require 'logger' require 'tempfile' class Textfile attr_accessor :path, :logger # options # * +:bufsiz+ - Passed to GNU sort to optimize performance. # * +:debug+ - Suppress deletion of temp files. # * +:lang+ - Collation sequence. # * +:logger+ - Logs shell commands and resulting ouput (default: STDOUT). def initialize(path, options = {}) @bufize = options[:bufsiz] @debug = options[:debug] @lang = options[:lang] || 'en_US.UTF-8' @logger = options[:logger] || @path = path end # Removes all records. def clear sh "cat /dev/null > #{@path}" end # Removes records not present in other textfile. def intersection(textfile) comm(textfile, '-12') end # Merges the contents of other textfiles and returns self. def merge(*textfiles) sh "cat #{' ')} >> #{@path}" self.sort end # Remove records present in other textfile. def subtract(textfile) # --nocheck-order, see comm(textfile, '--nocheck-order -23') end protected # OS X comm can't handle lines > 2K bytes. # See def comm_cmd() (RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /darwin/ ? 'gcomm' : 'comm') end def sort_cmd() (RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /darwin/ ? 'gsort' : 'sort') end def uniq_cmd() (RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /darwin/ ? 'guniq' : 'uniq') end def comm(textfile, options) self.sort textfile.sort with_tempcopy do |tempcopy| sh "#{comm_cmd} #{options} #{tempcopy} #{textfile.path} > #{@path}" end end def sh(cmd) cmd = "export LC_COLLATE=#{@lang}; #{cmd}" if @lang cmd; %x[ #{cmd} ] # TODO: capture $? self end # Sorts file and removes any duplicate records. def sort return self if sorted options = "--buffer-size=#{@bufsiz}" if @bufsiz with_tempcopy do |tempcopy| sh "#{sort_cmd} #{options} #{tempcopy} | #{uniq_cmd} > #{@path}" end @sorted = true self end attr_accessor :sorted def with_tempcopy tempcopy =['temp-','.txt']) tempcopy.write( tempcopy.close yield tempcopy.path tempcopy.unlink unless @debug self end end