### Copyright 2016 Pixar ### ### Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "Apache License") ### with the following modification; you may not use this file except in ### compliance with the Apache License and the following modification to it: ### Section 6. Trademarks. is deleted and replaced with: ### ### 6. Trademarks. This License does not grant permission to use the trade ### names, trademarks, service marks, or product names of the Licensor ### and its affiliates, except as required to comply with Section 4(c) of ### the License and to reproduce the content of the NOTICE file. ### ### You may obtain a copy of the Apache License at ### ### http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 ### ### Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software ### distributed under the Apache License with the above modification is ### distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY ### KIND, either express or implied. See the Apache License for the specific ### language governing permissions and limitations under the Apache License. ### ### ### module D3 module Admin ### This module contains methods for interacting with the user in the terminal ### prompting for data related to administering d3 packages. ### ### These methods all return a string of user input, possibly an empty string. ### module Interactive require 'readline' extend self # Set up readline # no spaces at the end of readline completion Readline.completion_append_character = '' # names may contain spaces Readline.basic_word_break_characters = '' # this appends a / to directories as we auto-complete paths. Readline.completion_proc = proc do |str| files = Dir.glob(str + '*') files.map { |f| File.directory?(f) ? "#{f}/" : f } end UNSET = 'n'.freeze DFT_EDITOR = '/usr/bin/nano -L'.freeze ### Display a menu of numbered choices, and return the user's choice, ### or 'x' if the user is done choosing. ### ### @param header[String] The text to show above the numbered menu ### ### @param items[Array<String>] the items of the menu, in order. ### ### @return [Integer, String] The index of the chosen chosen, or 'x' ### def get_menu_choice(header, items) # add a 1-based number and ) to the start of each line, like 1), and 2)... items.each_index { |i| items[i] = "#{i + 1}) #{items[i]}" } menu_count = items.count menu_count_display = "(1-#{menu_count}, x=done, ^c=cancel)" menu = "#{header}\n#{items.join("\n")}" # clear the screen between displays of the menu, so its always at the top. system 'clear' or system 'cls' puts menu choice = '' while choice == '' choice = Readline.readline("Which to change? #{menu_count_display}: ", false) break if choice == 'x' # they chose a number.. if choice =~ /^\d+$/ # map it to one of the editing options choice = choice.to_i - 1 # but they might have chosen a higher number than allowws choice = '' unless (0..(menu_count - 1)).cover? choice else choice = '' end # tell them they made a bad choice if choice == '' puts "\n******* Sorry, invalid choice.\n" next end end # while choice == "" choice end # get_menu_choice ### Call one of the get_ methods and do the matching validity check, ### if desired, repeatedly until a valid value is supplied. ### ### @param option_or_get_method[Symbol] a key of the OPTIONS hash, or the symbol representing the 'get' method ### to call ### ### @param default[String] the default value when the user hits return ### ### @param validate_method[Symbol] the symbol representing the Admin::Validate method ### to use in validating the input. This method must raise an exeption ### if the input is invalid, and return the (possibly modified) value ### when it's valid. ### ### @return [Object] the validated data from the user ### def get_value(option_or_get_method, default = nil, validate_method = nil) # if the option_or_get_method is one of the keys in OPTIONS, then use OPTIONS[get_method][:get] if it exists if D3::Admin::OPTIONS.keys.include?(option_or_get_method) get_method = D3::Admin::OPTIONS[option_or_get_method][:get] # if we weren't giving a validate method, get it from the OPTIONS validate_method ||= D3::Admin::OPTIONS[option_or_get_method][:validate] end # otherwise we should have been given a symbolic method name. get_method ||= option_or_get_method valid = :start validated = nil until valid === true # Keep the ===, trust me. Don't listen to rubocop. puts "\nSorry: #{validated}, Try again.