require 'spec_helper' describe Sexp do let(:parser) { } describe "children" do it "should get all child nodes" do node = parser.parse("puts 'hello ', 'world'") node.children.should == [s(:arglist, s(:str, "hello "), s(:str, "world"))] end end describe "recursive_children" do it "should get all recursive child nodes" do node = parser.parse("puts 'hello', dynamic_output") children = [] node.recursive_children { |child| children << child } children.should == [s(:arglist, s(:str, "hello"), s(:call, nil, :dynamic_output, s(:arglist))), s(:str, "hello"), s(:call, nil, :dynamic_output, s(:arglist)), s(:arglist)] end end describe "grep_nodes" do before :each do content = <<-EOF def show current_user.posts.find(params[:id]) end EOF @node = parser.parse(content) end it "should get the call nodes with empty arguments" do nodes = [] @node.grep_nodes(:node_type => :call, :arguments => s(:arglist)) { |node| nodes << node } nodes.should == [s(:call, s(:call, nil, :current_user, s(:arglist)), :posts, s(:arglist)), s(:call, nil, :current_user, s(:arglist)), s(:call, nil, :params, s(:arglist))] end it "should get the call nodes with different messages" do nodes = [] @node.grep_nodes(:node_type => :call, :message => [:current_user, :params]) { |node| nodes << node } nodes.should == [s(:call, nil, :current_user, s(:arglist)), s(:call, nil, :params, s(:arglist))] end end describe "grep_node" do before :each do content = <<-EOF def show current_user.posts.find(params[:id]) end EOF @node = parser.parse(content) end it "should get first node with empty argument" do node = @node.grep_node(:node_type => :call, :arguments => s(:arglist)) node.should == s(:call, s(:call, nil, :current_user, s(:arglist)), :posts, s(:arglist)) end end describe "grep_nodes_count" do before :each do content = <<-EOF def show current_user.posts.find(params[:id]) end EOF @node = parser.parse(content) end it "should get the count of call nodes" do @node.grep_nodes_count(:node_type => :call).should == 5 end end describe "subject" do it "should get subject of attrasgn node" do node = parser.parse(" = params[:name]") node.subject.should == s(:call, nil, :user, s(:arglist)) end it "should get subject of call node" do node = parser.parse("") node.subject.should == s(:call, nil, :user, s(:arglist)) end it "should get subject of iter node" do node = parser.parse("@users.each { |user| p user }") node.subject.should == s(:call, s(:ivar, :@users), :each, s(:arglist)) end end describe "class_name" do it "should get class name of class node" do node = parser.parse("class User; end") node.class_name.should == :User end end describe "base_class" do it "should get base class of class node" do node = parser.parse("class User < ActiveRecord::Base; end") node.base_class.should == s(:colon2, s(:const, :ActiveRecord), :Base) end end describe "left_value" do it "should get the left value of lasgn" do node = parser.parse("user = params[:user]") node.left_value.should == :user end it "should get the left value of iasgn" do node = parser.parse("@user = params[:user]") node.left_value.should == :@user end end describe "right_value" do it "should get the right value of lasgn" do node = parser.parse("user = current_user") node.right_value.should == s(:call, nil, :current_user, s(:arglist)) end it "should get the right value of iasgn" do node = parser.parse("@user = current_user") node.right_value.should == s(:call, nil, :current_user, s(:arglist)) end end describe "message" do it "should get the message of attrasgn" do node = parser.parse(" = params[:name]") node.message.should == :name= end it "should get the message of call" do node = parser.parse("has_many :projects") node.message.should == :has_many end end describe "arguments" do it "should get the arguments of attrasgn" do node = parser.parse("post.user = current_user") node.arguments.should == s(:arglist, s(:call, nil, :current_user, s(:arglist))) end it "should get the arguments of call" do node = parser.parse("username == ''") node.arguments.should == s(:arglist, s(:str, "")) end end describe "conditional_statement" do it "should get conditional statement of if" do node = parser.parse("if current_user.present?; puts current_user.login; end") node.conditional_statement.should == s(:call, s(:call, nil, :current_user, s(:arglist)), :present?, s(:arglist)) end end describe "true_node" do it "should get the true node of if" do content = <<-EOF if current_user.login? current_user.login else end EOF node = parser.parse(content) node.true_node.should == s(:call, s(:call, nil, :current_user, s(:arglist)), :login, s(:arglist)) end end describe "false_node" do it "should get the false node of if" do content = <<-EOF if current_user.login? current_user.login else end EOF node = parser.parse(content) node.false_node.should == s(:call, s(:call, nil, :current_user, s(:arglist)), :email, s(:arglist)) end end describe "method_name" do it "should get the method name of defn" do node = parser.parse("def show; end") node.method_name.should == :show end end describe "body" do it "should get body of iter" do node = parser.parse("resources :posts do; resources :comments; end") node.body.should == s(:call, nil, :resources, s(:arglist, s(:lit, :comments))) end it "should get body of class" do node = parser.parse("class User; def login; end; def email; end; end") node.body.should == s(:block, s(:defn, :login, s(:args), s(:scope, s(:block, s(:nil)))), s(:defn, :email, s(:args), s(:scope, s(:block, s(:nil))))) end it "should get body of defn" do node = parser.parse("def fullname; first_name + last+name; end") node.body.should == s(:block, s(:call, s(:call, s(:call, nil, :first_name, s(:arglist)), :+, s(:arglist, s(:call, nil, :last, s(:arglist)))), :+, s(:arglist, s(:call, nil, :name, s(:arglist))))) end end describe "to_s" do it "should get to_s for lvar" do node = parser.parse("user = current_user; user") node.children[1].node_type.should == :lvar node.children[1].to_s.should == "user" end it "should get to_s for ivar" do node = parser.parse("@user") node.to_s.should == "@user" end it "should get to_s for ivar with remove_at" do node = parser.parse("@user") node.to_s(:remove_at => true).should == "user" end it "should get to_s for str" do node = parser.parse("'user'") node.to_s.should == "user" end it "should get to_s for lit" do node = parser.parse("{:user => 'Richard'}") node[1].to_s.should == "user" end it "should get to_s for const" do node = parser.parse("User") node.to_s.should == "User" end it "should get to_s for array" do node = parser.parse("[@user1, @user2]") node.to_s.should == '["@user1", "@user2"]' end it "should get to_s for hash" do node = parser.parse("{:first_name => 'Richard', :last_name => 'Huang'}") node.to_s.should == '{"first_name" => "Richard", "last_name" => "Huang"}' end it "should get to_s for hash with true/false" do node = parser.parse("{:shallow => true, :index => false}") node.to_s.should == '{"shallow" => true, "index" => false}' end it "should get to_s for array and hash mixed" do node = parser.parse("{:only => [:show, :index]}") node.to_s.should == '{"only" => ["show", "index"]}' end it "should get to_s for colon2" do node = parser.parse("RailsBestPractices::Core") node.to_s.should == "RailsBestPractices::Core" end end end