require 'spec_helper' describe Softcover::CLI do context 'help output' do subject { capture(:stdout) { Softcover::CLI.start commands } } let(:commands) { ['help'] } %w{new login logout publish build server}.each do |cmd| it { should match /#{cmd}/ } end Softcover::FORMATS.each do |format| it { should match /build:#{format}/ } it { should match /Build #{format.upcase}/ } end it { should match /build:all/ } it { should match /build:preview/ } it { should match /epub:validate/ } it { should match /epub:check/ } end context "version number" do subject { `softcover -v` } it { should eq "Softcover #{Softcover::VERSION}\n" } end context "softcover build:pdf options" do subject { `softcover help build:pdf` } it { should include '-d, [--debug]' } it { should include '-o, [--once]' } it { should include 'f, [--find-overfull]' } end context "softcover new options" do subject { `softcover help new` } it { should include '-p, [--polytex]' } it { should include '-a, [--article]' } end context "softcover new" do before(:all) { chdir_to_fixtures } after(:all) { remove_book } it "should not raise error" do result = `softcover new book &> /dev/null` expect($?.exitstatus).to eq 0 end end context "softcover clean" do before do chdir_to_fixtures FileUtils.touch('foo.aux') FileUtils.touch('foo.toc') FileUtils.touch('foo.out') FileUtils.touch('foo.tmp.pdf') FileUtils.touch('.highlight_cache') end it "should remove unnecessary files" do `softcover clean` expect('foo.aux').not_to exist expect('foo.aux').not_to exist expect('foo.toc').not_to exist expect('foo.out').not_to exist expect('foo.tmp.pdf').not_to exist expect('.highlight_cache').not_to exist end end shared_examples "book" do context "pdf" do context "without options" do before { silence { `softcover build:pdf` } } it "should generate the PDF" do expect(path('ebooks/book.pdf')).to exist end end context "with the debug option" do before { silence { `softcover build:pdf -d` } } it "should generate the debug PDF" do expect(path('book.pdf')).to exist end end context "with the --once option" do it "should build without error" do expect { silence { `softcover build:pdf --once` } }.not_to raise_error end end context "with the --find-overfull option" do it "should not find any overfull lines" do expect(`softcover build:pdf --find-overfull`.strip).to be_empty end end end context "html" do context "without options" do before { silence { `softcover build:html` } } it "should generate the html" do expect(path('html/book.html')).to exist end end end context "epub & mobi" do context "without options" do before { silence { `softcover build:mobi` } } it "should generate the EPUB & MOBI" do expect(path('ebooks/book.epub')).to exist expect(path('ebooks/')).to exist end end context "command-line options" do subject(:options) { `softcover help build:mobi` } it { should_not include 'calibre' } it { should include 'kindlegen' } end end end describe "PolyTeX books" do before(:all) do remove_book chdir_to_fixtures silence { `softcover new book --polytex` } chdir_to_book end after(:all) { remove_book } it_should_behave_like "book" end describe "Markdown books" do before(:all) do remove_book chdir_to_fixtures silence { `softcover new book` } chdir_to_book end after(:all) { remove_book } it_should_behave_like "book" end describe "stubbed commands" do context "unpublish" do before { Softcover::Utils.stub(:source).and_return(:markdown) } it "should have the right slug" do Softcover::BookManifest.should_receive(:new).with(origin: :markdown) .and_return( "")) Softcover::Utils.unpublish_slug end end context "open" do before { Softcover::Utils.stub(:source).and_return(:markdown) } it "should have the right book" do Softcover::Book.should_receive(:new).with(origin: :markdown) Softcover::Commands::Opener::book end end end describe "check" do subject { `softcover check` } it { should match /all dependencies satisfied/i } end end