\n" unless valid === :start value_input = self.send get_method, default # no check method? just return the value return value_input if validate_method.nil? (valid, validated) = D3::Admin::Validate.validate(value_input, validate_method) end # until valid === true validated end # get value ### Prompt for user input for an option and return the response. ### ### A Description of the option is displayed, followed by a prompt. ### If a default value is provided, the prompt includes the text ### (Hit return for #{default_value}) ### ### If the option is defined in D3::Admin::OPTIONS, the data for ### the option is used, if not provided in the args. ### ### If the option is defined as unsettable, a line ### "Enter 'n' for none." is also displayed before the prompt and ### a value of 'n' will cause the method to return nil. ### ### If no prompt is given in the args, the :label is used from ### D3::Admin::OPTIONS ### ### If no default value is given in the args, the one from D3::Admin::OPTIONS ### is used. If required is true, the input can't be an empty string. ### ### Note: watch out for nil vs false in default values ### ### @param desc[String] A multi-line description of the value to be entered. ### ### @param prompt[String] The beginning text of the line on which the user enters data ### ### @param opt[Symbol] The option that is being prompted for, one of the keys of D3::Admin::OPTIONS ### ### @param default[Object] The default value that will be used if the user just types a return ### (i.e. an empty string is entered). For options that are pkg attributes, this should be in ### the format stored by D3::Package objects e.g. an array of groups, a Boolean, nil. ### The :display_conversion for that option from D3::Admin::OPTIONS will be used to generate the ### diaplay version (e.g. a comma-separated string) ### The symbol :no_default means don't offer a default value. ### ### @param required[Boolean] re-prompt until a non-empty string is entered. ### ### @return [String] The data entered by the user, possibly an empty string ### def prompt_for_data(desc: nil, prompt: nil, opt: nil, default: :no_default, required: true) unset_line = nil default_display = default # look up some info about this option, if needed if opt opt_def = D3::Admin::OPTIONS[opt] if opt_def prompt ||= opt_def[:label] unset_line = "Enter '#{UNSET}' for none." if opt_def[:unsetable] default = opt_def[:default] if opt_def[:default] and default == :no_default default_display = opt_def[:display_conversion].call(default) if opt_def[:display_conversion] end end # if args[:opt] # some values are special for displaying default_display = case default_display when :no_default then '' when D3::Admin::DFT_REQUIRED then '' # the '---Required---' should only be visible in the menu, not the prompt when D3::Admin::DFT_NONE then UNSET else default_display.to_s end data_entered = '' puts "\n#{desc}" if desc prompt ||= 'Please enter a value' hit_return = default_display.empty? ? '' : " (Hit return for '#{default_display}' )" prompt_line = "#{prompt}#{hit_return}: " while true do data_entered = Readline.readline(prompt_line, false) data_entered = default_display if data_entered == '' break unless required && data_entered.empty? end # if 'n' was typed for an unsettable option, return nil return nil if opt_def && opt_def[:unsetable] && data_entered == UNSET data_entered.strip end # prompt_for_data ### Ask the user for an edition or basename ### of an existing package. ### ### @param default[String, nil] the name to offer as default ### ### @return [String,nil] the edition or basename entered, or nil ### def get_existing_package(default = nil) desc = <<-END_DESC EXISTING PACKAGE Enter a package edition or basename for an existing d3 package. If a basename, the currently live package for that basename will be used. Enter: - 'v' to view a list of all packages with the basenames and editions in d3. END_DESC input = 'v' while input == 'v' input = prompt_for_data(desc: desc, prompt: 'Edition or Basename', default: default, required: true) D3::Admin::Report.show_all_basenames_and_editions if input == 'v' end input end # get existing pkg ### Ask the user for an