require 'fiber' begin require 'eventmachine/sync-defer' rescue LoadError end begin require '' rescue LoadError end module SyncDefer # assume we would always require 'rest-core' in root fiber RootFiber = Fiber.current module_function def defer *args, &block if root_fiber? fallback("Not called inside a fiber.", *args, &block) elsif Object.const_defined?(:EventMachine) && EventMachine.reactor_running? EventMachine::SyncDefer.defer(*args, &block) elsif Object.const_defined?(:Coolio) && Coolio::Loop.default.has_active_watchers? Coolio::SyncDefer.defer(*args, &block) else fallback("No reactor found.", *args, block) end end def root_fiber? RootFiber == Fiber.current end def fallback message, *args, &block $stderr.puts("SyncDefer: WARN: #{message}") $stderr.puts(" Falling back to run the computation directly.") $stderr.puts(" Called from: #{caller.last(5).inspect}") args << block if block_given? if args.size == 1 else end end end