# Macaroons [](https://travis-ci.org/localmed/ruby-macaroons) [](https://coveralls.io/r/localmed/ruby-macaroons?branch=master) This is a Ruby implementation of Macaroons. It is still under active development but is in a useable state - please report any bugs in the issue tracker. ## What is a Macaroon? Macaroons, like cookies, are a form of bearer credential. Unlike opaque tokens, macaroons embed *caveats* that define specific authorization requirements for the *target service*, the service that issued the root macaroon and which is capable of verifying the integrity of macaroons it recieves. Macaroons allow for delegation and attenuation of authorization. They are simple and fast to verify, and decouple authorization policy from the enforcement of that policy. Simple examples are outlined below. For more in-depth examples check out the [functional tests](https://github.com/localmed/ruby-macaroons/blob/master/spec/integration_spec.rb) and [references](#references). ## Installing Macaroons requires a sodium library like libsodium or tweetnacl to be installed on the host system. To install [libsodium](https://github.com/jedisct1/libsodium): For OS X users, libsodium is available via homebrew and can be installed with: brew install libsodium For other systems, please see the [libsodium documentation](http://doc.libsodium.org/). ### Macaroons gem Once you have libsodium installed, add this line to your application's Gemfile: gem 'macaroons' And then execute: $ bundle Or install it manually: $ gem install macaroons Inside of your Ruby program: require 'macaroons' ## Quickstart key => Very secret key used to sign the macaroon identifier => An identifier, to remind you which key was used to sign the macaroon location => The location at which the macaroon is created # Construct a Macaroon. m = Macaroon.new(key: key, identifier: identifier, location: 'http://foo.com') # Add first party caveat m.add_first_party_caveat('caveat_1') # List all first party caveats m.first_party_caveats # Add third party caveat m.add_third_party_caveat('caveat_key', 'caveat_id', 'http://foo.com') # List all third party caveats m.third_party_caveats ## Example with first- and third-party caveats ```ruby # Create macaroon. Sign with a key and identifier (a way to remember which key was used) m = Macaroon.new( location: 'http://mybank/', identifier: 'we used our other secret key', key: 'this is a different super-secret key; never use the same secret twice' ) # Add a first party caveat m.add_first_party_caveat('account = 3735928559') # Add a third party caveat caveat_key = '4; guaranteed random by a fair toss of the dice' identifier = 'this was how we remind auth of key/pred' m.add_third_party_caveat(caveat_key, identifier, 'http://auth.mybank/') # User collects a discharge macaroon (likely from a separate service), that proves the claims in the third-party caveat and which may add additional caveats of its own discharge = Macaroon.new( location: 'http://auth.mybank/', identifier: identifier, caveat: Ocaveat_key ) discharge.add_first_party_caveat('time < 2015-01-01T00:00') # discharge macaroons are bound to the root macaroon so they cannot be reused protected_discharge = m.prepare_for_request(discharge) # The user sends their macaroon along with their discharge macaroons, and we verify them v = Macaroon::Verifier.new() v.satisfy_exact('account = 3735928559') v.satisfy_exact('time < 2015-01-01T00:00') verified = v.verify( macaroon: m, key: 'this is a different super-secret key; never use the same secret twice', discharge_macaroons: [protected_discharge] ) ``` ## More Macaroons [PyMacaroons](https://github.com/ecordell/pymacaroons) is available for Python. PyMacaroons and Ruby-Macaroons are completely compatible (they can be used interchangibly within the same target service). The [libmacaroons library](https://github.com/rescrv/libmacaroons) comes with Python and Go bindings. PyMacaroons, libmacaroons, and Ruby-Macaroons all use the same underlying cryptographic library (libsodium). ## References - [The Macaroon Paper](http://research.google.com/pubs/pub41892.html) - [Mozilla Macaroon Tech Talk](https://air.mozilla.org/macaroons-cookies-with-contextual-caveats-for-decentralized-authorization-in-the-cloud/) - [libmacaroons](https://github.com/rescrv/libmacaroons) - [PyMacaroons](https://github.com/ecordell/pymacaroons) - [libnacl](https://github.com/saltstack/libnacl)