lib_path = File.expand_path('../../lib', __FILE__) $:.unshift(lib_path) test_path = File.expand_path('..', __FILE__) $:.unshift(test_path) require 'helper' require 'openstack_activeresource' class TestOpenStackActiveResource < Test::Unit::TestCase # Keystone # Authentication def test_authentication = TEST_CONFIG[:public_base_site] # User auth assert_nothing_raised ActiveResource::ClientError, "Cannot authenticate as user" do auth = OpenStack::Keystone::Public::Auth.create :username => TEST_CONFIG[:user_username], :password => TEST_CONFIG[:user_password], :tenant_id => TEST_CONFIG[:user_tenant_id] assert_not_nil auth.token, "Cannot authenticate as user" auth = OpenStack::Keystone::Public::Auth.create :username => "baduser", :password => "badpassword", :tenant_id => TEST_CONFIG[:user_tenant_id] assert_nil auth.token, "Authentication seems broken!" end # Admin auth return unless admin_test_possible? assert_nothing_raised ActiveResource::ClientError, "Cannot authenticate as admin" do auth = OpenStack::Keystone::Public::Auth.create :username => TEST_CONFIG[:admin_username], :password => TEST_CONFIG[:admin_password], :tenant_id => TEST_CONFIG[:admin_tenant_id] assert_not_nil auth.token, "Cannot authenticate as admin" end end def test_list_tenant return unless admin_test_possible? auth_admin assert_nothing_raised ActiveResource::ClientError, "Cannot list tenants" do tenants = OpenStack::Keystone::Public::Tenant.all assert_block("No tenants?") do !tenants.empty? end end end def test_simple_tenant_usage return unless admin_test_possible? auth_admin assert_nothing_raised ActiveResource::ClientError, "Cannot retrieve simple_usages" do simple_usages = OpenStack::Nova::Compute::SimpleTenantUsage.find_from_date(:all, 5.days.ago) assert_not_nil simple_usages end end # Nova ## Flavors def test_list_flavor auth_user assert_nothing_raised ActiveResource::ClientError, "Cannot list flavors" do flavors = OpenStack::Nova::Compute::Flavor.all assert_block("No flavors?") do !flavors.empty? end end end # Images def test_list_images auth_user assert_nothing_raised ActiveResource::ClientError, "Cannot list images" do images = OpenStack::Nova::Compute::Image.all assert_block("No images?") do !images.empty? end end end # Security groups def test_list_security_groups auth_user assert_nothing_raised ActiveResource::ClientError, "Cannot list security group" do security_groups = OpenStack::Nova::Compute::SecurityGroup.all assert_block("No security_groups?") do !security_groups.empty? end end end # Keypairs def test_keypair_list auth_user assert_nothing_raised ActiveResource::ClientError, "Cannot list keypair" do keys = OpenStack::Nova::Compute::KeyPair.all assert_not_nil keys, "Cannot retrieve key-pairs" end end def test_keypair_create_destroy auth_user keypair_name = '___my_new_keypair' key = nil assert_nothing_raised ActiveResource::ClientError, "Cannot create key pair" do key = OpenStack::Nova::Compute::KeyPair.create :name => keypair_name end assert_not_nil key, "Cannot create key pair" key = nil assert_nothing_raised ActiveResource::ClientError, "Cannot find keypair '#{keypair_name}'" do key = OpenStack::Nova::Compute::KeyPair.find_by_name keypair_name end assert_not_nil key, "Cannot find key pair" assert_nothing_raised "Cannot destroy key pair" do key.destroy end end # Floating IPs def test_floating_ip_list auth_user assert_nothing_raised ActiveResource::ClientError, "Cannot list floating IP" do floating_ips = OpenStack::Nova::Compute::FloatingIp.all assert_not_nil floating_ips, "Cannot retrieve key-pairs" end end def test_floating_ip_allocation auth_user assert_nothing_raised ActiveResource::ClientError, "Cannot list floating IP" do floating_ip = nil OpenStack::Nova::Compute::FloatingIpPool.all.each do |ip_pool| begin floating_ip = OpenStack::Nova::Compute::FloatingIp.create(:pool => break rescue ActiveResource::ClientError => e next # Retry with the next pool end end assert_not_nil floating_ip, "Failed to allocate a floating IP" floating_ip.destroy end end # Servers def test_list_server auth_user assert_nothing_raised ActiveResource::ClientError, "Cannot list server" do OpenStack::Nova::Compute::Server.all end end def test_server_create_destroy auth_user flavor = OpenStack::Nova::Compute::Flavor.find_by_name TEST_CONFIG[:flavor_name] assert_not_nil flavor image = OpenStack::Nova::Compute::Image.find TEST_CONFIG[:image_id] assert_not_nil image new_server_id = nil assert_nothing_raised ActiveResource::ClientError, "Failed to create a new server" do new_server = OpenStack::Nova::Compute::Server.create :name => 'test_server', :flavor => flavor, :image => image assert_not_nil new_server new_server_id = end # Verify server my_server = loop_block(5) do begin OpenStack::Nova::Compute::Server.find new_server_id rescue ActiveResource::ResourceNotFound nil end end assert_not_nil my_server, "Server not spawned after 5 seconds!?!" # Wait for a network address my_address = loop_block(60) do my_server = OpenStack::Nova::Compute::Server.find new_server_id my_server.addresses.keys.count > 0 ? my_server.addresses : nil end assert_not_nil my_address, "No address after a minute!" assert_nothing_raised ActiveResource::ClientError, "Problem retrieving the server '#{new_server_id}'" do my_server = OpenStack::Nova::Compute::Server.find new_server_id my_server.destroy end end private # Utilities def auth_admin = TEST_CONFIG[:public_base_site] = TEST_CONFIG[:public_admin_site] auth = OpenStack::Keystone::Public::Auth.create :username => TEST_CONFIG[:admin_username], :password => TEST_CONFIG[:admin_password], :tenant_id => TEST_CONFIG[:admin_tenant_id] OpenStack::Base.token = auth.token = auth.endpoint_for('compute').publicURL = auth.endpoint_for('volume').publicURL end def auth_user = TEST_CONFIG[:public_base_site] auth = OpenStack::Keystone::Public::Auth.create :username => TEST_CONFIG[:user_username], :password => TEST_CONFIG[:user_password], :tenant_id => TEST_CONFIG[:user_tenant_id] OpenStack::Base.token = auth.token = auth.endpoint_for('compute').publicURL = auth.endpoint_for('volume').publicURL end def admin_test_possible? TEST_CONFIG[:admin_username] and TEST_CONFIG[:admin_password] and TEST_CONFIG[:admin_tenant_id] end def loop_block(seconds=10) ret = nil if block_given? and seconds > 0 begin ret = yield return ret unless ret.nil? seconds-=1 sleep 1 end while seconds > 0 end ret end end