# # Author:: Adam Jacob () # Copyright:: Copyright (c) 2008 Opscode, Inc. # License:: Apache License, Version 2.0 # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # Ohai.plugin(:Network) do provides "network", "network/interfaces" provides "counters/network", "counters/network/interfaces" provides "ipaddress", "ip6address", "macaddress" def linux_encaps_lookup(encap) return "Loopback" if encap.eql?("Local Loopback") || encap.eql?("loopback") return "PPP" if encap.eql?("Point-to-Point Protocol") return "SLIP" if encap.eql?("Serial Line IP") return "VJSLIP" if encap.eql?("VJ Serial Line IP") return "IPIP" if encap.eql?("IPIP Tunnel") return "6to4" if encap.eql?("IPv6-in-IPv4") return "Ethernet" if encap.eql?("ether") encap end collect_data(:linux) do require 'ipaddr' iface = Mash.new net_counters = Mash.new network Mash.new unless network network[:interfaces] = Mash.new unless network[:interfaces] counters Mash.new unless counters counters[:network] = Mash.new unless counters[:network] # Match the lead line for an interface from iproute2 # 3: eth0.11@eth0: mtu 1500 qdisc noqueue state UP # The '@eth0:' portion doesn't exist on primary interfaces and thus is optional in the regex IPROUTE_INT_REGEX = /^(\d+): ([0-9a-zA-Z@:\.\-_]*?)(@[0-9a-zA-Z]+|):\s/ if File.exist?("/sbin/ip") # families to get default routes from families = [{ :name => "inet", :default_route => "", :default_prefix => :default, :neighbour_attribute => :arp },{ :name => "inet6", :default_route => "::/0", :default_prefix => :default_inet6, :neighbour_attribute => :neighbour_inet6 }] so = shell_out("ip addr") cint = nil so.stdout.lines do |line| if line =~ IPROUTE_INT_REGEX cint = $2 iface[cint] = Mash.new if cint =~ /^(\w+)(\d+.*)/ iface[cint][:type] = $1 iface[cint][:number] = $2 end if line =~ /mtu (\d+)/ iface[cint][:mtu] = $1 end flags = line.scan(/(UP|BROADCAST|DEBUG|LOOPBACK|POINTTOPOINT|NOTRAILERS|LOWER_UP|NOARP|PROMISC|ALLMULTI|SLAVE|MASTER|MULTICAST|DYNAMIC)/) if flags.length > 1 iface[cint][:flags] = flags.flatten.uniq end end if line =~ /link\/(\w+) ([\da-f\:]+) / iface[cint][:encapsulation] = linux_encaps_lookup($1) unless $2 == "00:00:00:00:00:00" iface[cint][:addresses] = Mash.new unless iface[cint][:addresses] iface[cint][:addresses][$2.upcase] = { "family" => "lladdr" } end end if line =~ /inet (\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3})(\/(\d{1,2}))?/ tmp_addr, tmp_prefix = $1, $3 tmp_prefix ||= "32" original_int = nil # Are we a formerly aliased interface? if line =~ /#{cint}:(\d+)$/ sub_int = $1 alias_int = "#{cint}:#{sub_int}" original_int = cint cint = alias_int end iface[cint] = Mash.new unless iface[cint] # Create the fake alias interface if needed iface[cint][:addresses] = Mash.new unless iface[cint][:addresses] iface[cint][:addresses][tmp_addr] = { "family" => "inet", "prefixlen" => tmp_prefix } iface[cint][:addresses][tmp_addr][:netmask] = IPAddr.new("").mask(tmp_prefix.to_i).to_s if line =~ /peer (\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3})/ iface[cint][:addresses][tmp_addr][:peer] = $1 end if line =~ /brd (\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3})/ iface[cint][:addresses][tmp_addr][:broadcast] = $1 end if line =~ /scope (\w+)/ iface[cint][:addresses][tmp_addr][:scope] = ($1.eql?("host") ? "Node" : $1.capitalize) end # If we found we were an an alias interface, restore cint to its original value cint = original_int unless original_int.nil? end if line =~ /inet6 ([a-f0-9\:]+)\/(\d+) scope (\w+)/ iface[cint][:addresses] = Mash.new unless iface[cint][:addresses] tmp_addr = $1 iface[cint][:addresses][tmp_addr] = { "family" => "inet6", "prefixlen" => $2, "scope" => ($3.eql?