rest-ftp-daemon ==================================================================================== [![Gem Version](]( [![Code Climate](]( [![Test Coverage](]( [ ![Codeship](]( A pretty simple but configurable and efficient FTP-client daemon, driven through a RESTful API. Create transfer jobs by POSTing a simple JSON structure, be notified of their completion, watch their status on a dedicated dashboard. ![Dashboard](dashboard-201607.png) Features ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * System and process features * environment-aware configuration in a YAML file * daemon process is tagged with its name and environment in process lists * global dashboard directly served within the daemon HTTP interface * support pooling of worker to dedicate workers to groups of jobs * File management ans transferts * allow authentication in FTP target in a standard URI-format * static path pointers in configuration to abstract local mounts or remote FTPs (endpoint tokens) * local source path and local/remote target path can use patterns to match multiple files (`/dir/file*.jpg`) * several file transfer protocols supported: FTPs, FTPes, sFTP * display bitrate to any pool or any FTP destination currently transferring (API and dashboard) * Job management * highly parrallel job processing using dedicated worker threads with their own context * jobs are taken into account as soon as they are submitted * each job carry its own attributes: build subdirectories (mkdir), overwrite target file, priority weight * dynamic evaluation of priorities, honoring any change on context until the job is picked * automatically clean-up jobs after a configurable amount of time (failed, finished) * Realtime status reporting * realtime transfer status reporting, with progress and errors * periodic update notifications sent along with transfer status and progress to an arbitrary URL (JSON resource POSTed) * metrics about pools, throughtput, and queues output to NewRelic Project status and quick installation ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #### Stability Though it may need more robust tests, this gem has been used successfully in production for a while without any glitches at France Télévisions. #### API Documentation API documentation is self-hosted on ```/swagger.html``` #### Expected features in a short-time range * Provide swagger-style API documentation * Authenticate API clients * Allow more transfer protocols (HTTP POST etc) * Expose JSON status of workers on `GET /jobs/` for automated monitoring #### Installation With Ruby (version 2.3 or higher) and rubygems properly installed, you only need : ``` gem install rest-ftp-daemon ``` If that is not the case yet, see section [Debian install preparation](#debian-install-preparation). Subsystems ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #### Conchita: jobs queues cleanup Job queue can be set to automatically cleanup after a certain delay. Entries are removed from the queue when they have been idle (updated_at) for more than X seconds, and in any of the following statuses: - failed (conchita.clean_failed) - finished (conchita.clean_finished) - queued, (conchita.clean_queued) Cleanup is done on a regular basis, every (conchita.timer) seconds. #### Reporter: metrics collection [TODO] Usage and examples ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #### Launching rest-ftp-daemon You must provide a configuration file for the daemon to start, either explicitly using option `--config` or implicitly at `/etc/rest-ftp-daemon.yml`. A sample file is provided, issue `--help` to get more info. You then simply start the daemon on its standard port, or on a specific port using `-p` ``` $ rest-ftp-daemon -p 3000 start ``` Check that the daemon is running and exposes a JSON status structure at `http://localhost:3000/status`. The dashboard will provide an overview at `http://localhost:3000/` If the daemon appears to exit quickly when launched, it may be caused by logfiles that can't be written (check files permissions or owner). #### Launcher options : | Param | Short | Default | Description | |------- |-------------- |------------- |----------------------------------------------------------- | | -p | --port | (automatic) | Port to listen for API requests | | -e | | production | Environment name | | | --dev | | Equivalent to -e development | | -d | --daemonize | false | Wether to send the daemon to background | | -f | --foreground | false | Wether to keep the daemon running in the shell | | -P | --pid | (automatic) | Path of the file containing the PID | | -u | --user | (none) | User to run the daemon as | | -g | --group | (none) | Group of the user to run the daemon as | | -h | --help | | Show info about the current version and available options | | -v | --version | | Show the current version | #### Start a job to transfer a file named "file.iso" to a local FTP server ``` curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -D /dev/stdout -d \ '{"source":"~/file.iso","target":"ftp://anonymous@localhost/incoming/dest2.iso"}' "http://localhost:3000/jobs" ``` #### Start a job using endpoint tokens First define ``nas`` ans ``ftp1`` in the configuration file : ``` defaults: &defaults development: <<: *defaults endpoints: nas: "~/" ftp1: "ftp://anonymous@localhost/incoming/" ``` Those tokens will be expanded when the job is run: ``` curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -D /dev/stdout -d \ '{"source":"~/file.dmg","priority":"3","target":"ftp://anonymous@localhost/incoming/dest4.dmg","notify":""}' "http://localhost:3000/jobs" ``` #### Start a job with a specific pool name The daemon spawns groups of workers (worker pools) to work on groups of jobs (job pools). Any ```pool``` attribute not declared in configuration will land into the ```"default"``` pool. ``` curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -D /dev/stdout -d \ '{"pool": "maxxxxx",source":"~/file.iso",target":"ftp://anonymous@localhost/incoming/dest2.iso"}' "http://localhost:3000/jobs" ``` This job will be handled by the "maxxxxx" workers only, or by the ```"default"``` worker is this pool is not declared. #### Get info about a job with ID="q89j.1" Both parameters `q89j.1` and `1` will be accepted as ID in the API. Requests below are equivalent: ``` GET http://localhost:3000/jobs/q89j.1 GET http://localhost:3000/jobs/1 ``` Configuration ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Most of the configuration options live in a YAML configuration file, containing two main sections: * `defaults` section should be left as-is and will be used is no other environment-specific value is