and writable. Note however that if you set this property to YES but the status of the record is anything but SC.Record.READY, the return value of this property may remain NO. @property {Boolean} */ isEditable: function(key, value) { if (value !== undefined) this._screc_isEditable = value; if (this.get('status') & SC.Record.READY) return this._screc_isEditable; else return NO ; }.property('status').cacheable(), _screc_isEditable: YES, // default /** YES when the record's contents have been loaded for the first time. You can use this to quickly determine if the record is ready to display. @property {Boolean} */ isLoaded: function() { var K = SC.Record, status = this.get('status'); return !((status===K.EMPTY) || (status===K.BUSY_LOADING) || (status===K.ERROR)); }.property('status').cacheable(), /** If set, this should be an array of active relationship objects that need to be notified whenever the underlying record properties change. Currently this is only used by toMany relationships, but you could possibly patch into this yourself also if you are building your own relationships. Note this must be a regular Array - NOT any object implmenting SC.Array. @property {Array} */ relationships: null, /** This will return the raw attributes that you can edit directly. If you make changes to this hash, be sure to call beginEditing() before you get the attributes and endEditing() afterwards. @property {Hash} **/ attributes: function() { var store = this.get('store'), storeKey = this.storeKey; return store.readEditableDataHash(storeKey); }.property(), /** This will return the raw attributes that you cannot edit directly. It is useful if you want to efficiently look at multiple attributes in bulk. If you would like to edit the attributes, see the @attributes@ property instead. @property {Hash} **/ readOnlyAttributes: function() { var store = this.get('store'), storeKey = this.storeKey, ret = store.readDataHash(storeKey); if (ret) ret = SC.clone(ret); return ret; }.property(), /** * The child record cache. */ childRecords: null, /** * The namespace which to retrieve the childRecord Types from */ childRecordNamespace: null, // ............................... // CRUD OPERATIONS // /** Refresh the record from the persistent store. If the record was loaded from a persistent store, then the store will be asked to reload the record data from the server. If the record is new and exists only in memory then this call will have no effect. @returns {SC.Record} receiver */ refresh: function() { this.get('store').refreshRecord(null, null, this.get('storeKey')); return this ; }, /** Deletes the record along with any dependent records. This will mark the records destroyed in the store as well as changing the isDestroyed property on the record to YES. If this is a new record, this will avoid creating the record in the first place. @returns {SC.Record} receiver */ destroy: function() { this.get('store').destroyRecord(null, null, this.get('storeKey')); this.notifyPropertyChange('status'); // If there are any aggregate records, we might need to propagate our new // status to them. this.propagateToAggregates(); return this ; }, /** You can invoke this method anytime you need to make the record as dirty. This will cause the record to be commited when you commitChanges() on the underlying store. If you use the writeAttribute() primitive, this method will be called for you. If you pass the key that changed it will ensure that observers are fired only once for the changed property instead of allPropertiesDidChange() @param {String} key that changed (optional) @returns {SC.Record} receiver */ recordDidChange: function(key) { this.get('store').recordDidChange(null, null, this.get('storeKey'), key); this.notifyPropertyChange('status'); // If there are any aggregate records, we might need to propagate our new // status to them. this.propagateToAggregates(); return this ; }, // ............................... // ATTRIBUTES // /** @private Current edit level. Used to defer editing changes. */ _editLevel: 0 , /** Defers notification of record changes until you call a matching endEditing() method. This method is called automatically whenever you set an attribute, but you can call it yourself to group multiple changes. Calls to beginEditing() and endEditing() can be nested. @returns {SC.Record} receiver */ beginEditing: function() { this._editLevel++; return this ; }, /** Notifies the store of record changes if this matches a top level call to beginEditing(). This method is called automatically whenever you set an attribute, but you can call it yourself to group multiple changes. Calls to beginEditing() and endEditing() can be nested. @param {String} key that changed (optional) @returns {SC.Record} receiver */ endEditing: function(key) { if(--this._editLevel <= 0) { this._editLevel = 0; this.recordDidChange(key); } return this ; }, /** Reads the raw attribute from the underlying data hash. This method does not transform the underlying attribute at all. @param {String} key the attribute you want to read @returns {Object} the value of the key, or null if it doesn't