require 'rails_helper' RSpec.describe ActiveAdmin::Views::PaginatedCollection do describe "creating with the dsl" do before :all do load_defaults! reload_routes! end let(:view) do view = mock_action_view allow(view.request).to receive(:query_parameters).and_return page: '1' allow(view.request).to receive(:path_parameters).and_return controller: 'admin/posts', action: 'index' view end # Helper to render paginated collections within an arbo context def paginated_collection(*args) render_component({paginated_collection_args: args}, view) do paginated_collection(*paginated_collection_args) end end let(:collection) do posts = [ "First Post"), "Second Post"), "Third Post")] Kaminari.paginate_array(posts).page(1).per(5) end before do allow(collection).to receive(:except) { collection } unless collection.respond_to? :except allow(collection).to receive(:group_values) { [] } unless collection.respond_to? :group_values end let(:pagination){ paginated_collection collection } it "should set :collection as the passed in collection" do expect(pagination.find_by_class('pagination_information').first.content).to eq "Displaying all 3 posts" end it "should raise error if collection has no pagination scope" do expect { paginated_collection([,]) }.to raise_error(StandardError, "Collection is not a paginated scope. Set[:page]).per(10) before calling :paginated_collection.") end it 'should preserve custom query params' do allow(view.request).to receive(:query_parameters).and_return page: '1', something: 'else' pagination_content = pagination.content expect(pagination_content).to include '/admin/posts.csv?page=1&something=else' expect(pagination_content).to include '/admin/posts.xml?page=1&something=else' expect(pagination_content).to include '/admin/posts.json?page=1&something=else' end context "when specifying :param_name option" do let(:collection) do posts ={ } Kaminari.paginate_array(posts).page(1).per(5) end let(:pagination) { paginated_collection(collection, param_name: :post_page) } it "should customize the page number parameter in pagination links" do expect(pagination.children.last.content).to match(/\/admin\/posts\?post_page=2/) end end context "when specifying :params option" do let(:collection) do posts ={ } Kaminari.paginate_array(posts).page(1).per(5) end let(:pagination) { paginated_collection(collection, param_name: :post_page, params: { anchor: 'here' }) } it "should pass it through to Kaminari" do expect(pagination.children.last.content).to match(/\/admin\/posts\?post_page=2#here/) end end context "when specifying download_links: false option" do let(:collection) do posts ={ } Kaminari.paginate_array(posts).page(1).per(5) end let(:pagination) { paginated_collection(collection, download_links: false) } it "should not render download links" do expect(pagination.find_by_tag('div').last.content).to_not match(/Download:/) end end context "when specifying :entry_name option with a single item" do let(:collection) do posts = [] Kaminari.paginate_array(posts).page(1).per(5) end let(:pagination) { paginated_collection(collection, entry_name: "message") } it "should use :entry_name as the collection name" do expect(pagination.find_by_class('pagination_information').first.content).to eq "Displaying 1 message" end end context "when specifying :entry_name option with multiple items" do let(:pagination) { paginated_collection(collection, entry_name: "message") } it "should use :entry_name as the collection name" do expect(pagination.find_by_class('pagination_information').first.content).to eq "Displaying all 3 messages" end end context "when specifying :entry_name and :entries_name option with a single item" do let(:collection) do posts = [] Kaminari.paginate_array(posts).page(1).per(5) end let(:pagination) { paginated_collection(collection, entry_name: "singular", entries_name: "plural") } it "should use :entry_name as the collection name" do expect(pagination.find_by_class('pagination_information').first.content).to eq "Displaying 1 singular" end end context "when specifying :entry_name and :entries_name option with a multiple items" do let(:pagination) { paginated_collection(collection, entry_name: "singular", entries_name: "plural") } it "should use :entries_name as the collection name" do expect(pagination.find_by_class('pagination_information').first.content).to eq "Displaying all 3 plural" end end context "when omitting :entry_name with a single item" do let(:collection) do posts = [] Kaminari.paginate_array(posts).page(1).per(5) end it "should use 'post' as the collection name when there is no I18n translation" do expect(pagination.find_by_class('pagination_information').first.content).to eq "Displaying 1 post" end it "should use 'Singular' as the collection name when there is an I18n translation" do allow(I18n).to receive(:translate) { "Singular" } expect(pagination.find_by_class('pagination_information').first.content).to eq "Displaying 1 Singular" end end context "when omitting :entry_name with multiple items" do it "should use 'posts' as the collection name when there is no I18n translation" do expect(pagination.find_by_class('pagination_information').first.content).to eq "Displaying all 3 posts" end it "should use 'Plural' as the collection name when there is an I18n translation" do allow(I18n).to receive(:translate) { "Plural" } expect(pagination.find_by_class('pagination_information').first.content).to eq "Displaying all 3 Plural" end end context "when specifying an empty collection" do let(:collection) do posts = [] Kaminari.paginate_array(posts).page(1).per(5) end it "should display 'No entries found'" do expect(pagination.find_by_class('pagination_information').first.content).to eq "No entries found" end end context "when collection comes from find with GROUP BY" do let(:collection) do %w{Foo Foo Bar}.each {|title| Post.create(title: title) } end it "should display proper message (including number and not hash)" do expect(pagination.find_by_class('pagination_information').first.content).to eq "Displaying all 2 posts" end end context "when collection with many pages comes from find with GROUP BY" do let(:collection) do %w{Foo Foo Bar Baz}.each {|title| Post.create(title: title) } end it "should display proper message (including number and not hash)" do expect(pagination.find_by_class('pagination_information').first.content.gsub(' ', ' ')). to eq "Displaying posts 1 - 2 of 3 in total" end end context "when viewing the last page of a collection that has multiple pages" do let(:collection) do Kaminari.paginate_array([] * 81).page(3).per(30) end it "should show the proper item counts" do expect(pagination.find_by_class('pagination_information').first.content.gsub(' ', ' ')). to eq "Displaying posts 61 - 81 of 81 in total" end end context "with :pagination_total" do let(:collection) do Kaminari.paginate_array([] * 256).page(1).per(30) end describe "set to false" do it "should not show the total item counts" do expect(collection).not_to receive(:total_pages) pagination = paginated_collection(collection, pagination_total: false) info = pagination.find_by_class('pagination_information').first.content.gsub(' ', ' ') expect(info).to eq "Displaying posts 1 - 30" end end describe "set to true" do let(:pagination) { paginated_collection(collection, pagination_total: true) } it "should show the total item counts" do info = pagination.find_by_class('pagination_information').first.content.gsub(' ', ' ') expect(info).to eq "Displaying posts 1 - 30 of 256 in total" end end end context "when specifying per_page: array option" do let(:collection) do posts = { } Kaminari.paginate_array(posts).page(1).per(5) end let(:pagination) { paginated_collection(collection, per_page: [1, 2, 3]) } let(:pagination_html) { pagination.find_by_class("pagination_per_page").first } let(:pagination_node) { Capybara.string(pagination_html.to_s) } it "should render per_page select tag" do expect(pagination_html.content).to match(/Per page:/) expect(pagination_node).to have_css("select option", count: 3) end end end end