("host") ? "Node" : $3.capitalize) } end end so = shell_out("ip -d -s link") tmp_int = nil on_rx = true so.stdout.lines do |line| if line =~ IPROUTE_INT_REGEX tmp_int = $2 net_counters[tmp_int] = Mash.new unless net_counters[tmp_int] end if line =~ /(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)/ int = on_rx ? :rx : :tx net_counters[tmp_int][int] = Mash.new unless net_counters[tmp_int][int] net_counters[tmp_int][int][:bytes] = $1 net_counters[tmp_int][int][:packets] = $2 net_counters[tmp_int][int][:errors] = $3 net_counters[tmp_int][int][:drop] = $4 if(int == :rx) net_counters[tmp_int][int][:overrun] = $5 else net_counters[tmp_int][int][:carrier] = $5 net_counters[tmp_int][int][:collisions] = $6 end on_rx = !on_rx end if line =~ /qlen (\d+)/ net_counters[tmp_int][:tx] = Mash.new unless net_counters[tmp_int][:tx] net_counters[tmp_int][:tx][:queuelen] = $1 end if line =~ /vlan id (\d+)/ tmp_id = $1 iface[tmp_int][:vlan] = Mash.new unless iface[tmp_int][:vlan] iface[tmp_int][:vlan][:id] = tmp_id vlan_flags = line.scan(/(REORDER_HDR|GVRP|LOOSE_BINDING)/) if vlan_flags.length > 0 iface[tmp_int][:vlan][:flags] = vlan_flags.flatten.uniq end end if line =~ /state (\w+)/ iface[tmp_int]['state'] = $1.downcase end end families.each do |family| neigh_attr = family[:neighbour_attribute] default_prefix = family[:default_prefix] so = shell_out("ip -f #{family[:name]} neigh show") so.stdout.lines do |line| if line =~ /^([a-f0-9\:\.]+)\s+dev\s+([^\s]+)\s+lladdr\s+([a-fA-F0-9\:]+)/ unless iface[$2] Ohai::Log.warn("neighbour list has entries for unknown interface #{iface[$2]}") next end iface[$2][neigh_attr] = Mash.new unless iface[$2][neigh_attr] iface[$2][neigh_attr][$1] = $3.downcase end end # checking the routing tables # why ? # 1) to set the default gateway and default interfaces attributes # 2) on some occasions, the best way to select node[:ipaddress] is to look at # the routing table source field. # 3) and since we're at it, let's populate some :routes attributes # (going to do that for both inet and inet6 addresses) so = shell_out("ip -f #{family[:name]} route show") so.stdout.lines do |line| if line =~ /^([^\s]+)\s(.*)$/ route_dest = $1 route_ending = $2 # if route_ending =~ /\bdev\s+([^\s]+)\b/ route_int = $1 else Ohai::Log.debug("Skipping route entry without a device: '#{line}'") next end unless iface[route_int] Ohai::Log.debug("Skipping previously unseen interface from 'ip route show': #{route_int}") next end route_entry = Mash.new( :destination => route_dest, :family => family[:name] ) %w[via scope metric proto src].each do |k| route_entry[k] = $1 if route_ending =~ /\b#{k}\s+([^\s]+)\b/ end # a sanity check, especially for Linux-VServer, OpenVZ and LXC: # don't report the route entry if the src address isn't set on the node next if route_entry[:src] and not iface[route_int][:addresses].has_key? route_entry[:src] iface[route_int][:routes] = Array.new unless iface[route_int][:routes] iface[route_int][:routes] << route_entry end end # now looking at the routes to set the default attributes # for information, default routes can be of this form : # - default via dev br0 # - default dev br0 scope link # - default via dev eth1 src metric 10 # - default via dev eth2 src metric 20 # using a temporary var to hold routes and their interface name routes = iface.collect do |i,iv| iv[:routes].collect do |r| r.merge(:dev=>i) if r[:family] == family[:name] end.compact if iv[:routes] end.compact.flatten # using a temporary var to hold the default route # in case there are more than 1 default route, sort it by its metric # and return the first one # (metric value when unspecified is 0) default_route = routes.select do |r| r[:destination] == "default" end.sort do |x,y| (x[:metric].nil? ? 0 : x[:metric].to_i) <=> (y[:metric].nil? ? 0 : y[:metric].to_i) end.first if default_route.nil? or default_route.empty? Ohai::Log.debug("Unable to determine default #{family[:name]} interface") else network["#{default_prefix}_interface"] = default_route[:dev] Ohai::Log.debug("#{default_prefix}_interface set to #{default_route[:dev]}") # setting gateway to or :: if the default route is a link level one network["#{default_prefix}_gateway"] = default_route[:via] ? default_route[:via] : family[:default_route].chomp("/0") Ohai::Log.debug("#{default_prefix}_gateway set to #{network["#{default_prefix}_gateway"]}") # since we're at it, let's populate {ip,mac,ip6}address with the best values # using the source field when it's specified : # 1) in the default route # 2) in the route entry used to reach the default gateway route = routes.select do |r| # selecting routes r[:src] and # it has a src field iface[r[:dev]] and # the iface exists iface[r[:dev]][:addresses].has_key? r[:src] and # the src ip is set on the node iface[r[:dev]][:addresses][r[:src]][:scope].downcase != "link" and # this isn't a link level addresse ( r[:destination] == "default" or ( default_route[:via] and # the default route has a gateway IPAddress(r[:destination]).include? IPAddress(default_route[:via]) # the route matches the gateway ) ) end.sort_by do |r| # sorting the selected routes: # - getting default routes first # - then sort by metric # - then by prefixlen [ r[:destination] == "default" ? 