# Docdata [![Build Status](https://secure.travis-ci.org/henkm/docdata.png)](http://travis-ci.org/henkm/docdata) [![Gem Version](https://badge.fury.io/rb/docdata.svg)](http://badge.fury.io/rb/docdata) [![Code Climate](https://codeclimate.com/github/henkm/docdata/badges/gpa.svg)](https://codeclimate.com/github/henkm/docdata) [![Coverage Status](https://coveralls.io/repos/henkm/docdata/badge.png?branch=master)](https://coveralls.io/r/henkm/docdata) Docdata is a Ruby binder for Docdata Payments. Current status: **in progress, not stable**. This gem relies on the awesom Savon gem to communicate with Docdata Payments' SOAP API. ## Installation Add this line to your application's Gemfile: gem 'docdata' And then execute: $ bundle Or install it yourself as: $ gem install docdata ## Workflow Each transaction consists of 2 - optionally 3 - parts: - `Docdata::Shopper` (details about the shopper: name, email, etc.) - `Docdata::Payment` (details about the payment: currency, gross amount, etc.) - `Docdata::LineItem` (optionally list the products of this payment) **currently not working!** The general workflow is as follows: 1. Set up a `Docdata::Shopper` object with the details of your shopper: `@shopper = Docdata::Shopper.new` 2. Set up a `Docdata::Payment` object with the details of your order: `@payment = Docdata::Payment.new(shopper: @shopper)` 3. Call the `create` method (`@payment.create`) 4. On success, store the payment key and use `@payment.redirect_url` to redirect the consumer to the transaction page. 5. When the consumer gets back to your application, use the `Docdata::Payment.find("PA1M3NTK3Y").status.paid` to check if the order was paid for. ## Parameters All the payment details that Docdata Payments requires, are - obviously - also required to make payments via this gem. #### Docdata::Shopper: | Name | Type | Required | Defaults to | |-----------|------------|---------|----| | id | String (ID for own reference) | Yes | | | first_name | String | Yes | First Name | | last_name | String | Yes | Last Name | | street | String | Yes | Main Street | | house_number | String | Yes | 123 | | postal_code | String | Yes | 2244 | | city | String | Yes | City | | country_code | String (ISO country code) | Yes | NL | | language_code | String (ISO language code) | Yes | nl | | email | String | Yes | random@example.com | #### Docdata::Payment: | Name | Type | Required | |-----------|------------|---------| | amount | Integer (amount in cents) | Yes | | currency | String (ISO currency code) | Yes | | order_reference | String (your own unique reference) | Yes | | profile | String (name of your Docdata Payment profile)| Yes | | shopper | Docdata::Shopper | Yes | | line_items | Array (of Docdata::LineItem objects) | No | | bank_id | String | No | | prefered_payment_method | String | No | | key | String (is availabel after successful 'create' action) | No (readonly) ## Default values A quick warning about the default values for the Shopper object: **For some payment methods, Docdata Payments needs the actual information in order for the payment to take place.** If you use `GIROPAY`, `SEPA` and `AFTERPAY` this is the case. (Maybe also in other payment methods, please let me know!) ## Example usage in Rails application The example below assumes you have your application set up with a Order model, which contains the information needed for this transaction (amount, name, etc.). ```ruby # orders_controller.rb def start_transaction # find the order from your database @order = Order.find(params[:id]) # initialize a shopper, use details from your order shopper = Docdata::Shopper.new(first_name: @order.first_name, last_name: @order.last_name) # set up a payment @payment = Docdata::Payment.new( amount: @order.total, currency: @order.currency, shopper: shopper, profile: "My Default Profile", order_reference: "order ##{@order.id}" ) # create the payment via the docdata api and collect the result result = @payment.create if result.success? # Set the transaction key for future reference @order.update_column :docdata_key, result.key # redirect the user to the docdata payment page redirect_to @payment.redirect_url else # TODO: Display the error and warn the user that something went wrong. end end ``` ## Ideal For transactions in the Netherlands, iDeal is the most common option. To redirect a user directly to the bank page (skipping the Docdata web menu page), you can ask your user to choose a bank from any of the banks listed in the `Docdata::Ideal.banks` method. In `Docdata::Payment` you can set `bank_id` to any value. If you do, the redirect URI will redirect your user directly to the bank page. Example code: ```ruby # orders_controller.rb def ideal_checkout @order = Order.find(params[:order_id]) @banks = Docdata::Ideal.banks end def start_ideal_transaction @order = Order.find(params[:order_id]) # initialize a shopper, use details from your order shopper = Docdata::Shopper.new(first_name: @order.first_name, last_name: @order.last_name) # set up a payment @payment = Docdata::Payment.new( amount: @order.total, currency: @order.currency, shopper: shopper, profile: "My Default Profile", order_reference: "order ##{@order.id}", bank_id: params[:bank_id], default_act: true # redirect directly to the bank, skipping the Docdata web menu ) # create the payment via the docdata api and collect the result result = @payment.create if result.success? # Set the transaction key for future reference @order.update_column :docdata_key, result.key # redirect the user to the bank page redirect_to @payment.redirect_url else # TODO: Display the error and warn the user that something went wrong. end end ``` View template (ideal_checkout.html.erb): ```erb

Choose your bank

<%= form_tag start_ideal_transaction_path, method: :post, target: "_blank" do %> <%= select_tag "bank_id", options_from_collection_for_select(@banks, "id", "name") %> <%= hidden_field_tag :order_id, @order.id %> <%= submit_tag "Proceed to checkout" %> <% end %> ``` ## Tips and samples #### Redirect directly to bank page (skip Docdata web menu) When making a new `Docdata::Payment`, use the `default_act` parameter to redirect consumers directly to the acquirers website. Example: ```ruby @payment = Docdata::Payment.new( amount: @order.total, currency: @order.currency, shopper: shopper, profile: "My Default Profile", order_reference: "order ##{@order.id}", bank_id: params[:bank_id], default_act: true # redirect directly to the bank, skipping the Docdata web menu ) ``` #### Retrieve a list of iDeal banks to show `Docata::Ideal.banks` returns an Array. ## Contributing 1. Fork it 2. Create your feature branch (`git checkout -b my-new-feature`) 3. Make changes, document them and add tests (rspec) 4. Run the entire test suite and make sure all tests pass 5. Commit your changes (`git commit -am 'Add some feature'`) 6. Push to the branch (`git push origin my-new-feature`) 7. Create new Pull Request