Given(/^a database table called "([^"]*)" with the following fields:$/) do |table_name, fields| database_table(table_name).create( end Given (/^only the following rows in the "([^"]*)" database table:$/) do |table_name, rows| database_table(table_name).clear step %Q(the following new rows in the "#{table_name}" database table:), rows end Given (/^the following new rows in the "([^"]*)" database table:$/) do |table_name, rows| database_table(table_name).insert end Given(/^the current value in sequence "([^"]*)" is (\d+)$/) do |sequence_name, current_value| "SELECT setval('#{sequence_name}', #{current_value})" end Given(/^a sequence called "([^"]*)" starting from (\d+)$/) do |sequence_name, start_value| database_sequence(sequence_name).create step %Q[the current value in sequence "#{sequence_name}" is #{start_value}] end Then(/^the "([^"]*)" table should contain:$/) do |table_name, data| expected_data, hashes = [], do |hash| new_row = {} hash.each_key do |key| new_row[key.to_sym] = hash[key] end expected_data << new_row end expect(database_table(table_name).content(data.fields)).to match_array expected_data end