require 'test_helper' require 'roar/representer/transport/net_http/request' class NetHTTPTransportRequestTest < MiniTest::Spec describe Roar::Representer::Transport::NetHTTP::Request do describe "instance methods" do describe "#initialize" do describe "client certificate configuration" do let(:uri) { URI.parse("") } let(:options) { { uri: uri, pem_file: pem_file, ssl_verify_mode: ssl_verify_mode } } let(:request) { } let(:net_http_instance) { request.instance_variable_get(:@http) } let(:ssl_verify_mode) { nil } describe "when a pem file has been provided with the request options" do let(:pem_file) { File.expand_path("test/fixtures/sample.pem", Roar.root) } let(:pem) { } let(:cert) { } let(:key) { } it "sets the client to use an ssl connection" do assert(net_http_instance.use_ssl?, "Net::HTTP connection uses ssl") end it "sets the client cert" do assert_equal(net_http_instance.cert.to_s, cert.to_s) end it "sets the client key" do assert_equal(net_http_instance.key.to_s, key.to_s) end it "defaults the verify mode to OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_PEER when no option provided" do assert_equal(net_http_instance.verify_mode, OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_PEER) end describe "verify mode is specified" do let(:ssl_verify_mode) { OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_NONE } it "sets the client verify mode to that option provided" do assert_equal(net_http_instance.verify_mode, ssl_verify_mode) end end end describe "when a pem file has not been provided in the request options" do let(:pem_file) { nil } it "does not set the client to use an ssl connection" do refute(net_http_instance.use_ssl?, "Net::HTTP connection do not use SSL") end end end end end end end