id or name ### of an existing JSS package to import into d3 ### ### @return [String] the name or id entered, or nil ### def get_jss_package_for_import(default = nil) desc = <<-END_DESC IMPORT JSS PACKAGE Enter a package id or display-name for an existing JSS package to import into d3. Enter: - 'v' to view a list of all JSS package names not in d3. END_DESC input = 'v' while input == 'v' input = prompt_for_data(desc: desc, prompt: 'JSS id or display name', default: default, required: true) D3::Admin::Report.show_pkgs_available_for_import if input == 'v' end input end # get existing pkg ### get a basename from the user def get_basename(default = nil) desc = <<-END_DESC BASENAME Enter a basename. Enter 'v' to view a list of all basenames in d3 and the newest edition for each. END_DESC input = 'v' while input == 'v' input = prompt_for_data(desc: desc, prompt: 'Basename', required: true) D3::Admin::Report.show_all_basenames_and_editions if input == 'v' end input end # get basename ### get a package name from user def get_package_name(default = nil) desc = <<-END_DESC JSS PACKAGE NAME Enter a unique name for this package in d3 and Casper. Enter 'v' to view a list of package names currently in d3. END_DESC input = 'v' while input == 'v' input = prompt_for_data(opt: :package_name, desc: desc, default: default, required: true) D3::Admin::Report.show_existing_package_ids if input == 'v' end input end # get pkg name ### get a package name from user def get_filename(default = nil) desc = <<-END_DESC INSTALLER FILENAME Enter a unique name for this package's installer file on the master distribution point. The file will be renamed to this name on the distribution point. Enter 'v' to see a list of existing pkg filenames in the JSS END_DESC input = 'v' while input == 'v' input = prompt_for_data(opt: :filename, desc: desc, default: default, required: true) D3::Admin::Report.show_existing_package_ids if input == 'v' end input end # get pkg name ### Get a version from the user ### ### @param default[String] the value to use when the user types a return. ### ### @return [String] the value to use as the version def get_version(default = nil) desc = <<-END_DESC VERSION Enter a version for this package. All spaces will be converted to underscores. END_DESC prompt_for_data(opt: :version, desc: desc, default: default, required: true) end ### Get a revision from the user ### ### @param default[String] the rev to use when the user types a return. ### ### @return [String] the value to use as the rev ### def get_revision(default = nil) desc = <<-END_DESC REVISION Enter a Package revision for this package. This is an integer representing a new packaging of an existing version of a given basename. END_DESC prompt_for_data(opt: :revision, desc: desc, default: default, required: true) end ### Get a multiline description from the user using the editor ### of their choice: nano, vi, emacs, or ENV['EDITOR'] ### ### @param desc[String] the description to start with ### ### @return [String] the desired description ### def get_description(current_desc = '') # do we have a current desc to display and possibly keep? current_desc_review = '' unless current_desc.to_s.empty? current_desc_review = "\n----- Current Description -----\n#{current_desc}\n-------------------------------\n\n" end if prefd_editor = D3::Admin::Prefs.prefs[:editor] prefd_editor_choice = "\n - 'e' to edit using '#{prefd_editor}' " else prefd_editor_choice = '' end # the blurb to show the user input_desc = <<-END_DESC DESCRIPTION Create a multi-line description of this package: - what does the installed thing do? - where did it come from, where to get updates? - who maintains it in your environment? - any other info useful to d3 and Casper admins. (don't just say "installs foo" when "foo" is the basename) #{current_desc_review}Enter:#{prefd_editor_choice} - 'n' to edit using 'nano' - 'v' to edit using 'vi' or 'vim' - 'm' to edit using 'emacs' - 'b' to have a blank description Anything else will edit with the EDITOR for your environment or '#{DFT_EDITOR}' if none is set. END_DESC # show it, get response puts input_desc choice = Readline.readline('Your choice (hit return to keep current desc.): ', false) # keep or empty? return current_desc if choice.empty? return '' if