require 'fileutils' require 'ftools' require 'yaml' module Transender # :stopdoc: LIBPATH = ::File.expand_path(::File.dirname(__FILE__)) + ::File::SEPARATOR PATH = ::File.dirname(LIBPATH) + ::File::SEPARATOR V = YAML.load_file(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), %w[.. VERSION.yml])) VERSION = "#{V[:major]}.#{V[:minor]}.#{V[:patch]}" # :startdoc: # Returns the version string for the library. # def self.version VERSION end # Returns the library path for the module. If any arguments are given, # they will be joined to the end of the libray path using # File.join. # def self.libpath( *args ) args.empty? ? LIBPATH : ::File.join(LIBPATH, args.flatten) end # Returns the lpath for the module. If any arguments are given, # they will be joined to the end of the path using # File.join. # def self.path( *args ) args.empty? ? PATH : ::File.join(PATH, args.flatten) end # Utility method used to require all files ending in .rb that lie in the # directory below this file that has the same name as the filename passed # in. Optionally, a specific _directory_ name can be passed in such that # the _filename_ does not have to be equivalent to the directory. # def self.require_all_libs_relative_to( fname, dir = nil ) dir ||= ::File.basename(fname, '.*') search_me = ::File.expand_path( ::File.join(::File.dirname(fname), dir, '**', '*.rb')) Dir.glob(search_me).sort.each {|rb| require rb} end #replaces all 'old' strings with 'fresh' strings def self.replace_in_file( in_file, old, fresh, out_file) `sed 's/#{old}/#{fresh}/g' <'#{in_file}' >'#{out_file}'` end def self.replace_strings_in_file(old, fresh, filename) temp = "#{filename}.temp" filename, temp Transender.replace_in_file(temp, old, fresh, filename) FileUtils.rm temp end def self.zip_dir(dir, out_file) `tar cvfz '#{out_file}' '#{dir}'` out_file end def self.extract_app_title(giturl) giturl.split('/').last.split('.').first end #Transender - Ji class Ji attr_accessor :options, :app_title, :app_path, :transform, :transform_title, :ji_path, :id # Supply a Hash of options containing: # :app_title - your fresh apps title # :transform - git repository of the base project - app_title becomes a clone of it # :ji_path - output dir def initialize(options) raise ArgumentError unless options.class == Hash && options[:app_title] && options[:transform] && options[:ji_path] @options = options @app_title = @options[:app_title] @transform = @options[:transform] @transform_title = Transender.extract_app_title(@transform) @ji_path = @options[:ji_path] @app_path = File.join(@ji_path, @app_title) @id ="%Y-%m-%d-%s") end #clones from transform then removes git def clone_and_remove_git #prepare destination without any warning `rm -rf #{@app_path}` #clone that git repo and rename at the same time `git clone #{@transform} #{@app_path}` #remove any past life remains from the fresh project `rm -rf #{File.join(@app_path, 'build')}` `rm -rf #{File.join(@app_path, '.git')}` puts "Cloned from #{@transform} into #{@app_path}." end #renames within project app_title def rename todo = "" if rename_files if replace_strings_in_files else todo << 'TODO: You need to replace some strings in some files manually. Thanks.\n' end else todo << 'TODO: You need to rename some files manually. Thanks.\n' end todo = todo.empty? ? "Renamed/replaced occurences of #{transform_title} to #{app_title}." : todo puts todo end def zip z = File.join(ji_path, "#{app_title}.zip") `rm -rf #{z}` #remove any previous zips without any warnings Transender.zip_dir(File.join(ji_path, app_title), z) puts "Zipped #{app_title} into #{z}" if File.exists?(z) z end def transform clone_and_remove_git rename zip end #Use maybe like this: Transender::Ji.transform_and_zip(ahash) {|zip| render :text => zip} def self.transform_and_zip(t={}, &block) zip = yield zip if block end private def rename_files "#{app_path}/#{transform_title}.xcodeproj", "#{app_path}/#{app_title}.xcodeproj" Dir["#{app_path}/*.{m,h,pch}"].each do |filename| if filename =~ /#{transform_title}/ filename, filename.gsub(/#{transform_title}/, app_title) end end Dir["#{app_path}/Classes/*.{m,h}"].each do |filename| if filename =~ /#{transform_title}/ filename, filename.gsub(/#{transform_title}/, app_title) end end true rescue puts $! false end def replace_strings_in_files Dir["#{app_path}/*.{m,h,pch,xib}"].each do |filename| Transender.replace_strings_in_file(transform_title, app_title, filename) end Dir["#{app_path}/Classes/*.{m,h}"].each do |filename| Transender.replace_strings_in_file(transform_title, app_title, filename) end Dir["#{app_path}/#{app_title}.xcodeproj/*.*"].each do |filename| Transender.replace_strings_in_file(transform_title, app_title, filename) end true rescue puts $! false end end # class Ji end # module Transender Transender.require_all_libs_relative_to(__FILE__) # EOF