module KktShoppe class Engine < ::Rails::Engine isolate_namespace KktShoppe if KktShoppe.respond_to?(:root) config.autoload_paths << File.join(KktShoppe.root, 'lib') config.assets.precompile += ['kkt_shoppe/sub.css', 'kkt_shoppe/printable.css'] end # We don't want any automatic generators in the engine. config.generators do |g| g.orm :active_record g.test_framework false g.stylesheets false g.javascripts false g.helper false end config.to_prepare do Dir.glob(Rails.root + "app/decorators/**/*_decorator*.rb").each do |c| require_dependency(c) end end initializer 'kkt_shoppe.initialize' do |app| # Add the default settings KktShoppe.add_settings_group :system_settings, [:store_name, :email_address, :currency_unit, :tax_name, :demo_mode] # Add middleware app.config.middleware.use KktShoppe::SettingsLoader # Load our migrations into the application's db/migrate path unless app.root.to_s.match root.to_s config.paths["db/migrate"].expanded.each do |expanded_path| app.config.paths["db/migrate"] << expanded_path end end # Load view helpers for the base application ActiveSupport.on_load(:action_view) do require 'kkt_shoppe/view_helpers' ActionView::Base.send :include, KktShoppe::ViewHelpers end # Load default navigation require 'kkt_shoppe/default_navigation' end generators do require 'kkt_shoppe/setup_generator' end end end