choice.casecmp('b').zero? # make a tem file, save current into it desc_tmp_file = Pathname.new Tempfile.new('d3_description_') desc_tmp_file.jss_save current_desc # which editor? if choice.casecmp('e').zero? cmd = prefd_editor elsif choice.casecmp('v').zero? cmd = '/usr/bin/vim' elsif choice.casecmp('m').zero? cmd = '/usr/bin/emacs' elsif choice.casecmp('n').zero? cmd = '/usr/bin/nano -L' else cmd = ENV['EDITOR'] end cmd ||= DFT_EDITOR system "#{cmd} '#{desc_tmp_file}'" result = desc_tmp_file.read.chomp desc_tmp_file.delete result.chomp end # get_description ### Get the local path to the package being added to d3 ### Also sets @build_installer, and @build_installer_type ### if the source is a root-folder rather than a .pkg or .dmg ### ### @return [Pathname] the local path to the pkg source def get_source_path(default = false) desc = <<-END_DESC SOURCE Enter the path to a .pkg or .dmg installer or a 'root' folder from which to build one. END_DESC # dragging in items from the finder will esacpe spaces in the path with \'s # in the shell this is good, but ruby is interpreting the \'s, so lets remove them. prompt_for_data(opt: :source_path, desc: desc, default: default, required: true).strip.gsub(/\\ /, ' ') end ### If we're builting a pkg, should we build a .pkg, or a .dmg? ### ### @return [Symbol] :pkg or :dmg ### def get_package_build_type(default = D3::Admin::DFT_PKG_TYPE) desc = <<-END_DESC PACKAGE BUILD TYPE Looks like we need to build the installer from a package-root. Should we build a .pkg or .dmg? ( p = pkg, d = dmg ) END_DESC prompt_for_data(opt: :package_build_type, desc: desc, default: default, required: true) end ### Get the pkg identifier for building .pkgs ### ### @param default[String] the default value when hitting return ### ### @return [String] the prefix to use ### def get_pkg_identifier(default = nil) desc = <<-END_DESC PKG IDENTIFIER Enter the Apple .pkg indentifier for building a .pkg. E.g. com.mycompany.myapp END_DESC prompt_for_data(opt: :pkg_identifier_prefix, desc: desc, default: default, required: true) end ### Get the pkg identifier prefex for building .pkgs ### When building .pkgs, this string is prefixed to the ### basename to create the Apple Pkg identifier. ### For example if the value is com.pixar.d3, then ### when building a pkg with the basename "foo" ### the identifier will be com.pixar.d3.foo ### ### This value is saved in the admin prefs for future use. ### ### @param default[String] the default value when hitting return ### ### @return [String] the prefix to use ### def get_pkg_identifier_prefix(default = D3::Admin::DFT_PKG_ID_PREFIX) desc = <<-END_DESC PKG IDENTIFIER PREFIX Enter the prefix to prepend to a basename to create an Apple .pkg indentifier. E.g. If you enter 'com.mycompany', then when you build a .pkg with basename 'foo' the default .pkg identifier will be 'com.mycompany.foo' END_DESC prompt_for_data(opt: :pkg_identifier_prefix, desc: desc, default: default, required: true) end ### Get the optional Apple Developer signing ID ### .pkgs can be codesigned with a certificate from Apple ### The Developer ID Installer certificate must be ### in the login.keychain of the user operating d3admin unless ### otherwise specified in signing_options ### ### This value is saved in the admin prefs for future use. ### ### @param default[String] the default value when hitting return ### ### @return [String] The Apple Developer signing ID to use ### def get_signing_identity(default = D3::Admin::Prefs.prefs[:signing_identity]) desc = <<-END_DESC SIGNING IDENTITY Enter the common name of your Apple Developer signing ID to create signed Apple .pkgs. E.g. If you enter 'Developer ID Installer: My Company (A12BC34DE56)', then that string will be passed as the option for pkgbuild --sign. D3 will not attempt to sign unless this option is set.' END_DESC prompt_for_data(opt: :signing_identity, desc: desc, default: default, required: false) end ### Get any arguments and options to pass to pkgbuild ### A signing identity must be defined for these options to be used. ### ### This value is saved in the admin prefs for future use. ### ### @param default[String] the default value when hitting return ### ### @return [String] The string of arguments and options to pass to pkgbuild ### def get_signing_options(default = D3::Admin::Prefs.prefs[:signing_options]) desc = <<-END_DESC SIGNING OPTIONS Enter optional arguments and options to pass to pkgbuild. These options are ignored unless a signing identity is defined. E.g. --keychain '/Users/d3/Library/Keychain' --cert 'My Awesome Authority' --timestamp END_DESC prompt_for_data(opt: :signing_options, desc: desc, default: default, required: false) end ### Get the desired local workspace for building pkgs ### Defaults to ENV['HOME'] ### ### @param default[Pathname, String] the default choice when typing return ### ### @return [Pathname] the path to the workspace ### def get_workspace(default = ENV['HOME']) desc = <<-END_DESC PACKAGE BUILD WORKSPACE Enter the path to a folder where we can build packages. This will be stored between uses of d3admin. END_DESC Pathname.new prompt_for_data(opt: :workspace, desc: desc, default: default, required: true) end ### Ask if the pkg should preserve ### source ownership, or apply OS defaults ### ### @param default[String] the default answer when user hits return ### ### @return [String] the users response ### def get_pkg_preserve_owners(default = 'n') desc = <<-END_DESC PRESERVE SOURCE OWNERSHIP When building a .pkg, the OS generally sets the ownership and permissions of the payload to match OS standards, e.g. Apps owned by 'root' with group 'admin' or 'wheel' If desired you can preserve the current ownership and permissions of the source folder contents when the payload is installed. This is generally not recomended. Should we override the OS and preserve the ownership on the source folder when the item is installed on the client? Enter 'y' or 'n' END_DESC prompt_for_data(desc: desc, prompt: 'Preserve ownership (y/n)', default: default, required: true) end ### Get a pre-install script, either local file, JSS id, or JSS name ### ### @param default[String] the name of an existing JSS script to use ### ### @return [Pathname, Integer, nil] The local script file, or the JSS id of the ### chosen script ### def get_pre_install_script(default = nil) get_script 'PRE-INSTALL SCRIPT', :pre_install, default end ### Get a post-install script, either local file, JSS id, or JSS name ### ### @param default[String] the name of an existing JSS script to use ### ### @return [Pathname, Integer, nil] The local script file, or the JSS id of the ### chosen script ### def get_post_install_script(default = nil) get_script 'POST-INSTALL SCRIPT', :post_install, default end ### Get a pre-remove script, either local file, JSS id, or JSS name ### ### @param default[String] the name of an existing JSS script to use ### ### @return [Pathname, Integer, nil] The local script file, or the JSS id of the ### chosen script ### def get_pre_remove_script(default = nil) get_script 'PRE-REMOVE SCRIPT', :pre_remove, default end ### Get a post-remove script, either local file, JSS id, or JSS name ### ### @param default[String] the name of an existing JSS script to use ### ### @return [Pathname, Integer, nil] The local script file, or the JSS id of the ### chosen script ### def get_post_remove_script(default = nil) get_script 'POST-REMOVE SCRIPT', :post_remove, default end ### Get a script, either local file, JSS id, or JSS name ### ### @param default[String] the name of an existing JSS script to use ### ### @return [Pathname, Integer, nil] The local script file, or the JSS id of the ### chosen script ### def get_script(heading, opt, default = nil) desc = <<-END_DESC #{heading} Enter a path to a local file containing the script or the name or id of an existing script in the JSS. Enter 'v' to view a list of scripts in the JSS. END_DESC result = 'v' while result == 'v' result = prompt_for_data(opt: opt, desc: desc, default: default, required: true) D3.less_text JSS::Script.all_names.sort_by(&:downcase).join("\n") if result == 'v' end result end ### Prompt the admin for one or more auto-groups for this installer ### ### @param default[nil,String,Array<String>] The groups to use ### ### @return [String] def get_auto_groups(default = nil) desc = <<-END_DESC AUTO-INSTALL GROUPS Enter a comma-separated list of JSS Computer Group names whose members should have this package installed automatically when it is made live. Enter 'v' to view a list of computer groups. Enter '#{D3::STANDARD_AUTO_GROUP}' to