exist */ readAttribute: function(key) { var store = this.get('store'), storeKey = this.storeKey; var attrs = store.readDataHash(storeKey); return attrs ? attrs[key] : undefined ; }, /** Updates the passed attribute with the new value. This method does not transform the value at all. If instead you want to modify an array or hash already defined on the underlying json, you should instead get an editable version of the attribute using editableAttribute() @param {String} key the attribute you want to read @param {Object} value the value you want to write @param {Boolean} ignoreDidChange only set if you do NOT want to flag record as dirty @returns {SC.Record} receiver */ writeAttribute: function(key, value, ignoreDidChange) { var store = this.get('store'), storeKey = this.storeKey, status = store.peekStatus(storeKey), attrs; attrs = store.readEditableDataHash(storeKey); if (!attrs) throw SC.Record.BAD_STATE_ERROR; // if value is the same, do not flag record as dirty if (value !== attrs[key]) { if(!ignoreDidChange) this.beginEditing(); attrs[key] = value; // If the key is the primaryKey of the record, we need to tell the store // about the change. if (key===this.get('primaryKey')) { SC.Store.replaceIdFor(storeKey, value) ; this.propertyDidChange('id'); // Reset computed value } if(!ignoreDidChange) this.endEditing(key); } return this ; }, /** This will also ensure that any aggregate records are also marked dirty if this record changes. Should not have to be called manually. */ propagateToAggregates: function() { var storeKey = this.get('storeKey'), recordType = SC.Store.recordTypeFor(storeKey), idx, len, key, val, recs; var aggregates = recordType.aggregates; // if recordType aggregates are not set up yet, make sure to // create the cache first if (!aggregates) { var dataHash = this.get('store').readDataHash(storeKey); aggregates = []; for(var k in dataHash) { if(this[k] && this[k].get && this[k].get('aggregate')===YES) { aggregates.push(k); } } recordType.aggregates = aggregates; } // now loop through all aggregate properties and mark their related // record objects as dirty var K = SC.Record, dirty = K.DIRTY, readyNew = K.READY_NEW, destroyed = K.DESTROYED, readyClean = K.READY_CLEAN, iter; // If the child is dirty, then make sure the parent gets a dirty // status. (If the child is created or destroyed, there's no need, // because the parent will dirty itself when it modifies that // relationship.) iter = function(rec) { var childStatus, parentStatus; if (rec) { childStatus = this.get('status'); if ((childStatus & dirty) || (childStatus & readyNew) || (childStatus & destroyed)) { parentStatus = rec.get('status'); if (parentStatus === readyClean) { // Note: storeDidChangeProperties() won't put it in the // changelog! rec.get('store').recordDidChange(rec.constructor, null, rec.get('storeKey'), null, YES); } } } }; for(idx=0,len=aggregates.length;idx=0) manyArrays[loc].recordPropertyDidChange(keys); } }, /** Normalizing a record will ensure that the underlying hash conforms to the record attributes such as their types (transforms) and default values. This method will write the conforming hash to the store and return the materialized record. By normalizing the record, you can use .attributes() and be assured that it will conform to the defined model. For example, this can be useful in the case where you need to send a JSON representation to some server after you have used .createRecord(), since this method will enforce the 'rules' in the model such as their types and default values. You can also include null values in the hash with the includeNull argument. @param {Boolean} includeNull will write empty (null) attributes @returns {SC.Record} the normalized record */ normalize: function(includeNull) { var primaryKey = this.primaryKey, recordId = this.get('id'), store = this.get('store'), storeKey = this.get('storeKey'), key, valueForKey, typeClass, recHash, attrValue, normChild, isRecord, isChild, defaultVal, keyForDataHash; var dataHash = store.readEditableDataHash(storeKey) || {}; dataHash[primaryKey] = recordId; recHash = store.readDataHash(storeKey); for (key in this) { // make sure property is a record attribute. valueForKey = this[key]; if (valueForKey) { typeClass = valueForKey.typeClass; if (typeClass) { keyForDataHash = valueForKey.get('key') || key; // handle alt keys isRecord = SC.typeOf(typeClass.call(valueForKey))===SC.T_CLASS; isChild = valueForKey.isChildRecordTransform; if (!isRecord && !isChild) { attrValue = this.get(key); if(attrValue!==undefined || (attrValue===null && includeNull)) { dataHash[keyForDataHash] = attrValue; } } else if (isChild) { attrValue = this.get(key); // Sometimes a child attribute property does not refer to a child record. // Catch this and don't try to normalize. if (attrValue && attrValue.normalize) { attrValue.normalize(); } } else if (isRecord) { attrValue = recHash[key]; if (attrValue !