provided. * `production` section can receive personalized settings according to your environment-specific setup and paths. Configuration priority is defined as follows (from most important to last resort): * command-line parameters * config file defaults section * config file environment section * application internal defaults As a starting point, `rest-ftp-daemon.yml.sample` is an example config file that can be copied into the expected location ``/etc/rest-ftp-daemon.yml``. Default administrator credentials are `admin/admin`. Please change the password in this configuration file before starting any kind of production. Here is the contents of the default configuration (oeverride by passing -c local.yml at startup) ```yaml daemonize: true port: 3000 user: rftpd # group: rftpd # host: "myhost" allow_reload: false pools: # number of workers decidated to each pool value default: 2 urgent: 1 reporter: # the subsytem in charge of reporting metrics, mainly to NewRelic debug: false timer: 10 # report every X seconds conchita: debug: false timer: 60 # do the cleaning up every X seconds garbage_collector: true # force a garbage collector cleanup when cleaning things up clean_failed: 3600 # after X seconds, clean jobs with status="failed" clean_finished: 3600 # // // // finished clean_queued: 86400 # // // // queued transfer: debug: false mkdir: true # build directory tree if missing tempfile: true # transfer to temporary file, rename after sucessful transfer overwrite: false # overwrite any target file with the same name timeout: 1800 # jobs running for longer than X seconds will be killed notify_after: 5 # wait at least X seconds between HTTP notifications debug_ftp: false debug_ftps: false debug_sftp: false retry_on: # job error values that will allow a retry - ftp_perm_error - net_temp_error - conn_reset_by_peer - conn_timed_out - conn_refused - sftp_auth_failed - conn_host_is_down - conn_unreachable - conn_failed - conn_openssl_error retry_max: 5 # maximum number of retries before giving up on that job retry_for: 1800 # maximum time window to retry failed jobs retry_after: 10 # delay to wait before tries newrelic: debug: false # license: "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" # app_name: "rftpd-bigbusiness-dev" # app_name used for naming app (used as-is if provided) prefix: "rftpd" # app prefix to build app_name # platform: "bigbusiness" # app platform to build app_name logs: path: "/var/log/" thin: "rftpd-environment-thin.log" newrelic: "rftpd-environment-newrelic.log" queue: "rftpd-environment-core.log" api: "rftpd-environment-core.log" workers: "rftpd-environment-core.log" transfer: "rftpd-environment-workers.log" conchita: "rftpd-environment-workers.log" reporter: "rftpd-environment-workers.log" notify: "rftpd-environment-workers.log" ``` TODO for this document ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Document /status * Document /routes * Document mkdir and overwrite options * Document stats Debian install preparation ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ This project is available as a rubygem, requires Ruby 2.3.0 and RubyGems installed. #### Using rbenv and ruby-build You may use `rbenv` and `ruby-build` to get the right Ruby version. If this is your case, ensure that ruby-build definitions are up-to-date and include the right Ruby version. You may have to install some extra packages for the compilations to complete. ``` # apt-get install libffi-dev zlib1g-dev bison libreadline-dev # git clone ~/.rbenv # git clone ~/.rbenv/plugins/ruby-build # echo 'export PATH="$HOME/.rbenv/bin:$PATH"' >> ~/.bashrc # echo 'eval "$(rbenv init -)"' >> ~/.bashrc # rbenv install --list | grep '2.3' ``` ``` # curl -fsSL | rbenv install --patch 2.2.3 ``` Otherwise, you way have to update ruby-build to include Ruby 2.3 definitions. On Debian, 2.3 is not included in Wheezy and appears in Jessie's version of the package. #### Dedicated user Use a dedicated user for the daemon, switch to this user and enable rbenv ``` # adduser --disabled-password --gecos "" rftpd # su rftpd -l ``` #### Ruby version Install the right ruby version and activate it ``` # rbenv install 2.3.0 # rbenv local 2.3.0 # rbenv rehash ``` #### Daemon installation Update RubyGems and install the gem from ``` # gem update --system # gem install rest-ftp-daemon --no-ri --no-rdoc # rbenv rehash # rest-ftp-daemon start ``` Known bugs ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * As this project is based on the Psyck YAML parser, configuration merge from "defaults" section and environment-specific section are broken. A sub-tree defined for a specific environment, will overwrite the corresponding subtree from "defaults". Please repeat whole sections from "defaults". * As this project is based on Chamber, and it considers hyphens in filename as namespaces, the global /etc/rest-ftp-daemon.yml config file is not parsed (and thus, ignored). Until this is worked around, please specify a config filename on the commandline. * If you get ```fatal error: 'openssl/ssl.h' file not found when installing eventmachine``` on OSX El Capitan, you can try with: ``` gem install eventmachine -v '1.0.8' -- --with-cppflags=-I/usr/local/opt/openssl/include bundle install ``` * If you get ``` recipe for target 'build-ext' failed``` on Debian, you can try with: ``` curl -fsSL | rbenv install --patch 2.2.3 ``` Contributing ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Contributions are more than welcome, be it for documentation, features, tests, refactoring, you name it. If you are unsure of where to start, the [Code Climate]( report will provide you with improvement directions. And of course, if in doubt, do not hesitate to open an issue. (Please note that this project has adopted a [code of conduct]( If you want your contribution to adopted in the smoothest and fastest way, don't forget to: * provide sufficient documentation in you commit and pull request * add proper testing (we know full grown solid test coverage is still lacking and need to up the game) * use the [RuboCop]( guidelines provided (there are all sorts of editor integration plugins available) So, 1. Fork the project 2. Create your feature branch (`git checkout -b my-new-feature`) 3. Code * add proper tests if adding a feature * run the tests using `rake` * check for RuboCop style guide violations 4. Commit your changes 5. Push to the branch (`git push origin my-new-feature`) 6. Create new Pull Request About ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Thanks to for parts and ideas used in this project This project has been initiated and originally written by Bruno MEDICI Consultant (