/* global XMLHttpRequest, MutationObserver */ import { Controller } from '@hotwired/stimulus' export default class extends Controller { static get targets () { return ['fields', 'iframeWrapper', 'iframe', 'offcanvas', 'error', 'loader'] } static get values () { return { url: String } } connect () { this.prepareIframe() // Resize iFrame after content is loaded this.iframeTarget.addEventListener('load', () => { this.hideLoader() this.resizeIframe() this.autoResizeIframe() }) // Offcanvas closes this.offcanvasTarget.addEventListener('hide.bs.offcanvas', (event) => { if (!this.update()) { event.preventDefault() } }) } autoResizeIframe () { const observer = new MutationObserver((mutations) => { mutations.forEach((mutation) => { this.resizeIframe() }) }) // Target the body of the iframe for observing const innerDoc = this.iframeTarget.contentWindow.document observer.observe(innerDoc.body, { childList: true, // Listen for additions/removals of child nodes subtree: true // Listen for changes in the whole subtree }) } showLoader () { this.loaderTarget.classList.remove('d-none') } hideLoader () { this.loaderTarget.classList.add('d-none') } showError () { this.errorTarget.classList.remove('d-none') } hideError () { this.errorTarget.classList.add('d-none') } update () { // Validate fields const isValid = this.validateFields() if (isValid) { this.requestPreview() this.hideError() return true } else { this.showError() return false } } requestPreview () { // Create an AJAX request const xhr = new XMLHttpRequest() xhr.open('POST', this.urlValue, true) // Submit the form data const formData = this.buildFormData() xhr.send(formData) // Show loader this.showLoader() // Handle the request once it's done xhr.onreadystatechange = () => { if (xhr.readyState === XMLHttpRequest.DONE) { this.hideLoader() this.handleRequest(xhr) } } } handleRequest (request) { // Handle the response if (request.status === 200) { this.updatePreview(request.responseText) } else { this.showError() } } validateFields () { let allValid = true const fields = this.fieldsTarget const formElements = fields.querySelectorAll('input:not([type="hidden"]), select[name], textarea[name]') formElements.forEach(function (element) { const isValid = element.reportValidity() if (!isValid) { allValid = false } }) return allValid } buildFormData () { // Get fields const fields = this.fieldsTarget // Build FormData const formData = new FormData() // Replace all occurrences of "page[blocks_attributes][0]" with "block" // Replace all occurrences of "form[fields_attributes][random]" with "field" const regex = /\w+\[([^\]]+)s_attributes]\[[^\]]+]/g const formElements = fields.querySelectorAll('input[name]:not([name$="[id]"]), select[name]:not([name$="[id]"]), textarea[name]:not([name$="[id]"]), button[name]:not([name$="[id]"])') formElements.forEach((element) => { const currentName = element.getAttribute('name') const newName = currentName.replace(regex, '$1') const values = this.readValues(element) values.forEach((value) => { formData.append(newName, value) }) }) // Add authenticity token formData.append('authenticity_token', this.getAuthenticityToken()) return formData } readValues (element) { // Check if the element is a select with multiple selection if (element.tagName.toLowerCase() === 'select' && element.multiple) { return [...element.selectedOptions].map(option => option.value) } else { return [element.value] } } // Prepare the iFrame for rendering // Objective: render the iframe content at the scale of the browser window, but resize it to fit the preview container prepareIframe () { const scaleFactor = this.scaleFactor() const style = ` transform: scale(${scaleFactor}); opacity: 0; transform-origin: 0 0; width: ${100 / scaleFactor}%; ` this.iframeTarget.setAttribute('style', style) } // Relative size of the preview container compared to the browser window scaleFactor () { const width = this.iframeWrapperTarget.getBoundingClientRect().width const viewportWidth = window.innerWidth return parseFloat((width / viewportWidth).toFixed(1)) } // Replace the body of the iframe with the new content updatePreview (html) { this.iframeTarget.contentWindow.document.body.innerHTML = html this.resizeIframe() } // Dynamically resize the iFrame to fit its content resizeIframe () { const scaleFactor = this.scaleFactor() const iframeContentHeight = this.iFrameContentHeight() const iframeHeight = iframeContentHeight * scaleFactor this.iframeTarget.style.height = `${iframeContentHeight.toFixed()}px` this.iframeTarget.style.opacity = 1 this.iframeWrapperTarget.style.height = `${iframeHeight.toFixed()}px` } iFrameContentHeight () { const firstElement = this.iframeTarget.contentWindow.document.body.firstElementChild const firstElementStyle = window.getComputedStyle(firstElement) const height = firstElement.scrollHeight const margins = parseInt(firstElementStyle.marginTop) + parseInt(firstElementStyle.marginBottom) return height + margins } getAuthenticityToken () { const tokenTag = document.querySelector('meta[name="csrf-token"]') return tokenTag.getAttribute('content') } }