== undefined) { // write value already there dataHash[keyForDataHash] = attrValue; } else { // or write default defaultVal = valueForKey.get('defaultValue'); // computed default value if (SC.typeOf(defaultVal)===SC.T_FUNCTION) { dataHash[keyForDataHash] = defaultVal(this, key, defaultVal); } else { // plain value dataHash[keyForDataHash] = defaultVal; } } } } } } return this; }, /** If you try to get/set a property not defined by the record, then this method will be called. It will try to get the value from the set of attributes. This will also check is ignoreUnknownProperties is set on the recordType so that they will not be written to dataHash unless explicitly defined in the model schema. @param {String} key the attribute being get/set @param {Object} value the value to set the key to, if present @returns {Object} the value */ unknownProperty: function(key, value) { if (value !== undefined) { // first check if we should ignore unknown properties for this // recordType var storeKey = this.get('storeKey'), recordType = SC.Store.recordTypeFor(storeKey); if(recordType.ignoreUnknownProperties===YES) { this[key] = value; return value; } // if we're modifying the PKEY, then SC.Store needs to relocate where // this record is cached. store the old key, update the value, then let // the store do the housekeeping... var primaryKey = this.get('primaryKey'); this.writeAttribute(key,value); // update ID if needed if (key === primaryKey) { SC.Store.replaceIdFor(storeKey, value); } } return this.readAttribute(key); }, /** Lets you commit this specific record to the store which will trigger the appropriate methods in the data source for you. @param {Hash} params optional additonal params that will passed down to the data source @returns {SC.Record} receiver */ commitRecord: function(params) { var store = this.get('store'); store.commitRecord(undefined, undefined, this.get('storeKey'), params); return this ; }, // .......................................................... // EMULATE SC.ERROR API // /** Returns YES whenever the status is SC.Record.ERROR. This will allow you to put the UI into an error state. @property {Boolean} */ isError: function() { return this.get('status') & SC.Record.ERROR; }.property('status').cacheable(), /** Returns the receiver if the record is in an error state. Returns null otherwise. @property {SC.Record} */ errorValue: function() { return this.get('isError') ? SC.val(this.get('errorObject')) : null ; }.property('isError').cacheable(), /** Returns the current error object only if the record is in an error state. If no explicit error object has been set, returns SC.Record.GENERIC_ERROR. @property {SC.Error} */ errorObject: function() { if (this.get('isError')) { var store = this.get('store'); return store.readError(this.get('storeKey')) || SC.Record.GENERIC_ERROR; } else return null ; }.property('isError').cacheable(), // ............................... // PRIVATE // /** @private Sets the key equal to value. This version will first check to see if the property is an SC.RecordAttribute, and if so, will ensure that its isEditable property is YES before attempting to change the value. @param key {String} the property to set @param value {Object} the value to set or null. @returns {SC.Record} */ set: function(key, value) { var func = this[key]; if (func && func.isProperty && func.get && !func.get('isEditable')) { return this; } return sc_super(); }, /** @private Creates string representation of record, with status. @returns {String} */ toString: function() { // We won't use 'readOnlyAttributes' here because accessing them directly // avoids a SC.clone() -- we'll be careful not to edit anything. var attrs = this.get('store').readDataHash(this.get('storeKey')); return "%@(%@) %@".fmt(this.constructor.toString(), SC.inspect(attrs), this.statusString()); }, /** @private Creates string representation of record, with status. @returns {String} */ statusString: function() { var ret = [], status = this.get('status'); for(var prop in SC.Record) { if(prop.match(/[A-Z_]$/) && SC.Record[prop]===status) { ret.push(prop); } } return ret.join(" "); }, /** Registers a child record with this parent record. If the parent already knows about the child record, return the cached instance. If not, create the child record instance and add it to the child record cache. @param {SC.ChildRecord} recordType The type of the child record to register. @param {Hash} hash The hash of attributes to apply to the child record. */ registerChildRecord: function(recordType, hash) { var pm = recordType.primaryKey || 'childRecordKey'; var childKey = hash[pm]; var childRecord = null; var crManager = this.get('childRecords'); if (childKey && crManager) { childRecord = crManager[childKey]; } if (SC.none(childRecord)) childRecord = this.createChildRecord(recordType, hash); return childRecord; }, /** Creates a new child record instance. @param {SC.ChildRecord} recordType The type of the child record to create. @param {Hash} hash The hash of attributes to apply to the child record. (may be null) */ createChildRecord: function(childRecordType, hash) { var cr = null; SC.run(function() { // Generate the key used by the parent's child record manager. var key = SC.Record._generateChildKey(); hash = hash || {}; // init if needed var pm = childRecordType.primaryKey || 'childRecordKey'; var childKey = hash[pm]; hash[pm] = key; var store = this.get('store'); if (SC.none(store)) throw 'Error: during the creation of a child record: NO STORE ON PARENT!'; cr = store.createRecord(childRecordType, hash); cr._parentRecord = this; // ID processing if necessary if(this.generateIdForChild) this.generateIdForChild(cr); // Add the child record to the hash. var crManager = this.get('childRecords'); if (SC.none(crManager)) { //console.log('Creating Child Record Manager for (%@)'.fmt(SC.guidFor(this))); crManager = SC.Object.create(); this.set('childRecords', crManager); } crManager[key] = cr; }, this); return cr; }, /** * Override this function if you want to have a special way of creating * ids for your child records */ generateIdForChild: function(childRecord){} }) ; // Class Methods SC.Record.mixin( /** @scope SC.Record */ { /** Whether to ignore unknown properties when they are being set on the record object. This is useful if you want to strictly enforce the model schema and not allow dynamically expanding it by setting new unknown properties @property {Boolean} */ ignoreUnknownProperties: NO, // .......................................................... // CONSTANTS // /** Generic state for records with no local changes. Use a logical AND (single &) to test record status @property {Number} */ CLEAN: 0x0001, // 1 /** Generic state for records with local changes. Use a logical AND (single &) to test record status @property {Number} */ DIRTY: 0x0002, // 2 /** State for records that are still loaded. A record instance should never be in this state. You will only run into it when working with the low-level data hash API on SC.Store. Use a logical AND (single &) to test record status @property {Number} */ EMPTY: 0x0100, // 256 /** State for records in an error state. Use a logical AND (single &) to test record status @property {Number} */ ERROR: 0x1000, // 4096 /** Generic state for records that are loaded and ready for use Use a logical AND (single &) to test record status @property {Number} */ READY: 0x0200, // 512 /** State for records that are loaded and ready for use with no local changes Use a logical AND (single &) to test record status @property {Number} */ READY_CLEAN: 0x0201, // 513 /** State for records that are loaded and ready for use with local changes Use a logical AND (single &) to test record status @property {Number} */ READY_DIRTY: 0x0202, // 514 /** State for records that are new - not yet committed to server Use a logical AND (single &) to test record status @property {Number} */ READY_NEW: 0x0203, // 515 /** Generic state for records that have been destroyed Use a logical AND (single &) to test record status @property {Number} */ DESTROYED: 0x0400, // 1024 /** State for records that have been destroyed and committed to server Use a logical AND (single &) to test record status @property {Number} */ DESTROYED_CLEAN: 0x0401, // 1025 /** State for records that have been destroyed but not yet committed to server Use a logical AND (single &) to test record status @property {Number} */ DESTROYED_DIRTY: 0x0402, // 1026 /** Generic state for records that have been submitted to data source Use a logical AND (single &) to test record status @property {Number} */ BUSY: 0x0800, // 2048 /** State for records that are still loading data from the server Use a logical AND (single &) to test record status @property {Number} */ BUSY_LOADING: 0x0804, // 2052 /** State for new records that were created and submitted to the server; waiting on response from server Use a logical AND (single &) to test record status @property {Number} */ BUSY_CREATING: 0x0808, // 2056 /** State for records that have been modified and submitted to server Use a logical AND (single &) to test record status @property {Number} */ BUSY_COMMITTING: 0x0810, // 2064 /** State for records that have requested a refresh from the server. Use a logical AND (single &) to test record status. @property {Number} */ BUSY_REFRESH: 0x0820, // 2080 /** State for records that have requested a refresh from the server. Use a logical AND (single &) to test record status @property {Number} */ BUSY_REFRESH_CLEAN: 0x0821, // 2081 /** State for records that have requested a refresh from the server. Use a logical AND (single &) to test record status @property {Number} */ BUSY_REFRESH_DIRTY: 0x0822, // 2082 /** State for records that have been destroyed and submitted to server Use a logical AND (single &) to test record status @property {Number} */ BUSY_DESTROYING: 0x0840, // 2112 // .......................................................... // ERRORS // /** Error for when you try to modify a record while it is in a bad state. @property {SC.Error} */ BAD_STATE_ERROR: SC.$error("Internal Inconsistency"), /** Error for when you try to create a new record that already exists. @property {SC.Error} */ RECORD_EXISTS_ERROR: SC.$error("Record Exists"), /** Error for when you attempt to locate a record that is not found @property {SC.Error} */ NOT_FOUND_ERROR: SC.