install on all machines. END_DESC get_groups desc, :auto_groups, default end # get auto ### Prompt the admin for one or more auto-groups for this installer ### ### @param default[nil,String,Array<String>] The groups to def get_excluded_groups(default = nil) desc = <<-END_PROMPT EXCLUDED GROUPS Enter a comma-separated list of JSS Computer Group names whose members should not get this installed without force. Enter 'v' to view list of computer groups. END_PROMPT get_groups desc, :excluded_groups, default end # get auto ### Prompt the admin for text to search for package searchs ### ### @return [String] whatever the admin typed ### def get_search_target(default = false) desc = <<-END_PROMPT SEARCH TEXT Enter text to use in matching basenames or computer group names. Matching a basename will list all packages with the basename. Matching a group name will list all packages auto-installed or excluded for the group. (RegExp's OK) Enter 'all' to list all packages in d3. END_PROMPT prompt_for_data(desc: desc, prompt: "Text to match or 'all'").chomp end # get auto def get_status_for_filter(with_frozen = false) if with_frozen frozen_line = "\nUse 'frozen' to limit to frozen receipts" frozen_title = 'OR FROZEN' else frozen_line = '' frozen_title = '' end desc = <<-END_PROMPT LIMIT TO STATUS#{frozen_title} Enter a comma-separate list of statuses for limiting the list. Valid Statuses are: #{D3::Basename::STATUSES_FOR_FILTERS.join(', ')}#{frozen_line} Enter 'all' to show all statuses END_PROMPT prompt_for_data(desc: desc, prompt: 'Statuses', default: 'all').chomp end ### Prompt the admin for one or more groups ### ### @param default[String,Array<String>] The groups to use ### ### @return [String,nil] ### def get_groups(desc, opt, default = nil) result = 'v' while result == 'v' result = prompt_for_data(opt: opt, desc: desc, default: default, required: true) D3.less_text JSS::ComputerGroup.all_names.sort_by(&:downcase).join("\n") if result == 'v' end result end # get auto ### Get a list of allowed OSes for this pkg ### ### @param default[String, Array] An array or comma-separated list of OSes ### selected when the user hits return ### ### @return [String,nil] A comma-separated list of allowed OSes ### def get_oses(default = []) desc = <<-END_DESC LIMIT TO OS's Enter a comma-separated list of OS's allowed to install this package, e.g. '10.8.5, 10.9.5, 10.10.x' Use '>=' to set a minimum OS, e.g. '>=10.8.5' END_DESC prompt_for_data(desc: desc, opt: :oses, default: default, required: true) end ### Get a the CPU-type limitation for this package ### ### @param default[String] the default limitation if the user hits return ### ### @return [Symbol,nil] :ppc, :intel, or nil ### def get_cpu_type(default = 'x86') desc = <<-END_DESC LIMIT TO CPU TYPE Should this packge be limited to certain CPU types? Enter 'ppc' or 'x86' or 'none' for neither. END_DESC prompt_for_data(desc: desc, opt: :cpu_type, default: default, required: true) end ### Get a JSS Category from the user ### ### @param default[String] the category used when the user hits return ### ### @return [String] the category entered by the user ### def get_category(default = 'n') desc = <<-END_DESC CATEGORY Enter the JSS category name for this package. Enter: - 'v' to view all JSS categories - 'n' for no category END_DESC result = 'v' while result == 'v' result = prompt_for_data(desc: desc, prompt: 'Category', default: default, required: true) D3.less_text JSS::Category.all_names.sort_by(&:downcase).join("\n") if result == 'v' end return nil if result == 'n' result end ### Get a pattern to match for the prohibiting processes ### If this matches a line of output from `/bin/ps -A -c -o comm` ### at install time, then graceful quit will be attempted. ### Strings must match a whole line, Regexps will work with ### any match. ### ### @param default[String,Array<String>,Regexp] the default pattern when hitting return ### ### @return [Regexp,nil] the pattern to match ### def get_prohibiting_processes(default = 'n') desc = <<-END_DESC PROHIBITING PROCESSES Enter a comma separated string of process name(s) as they appear in the of the output of `/bin/ps -A -c -o comm`. Example: Safari, Google Chrome, cfprefsd If a process is running at install time, the installer will quit any