# frozen_string_literal: true require 'active_support/core_ext/module/attribute_accessors_per_thread' require 'concurrent/atomic/atomic_boolean' module GoodJob # :nodoc: # # Notifiers hook into Postgres LISTEN/NOTIFY functionality to emit and listen for notifications across processes. # # Notifiers can emit NOTIFY messages through Postgres. # A notifier will LISTEN for messages by creating a background thread that runs in an instance of +Concurrent::ThreadPoolExecutor+. # When a message is received, the notifier passes the message to each of its recipients. # class Notifier include ActiveSupport::Callbacks define_callbacks :listen, :unlisten include Notifier::ProcessRegistration # Default Postgres channel for LISTEN/NOTIFY CHANNEL = 'good_job' # Defaults for instance of Concurrent::ThreadPoolExecutor EXECUTOR_OPTIONS = { name: name, min_threads: 0, max_threads: 1, auto_terminate: true, idletime: 60, max_queue: 1, fallback_policy: :discard, }.freeze # Seconds to block while LISTENing for a message WAIT_INTERVAL = 1 # Seconds to wait if database cannot be connected to RECONNECT_INTERVAL = 5 # Connection errors that will wait {RECONNECT_INTERVAL} before reconnecting CONNECTION_ERRORS = %w[ ActiveRecord::ConnectionNotEstablished ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid PG::UnableToSend PG::Error ].freeze # @!attribute [r] instances # @!scope class # List of all instantiated Notifiers in the current process. # @return [Array, nil] cattr_reader :instances, default: [], instance_reader: false # @!attribute [rw] connection # @!scope class # ActiveRecord Connection that has been established for the Notifier. # @return [ActiveRecord::ConnectionAdapters::AbstractAdapter, nil] thread_cattr_accessor :connection # Send a message via Postgres NOTIFY # @param message [#to_json] def self.notify(message) connection = Execution.connection connection.exec_query <<~SQL.squish NOTIFY #{CHANNEL}, #{connection.quote(message.to_json)} SQL end # List of recipients that will receive notifications. # @return [Array<#call, Array(Object, Symbol)>] attr_reader :recipients # @param recipients [Array<#call, Array(Object, Symbol)>] def initialize(*recipients) @recipients = Concurrent::Array.new(recipients) @listening = Concurrent::AtomicBoolean.new(false) self.class.instances << self create_executor listen end # Tests whether the notifier is active and listening for new messages. # @return [true, false, nil] def listening? @listening.true? end # Tests whether the notifier is running. # @!method running? # @return [true, false, nil] delegate :running?, to: :executor, allow_nil: true # Tests whether the scheduler is shutdown. # @!method shutdown? # @return [true, false, nil] delegate :shutdown?, to: :executor, allow_nil: true # Shut down the notifier. # This stops the background LISTENing thread. # Use {#shutdown?} to determine whether threads have stopped. # @param timeout [Numeric, nil] Seconds to wait for active threads. # * +nil+, the scheduler will trigger a shutdown but not wait for it to complete. # * +-1+, the scheduler will wait until the shutdown is complete. # * +0+, the scheduler will immediately shutdown and stop any threads. # * A positive number will wait that many seconds before stopping any remaining active threads. # @return [void] def shutdown(timeout: -1) return if executor.nil? || executor.shutdown? executor.shutdown if executor.running? if executor.shuttingdown? && timeout # rubocop:disable Style/GuardClause executor_wait = timeout.negative? ? nil : timeout executor.kill unless executor.wait_for_termination(executor_wait) end end # Restart the notifier. # When shutdown, start; or shutdown and start. # @param timeout [nil, Numeric] Seconds to wait; shares same values as {#shutdown}. # @return [void] def restart(timeout: -1) shutdown(timeout: timeout) if running? create_executor listen end # Invoked on completion of ThreadPoolExecutor task # @!visibility private # @return [void] def listen_observer(_time, _result, thread_error) if thread_error GoodJob._on_thread_error(thread_error) ActiveSupport::Notifications.instrument("notifier_notify_error.good_job", { error: thread_error }) connection_error = CONNECTION_ERRORS.any? do |error_string| error_class = error_string.safe_constantize next unless error_class thread_error.is_a? error_class end end return if shutdown? listen(delay: connection_error ? RECONNECT_INTERVAL : 0) end private attr_reader :executor def create_executor @executor = Concurrent::ThreadPoolExecutor.new(EXECUTOR_OPTIONS) end def listen(delay: 0) future = Concurrent::ScheduledTask.new(delay, args: [@recipients, executor, @listening], executor: @executor) do |thr_recipients, thr_executor, thr_listening| with_connection do begin run_callbacks :listen do ActiveSupport::Notifications.instrument("notifier_listen.good_job") do connection.execute("LISTEN #{CHANNEL}") end thr_listening.make_true end ActiveSupport::Dependencies.interlock.permit_concurrent_loads do while thr_executor.running? wait_for_notify do |channel, payload| next unless channel == CHANNEL ActiveSupport::Notifications.instrument("notifier_notified.good_job", { payload: payload }) parsed_payload = JSON.parse(payload, symbolize_names: true) thr_recipients.each do |recipient| target, method_name = recipient.is_a?(Array) ? recipient : [recipient, :call] target.send(method_name, parsed_payload) end end end end end ensure run_callbacks :unlisten do thr_listening.make_false ActiveSupport::Notifications.instrument("notifier_unlisten.good_job") do connection.execute("UNLISTEN *") end end end end future.add_observer(self, :listen_observer) future.execute end def with_connection self.connection = Execution.connection_pool.checkout.tap do |conn| Execution.connection_pool.remove(conn) end connection.execute("SET application_name = #{connection.quote(self.class.name)}") yield ensure connection&.disconnect! self.connection = nil end def wait_for_notify raw_connection = connection.raw_connection if raw_connection.respond_to?(:wait_for_notify) raw_connection.wait_for_notify(WAIT_INTERVAL) do |channel, _pid, payload| yield(channel, payload) end elsif raw_connection.respond_to?(:jdbc_connection) raw_connection.execute_query("SELECT 1") notifications = raw_connection.jdbc_connection.getNotifications Array(notifications).each do |notification| channel = notification.getName payload = notification.getParameter yield(channel, payload) end sleep WAIT_INTERVAL else sleep WAIT_INTERVAL end end end end