$error("Not found "), /** Error for when you try to modify a record that is currently busy @property {SC.Error} */ BUSY_ERROR: SC.$error("Busy"), /** Generic unknown record error @property {SC.Error} */ GENERIC_ERROR: SC.$error("Generic Error"), /** * The next child key to allocate. A nextChildKey must always be greater than 0. */ _nextChildKey: 0, // .......................................................... // CLASS METHODS // /** Helper method returns a new SC.RecordAttribute instance to map a simple value or to-one relationship. At the very least, you should pass the type class you expect the attribute to have. You may pass any additional options as well. Use this helper when you define SC.Record subclasses. h4. Example {{{ MyApp.Contact = SC.Record.extend({ firstName: SC.Record.attr(String, { isRequired: YES }) }); }}} @param {Class} type the attribute type @param {Hash} opts the options for the attribute @returns {SC.RecordAttribute} created instance */ attr: function(type, opts) { return SC.RecordAttribute.attr(type, opts); }, /** Returns an SC.RecordAttribute that describes a fetched attribute. When you reference this attribute, it will return an SC.RecordArray that uses the type as the fetch key and passes the attribute value as a param. Use this helper when you define SC.Record subclasses. h4. Example {{{ MyApp.Group = SC.Record.extend({ contacts: SC.Record.fetch('MyApp.Contact') }); }}} @param {SC.Record|String} recordType The type of records to load @param {Hash} opts the options for the attribute @returns {SC.RecordAttribute} created instance */ fetch: function(recordType, opts) { return SC.FetchedAttribute.attr(recordType, opts) ; }, /** Returns: 1: SC.ManyAttribute that describes a record array backed by an array of guids stored in the underlying JSON. 2: SC.ChildrenAttribute that describes a record array backed by a array of hashes. You can edit the contents of this relationship. For SC.ManyAttribute, If you set the inverse and isMaster: NO key, then editing this array will modify the underlying data, but the inverse key on the matching record will also be edited and that record will be marked as needing a change. @param {SC.Record|String} recordType The type of record to create @param {Hash} opts the options for the attribute @returns {SC.ManyAttribute|SC.ChildrenAttribute} created instance */ toMany: function(recordType, opts) { opts = opts || {}; var isNested = opts.nested; var attr; if(isNested){ attr = SC.ChildrenAttribute.attr(recordType, opts); } else { attr = SC.ManyAttribute.attr(recordType, opts); } return attr; }, /** Returns: 1. SC.SingleAttribute that converts the underlying ID to a single record. If you modify this property, it will rewrite the underyling ID. It will also modify the inverse of the relationship, if you set it. 2. SC.ChildAttribute that you can edit the contents of this relationship. @param {SC.Record|String} recordType the type of the record to create @param {Hash} opts additional options @returns {SC.SingleAttribute|SC.ChildAttribute} created instance */ toOne: function(recordType, opts) { opts = opts || {}; var isNested = opts.nested; var attr; if(isNested){ attr = SC.ChildAttribute.attr(recordType, opts); } else { attr = SC.SingleAttribute.attr(recordType, opts); } return attr; }, /** Returns all storeKeys mapped by Id for this record type. This method is used mostly by the SC.Store and the Record to coordinate. You will rarely need to call this method yourself. @returns {Hash} */ storeKeysById: function() { var key = SC.keyFor('storeKey', SC.guidFor(this)), ret = this[key]; if (!ret) ret = this[key] = {}; return ret; }, /** Given a primaryKey value for the record, returns the associated storeKey. If the primaryKey has not been assigned a storeKey yet, it will be added. For the inverse of this method see SC.Store.idFor() and SC.Store.recordTypeFor(). @param {String} id a record id @returns {Number} a storeKey. */ storeKeyFor: function(id) { var storeKeys = this.storeKeysById(), ret = storeKeys[id]; if (!ret) { ret = SC.Store.generateStoreKey(); SC.Store.idsByStoreKey[ret] = id ; SC.Store.recordTypesByStoreKey[ret] = this ; storeKeys[id] = ret ; } return ret ; }, /** Given a primaryKey value for the record, returns the associated storeKey. As opposed to storeKeyFor() however, this method will NOT generate a new storeKey but returned undefined. @param {String} id a record id @returns {Number} a storeKey. */ storeKeyExists: function(id) { var storeKeys = this.storeKeysById(), ret = storeKeys[id]; return ret ; }, /** Returns a record with the named ID in store. @param {SC.Store} store the store @param {String} id the record id or a query @returns {SC.Record} record instance */ find: function(store, id) { return store.find(this, id); }, /** @private - enhance extend to notify SC.Query as well. */ extend: function() { var ret = SC.Object.extend.apply(this, arguments); SC.Query._scq_didDefineRecordType(ret); return ret ; }, // .......................................................... // PRIVATE METHODS // _generateChildKey: function() { var newIdx = SC.Record._nextChildKey + 1; SC.Record._nextChildKey = newIdx; return newIdx; } }) ;