0 : 1, r[:metric].nil? ? 0 : r[:metric].to_i, # for some reason IPAddress doesn't accept "::/0", it doesn't like prefix==0 # just a quick workaround: use 0 if IPAddress fails begin IPAddress( r[:destination] == "default" ? family[:default_route] : r[:destination] ).prefix rescue 0 end ] end.first unless route.nil? or route.empty? if family[:name] == "inet" ipaddress route[:src] macaddress iface[route[:dev]][:addresses].select{|k,v| v["family"]=="lladdr"}.first.first unless iface[route[:dev]][:flags].include? "NOARP" else ip6address route[:src] end end end end else begin so = shell_out("route -n") route_result = so.stdout.split($/).grep( /^ )[0].split( /[ \t]+/ ) network[:default_gateway], network[:default_interface] = route_result.values_at(1,7) rescue Ohai::Exceptions::Exec Ohai::Log.debug("Unable to determine default interface") end so = shell_out("ifconfig -a") cint = nil so.stdout.lines do |line| tmp_addr = nil # dev_valid_name in the kernel only excludes slashes, nulls, spaces # http://git.kernel.org/?p=linux/kernel/git/stable/linux-stable.git;a=blob;f=net/core/dev.c#l851 if line =~ /^([0-9a-zA-Z@\.\:\-_]+)\s+/ cint = $1 iface[cint] = Mash.new if cint =~ /^(\w+)(\d+.*)/ iface[cint][:type] = $1 iface[cint][:number] = $2 end end if line =~ /Link encap:(Local Loopback)/ || line =~ /Link encap:(.+?)\s/ iface[cint][:encapsulation] = linux_encaps_lookup($1) end if line =~ /HWaddr (.+?)\s/ iface[cint][:addresses] = Mash.new unless iface[cint][:addresses] iface[cint][:addresses][$1] = { "family" => "lladdr" } end if line =~ /inet addr:(\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3})/ iface[cint][:addresses] = Mash.new unless iface[cint][:addresses] iface[cint][:addresses][$1] = { "family" => "inet" } tmp_addr = $1 end if line =~ /inet6 addr: ([a-f0-9\:]+)\/(\d+) Scope:(\w+)/ iface[cint][:addresses] = Mash.new unless iface[cint][:addresses] iface[cint][:addresses][$1] = { "family" => "inet6", "prefixlen" => $2, "scope" => ($3.eql?("Host") ? "Node" : $3) } end if line =~ /Bcast:(\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3})/ iface[cint][:addresses][tmp_addr]["broadcast"] = $1 end if line =~ /Mask:(\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3})/ iface[cint][:addresses][tmp_addr]["netmask"] = $1 end flags = line.scan(/(UP|BROADCAST|DEBUG|LOOPBACK|POINTTOPOINT|NOTRAILERS|RUNNING|NOARP|PROMISC|ALLMULTI|SLAVE|MASTER|MULTICAST|DYNAMIC)\s/) if flags.length > 1 iface[cint][:flags] = flags.flatten end if line =~ /MTU:(\d+)/ iface[cint][:mtu] = $1 end if line =~ /P-t-P:(\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3})/ iface[cint][:peer] = $1 end if line =~ /RX packets:(\d+) errors:(\d+) dropped:(\d+) overruns:(\d+) frame:(\d+)/ net_counters[cint] = Mash.new unless net_counters[cint] net_counters[cint][:rx] = { "packets" => $1, "errors" => $2, "drop" => $3, "overrun" => $4, "frame" => $5 } end if line =~ /TX packets:(\d+) errors:(\d+) dropped:(\d+) overruns:(\d+) carrier:(\d+)/ net_counters[cint][:tx] = { "packets" => $1, "errors" => $2, "drop" => $3, "overrun" => $4, "carrier" => $5 } end if line =~ /collisions:(\d+)/ net_counters[cint][:tx]["collisions"] = $1 end if line =~ /txqueuelen:(\d+)/ net_counters[cint][:tx]["queuelen"] = $1 end if line =~ /RX bytes:(\d+) \((\d+?\.\d+ .+?)\)/ net_counters[cint][:rx]["bytes"] = $1 end if line =~ /TX bytes:(\d+) \((\d+?\.\d+ .+?)\)/ net_counters[cint][:tx]["bytes"] = $1 end end so = shell_out("arp -an") so.stdout.lines do |line| if line =~ /^\S+ \((\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3})\) at ([a-fA-F0-9\:]+) \[(\w+)\] on ([0-9a-zA-Z\.\:\-]+)/ next unless iface[$4] # this should never happen iface[$4][:arp] = Mash.new unless iface[$4][:arp] iface[$4][:arp][$1] = $2.downcase end end end counters[:network][:interfaces] = net_counters network["interfaces"] = iface end end