ActiveAdmin.register C80Estate::Area, as: 'Area' do # scope_to :current_admin_user, association_method: :sites_list menu :label => 'Площади', priority: 3 permit_params :title, :desc, :owner_id, :owner_type, :assigned_person_id, :assigned_person_type, :atype_id, :property_id, :astatus_ids => [], :aphotos_attributes => [:id, :image, :_destroy], :item_props_attributes => [:value, :_destroy, :prop_name_id, :id] batch_action :destroy, false batch_action 'Задать цену', form: { # type: %w[Offensive Spam Other], val: :text, # notes: :textarea, # hide: :checkbox, # date: :datepicker } do |ids, inputs| # inputs is a hash of all the form fields you requested redirect_to collection_path, notice: [ids, inputs].to_s end batch_action 'Задать объём площади', form: { # type: %w[Offensive Spam Other], val: :text, # notes: :textarea, # hide: :checkbox, # date: :datepicker } do |ids, inputs| # inputs is a hash of all the form fields you requested redirect_to collection_path, notice: [ids, inputs].to_s end config.clear_action_items! action_item :new_model, :only => :index do if current_admin_user.can_create_areas? link_to I18n.t("active_admin.new_model"), '/admin/areas/new', method: :get end end action_item only: [:show] do if current_admin_user.can_edit_area?(resource) link_to I18n.t("active_admin.edit_model"), edit_admin_area_path(resource) end end action_item only: [:show] do if current_admin_user.can_delete_area? link_to I18n.t("active_admin.delete_model"), admin_area_path(resource), data: { confirm: 'Вы уверены, что хотите удалить это?', method: 'delete' } # Удалить end end config.sort_order = 'id_asc' filter :atype_id, :label => 'Тип площади', :as => :select, :collection => -> { { |p| ["#{p.title}",] } }, :input_html => {:class => 'selectpicker', 'data-size' => "10", 'data-width' => '100%'} filter :property_id, :label => 'Объект недвижимости', :as => :select, :collection => -> { { |p| ["#{p.title}",] } }, :input_html => {:class => 'selectpicker', 'data-size' => "10", 'data-width' => '100%'} # filter :item_prop_square_val_in, # :as => :string, # :label => 'Площадь (м.кв.)' filter :item_prop_square_val_in, :as => :string, :label => 'Площадь (м.кв.)', :input_html => {data: { # provide: 'slider', slider_ticks: C80Estate::ItemProp.all_uniq_values(9).to_json, #'[0, 1, 2, 3]', slider_labels: C80Estate::ItemProp.all_uniq_values(9).to_json, #'["none", short", "medium","long"]', slider_min: C80Estate::ItemProp.all_uniq_values(9).sort.first, slider_max: C80Estate::ItemProp.all_uniq_values(9).sort.last, slider_step: 1, slider_value: 0, slider_range: true, slider_tooltip: 'hide' }} filter :item_prop_price_val_in, :as => :string, :label => 'Цена (руб/м.кв в месяц)', :input_html => {data: { #provide: 'slider', slider_ticks: C80Estate::ItemProp.all_uniq_values(1).to_json, #'[0, 1, 2, 3]', slider_labels: C80Estate::ItemProp.all_uniq_values(1).to_json, #'["none", short", "medium","long"]', slider_min: C80Estate::ItemProp.all_uniq_values(1).sort.first, slider_max: C80Estate::ItemProp.all_uniq_values(1).sort.last, slider_step: 1, slider_value: 0, slider_range: true, slider_tooltip: 'hide' }} filter :item_prop_oenter_in, :as => :select, :collection => [['Есть', 11], ['Нет', 10]], :label => 'Отдельный вход с улицы', :input_html => {:class => 'selectpicker', 'data-size' => "3", 'data-width' => '100%'} filter :item_prop_floor_val_in, :as => :select, :collection => -> { C80Estate::ItemProp.all_uniq_values(5) }, :label => 'Этаж', :input_html => {:class => 'selectpicker', 'data-size' => "3", 'data-width' => '100%'} # filter :title filter :assigned_person_id_in, :label => 'Назначенный пользователь', :as => :select, :collection => -> { { |u| ["#{} (#{u.assigned_areas_count})",] } }, :input_html => {:class => 'selectpicker', 'data-size' => "10", 'data-width' => '100%'} filter :created_at filter :updated_at scope "All", :all_areas scope "Free", :free_areas scope "Busy", :busy_areas index do selectable_column column :title do |area| link_to area.title, "/admin/areas/#{}", title: I18n.t("active_admin.view") end column :atype do |area| area.atype_title end column 'Цена м.кв.'.html_safe do |area| "#{area.price_value.to_s(:rounded, :precision => 2)} руб" end column 'Цена площади'.html_safe do |area| klass = '' title = 'Цена за площадь рассчитана' if area.is_locked_area_price? klass = 'locked' title = 'Явно указана цена за площадь, цена за метр рассчитана от этого числа' end "#{area.power_price_value.to_s(:rounded, :precision => 2)} руб".html_safe end column 'Метраж' do |area| "#{area.square_value.to_s(:rounded, :precision => 2)} м2".html_safe end column :property do |area| "
#{area.property_title}".html_safe end column :astatuses do |area| "#{area.astatus_title}".html_safe end column :assigned_person do |area| end # actions # column '' do |area| # link_to I18n.t("active_admin.view"), "/admin/areas/#{}", class: 'member_link' # end column '' do |area| if current_admin_user.can_edit_area?(area) link_to I18n.t("active_admin.edit"), "/admin/areas/#{}/edit", class: 'member_link' end end end form(:html => {:multipart => true}) do |f| f.inputs 'Свойства' do f.input :title f.input :atype, :input_html => {:class => 'selectpicker', 'data-size' => "10", 'data-width' => '400px'} f.input :property, :input_html => {:class => 'selectpicker', 'data-size' => "10", 'data-width' => '400px'}, :collection => C80Estate::Property.where(:assigned_person_id => { |p| ["#{p.title}",] } # f.input :assigned_person, # :input_html => {:class => 'selectpicker', 'data-size' => "10", 'data-width' => '400px'}, # :collection => { |u| ["#{}",] } # f.input :assigned_person_type, :input_html => {:value => "AdminUser"}, as: :hidden f.input :astatuses, :input_html => {:class => 'selectpicker', 'data-size' => "10", 'data-width' => '400px', :multiple => false} f.input :desc, :as => :ckeditor f.inputs "Свойства" do f.has_many :item_props, :allow_destroy => true do |item_prop| item_prop.input :prop_name item_prop.input :value end end f.has_many :aphotos, :allow_destroy => true do |gp| gp.input :image, :as => :file, :hint => image_tag(gp.object.image.thumb512) end if f.object.new_record? f.input :owner_id, :input_html => {:value =>}, as: :hidden f.input :owner_type, :input_html => {:value => "AdminUser"}, as: :hidden end end f.actions end show do render partial: 'show_area', locals: { area:resource } active_admin_comments end end