# Author:: Sergio Fierens # License:: MPL 1.1 # Project:: ai4r # Url:: http://ai4r.rubyforge.org/ # # You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of # the Mozilla Public License version 1.1 as published by the # Mozilla Foundation at http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/MPL-1.1.txt require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../../lib/ai4r/neural_network/backpropagation' require 'benchmark' times = Benchmark.measure do srand 1 net = Ai4r::NeuralNetwork::Backpropagation.new([2, 2, 1]) puts "Training the network, please wait." 2001.times do |i| net.train([0,0], [0]) net.train([0,1], [1]) net.train([1,0], [1]) error = net.train([1,1], [0]) puts "Error after iteration #{i}:\t#{error}" if i%200 == 0 end puts "Test data" puts "[0,0] = > #{net.eval([0,0]).inspect}" puts "[0,1] = > #{net.eval([0,1]).inspect}" puts "[1,0] = > #{net.eval([1,0]).inspect}" puts "[1,1] = > #{net.eval([1,1]).inspect}" end puts "Elapsed time: #{times}"