background processes automatically, and may prompt the user to quit GUI applications gracefully. Matching is case sensitive. Enter 'n' for none. END_DESC result = prompt_for_data(desc: desc, prompt: 'Prohibiting Processes', opt: :prohibiting_processes, default: default, required: true) return nil if result == 'n' result end ### Ask if this package is uninstallable ### ### @param default[String] the default answer when user hits return ### ### @return [String] the users response ### def get_removable(default = 'y') desc = <<-END_DESC REMOVABLE Can this package be uninstalled? Enter 'y' or 'n' END_DESC prompt_for_data(desc: desc, prompt: 'Removable? (y/n)', default: default, required: true) end ### Ask if we should ininstall older versions of this basename ### before installing this one ### ### @param default[String] the default answer when user hits return ### ### @return [String] the users response ### def get_remove_first(default = 'y') desc = <<-END_DESC UNINSTALL OLDER VERSIONS Should older versions of this basename be uninstalled (if they are removable) before attempting to install this package? Enter 'y' or 'n' END_DESC prompt_for_data(desc: desc, prompt: 'Remove older installs first? (y/n)', default: default, required: true) end ### Ask if this package needs a reboot ### ### @param default[String] the default answer when user hits return ### ### @return [String] the users response ### def get_reboot(default = 'n') desc = <<-END_DESC REBOOT REQUIRED (PUPPIES!) Does this package require a reboot after installation? If so, it will be added to the Puppy Queue when installed with 'd3 install', and the user will be notified to log out as soon as possible. Enter 'y' or 'n' END_DESC prompt_for_data(desc: desc, prompt: 'Requires reboot? (y/n)', default: default, required: true) end ### Get an expiration period (# of days) from the user ### ### @param default[Integer] the # to use when the user types a return. ### ### @return [Integer] the value to use as the expiration ### def get_expiration(default = 0) desc = <<-END_DESC EXPIRATION On machines that allow package expiration, should this package be removed after some number of days without being used? Enter the number of days, or 0 for no expiration. END_DESC prompt_for_data(desc: desc, prompt: 'Expiration days', default: default, required: true) end ### Get the path to the executable(s) to monitor for expiration ### ### @param default[String, Pathname, Array<String,Pathname>] the path(s) ### ### @return [Array<Pathname>] the path(s) to the executable ### def get_expiration_paths(default = 'n') desc = <<-END_DESC EXPIRATION PATH(S) Enter the path(s) to the executable(s) that must be used to prevent expiration. Multiple paths should be separated by commas, spaces should not be escaped. E.g. /Applications/Google Chrome.app/Contents/MacOS/Google Chrome, /Applications/Firefox.app/Contents/MacOS/firefox Enter 'n' for none END_DESC prompt_for_data(desc: desc, prompt: 'Expiration Path(s)', default: default, required: true) end ### when deleting a pkg, should its pre- and post- scripts be kept? ### ### @param default[String] the default answer when user hits return ### ### @return [String] the users response ### def get_keep_scripts(default = 'n') desc = <<-END_DESC KEEP ASSOCIATED SCRIPTS IN CASPER? When deleting a package, should any associated scripts (pre-install, post-install, pre-remove, post-remove) be kept in Casper? NOTE: If any other d3 packages or policies are using the scripts they won't be deleted. The other users of the scripts will be reported. Enter 'y' or 'n' END_DESC prompt_for_data(desc: desc, prompt: 'Delete Scripts? (y/n)', default: default, required: true) end ### when deleting a pkg, should it be kept in the JSS? ### ### @param default[String] the default answer when user hits return ### ### @return [String] the users response ### def get_keep_in_jss(default = 'n') desc = <<-END_DESC KEEP THE PACKAGE IN CASPER? When deleting a package, should it be kept as a Casper package and only deleted from d3? Enter 'y' or 'n' END_DESC prompt_for_data(desc: desc, prompt: 'Keep in JSS? (y/n)', default: default, required: true) end ### what kind of package list are we showing? ### ### @param default[String] the default answer when user hits return ### ### @return [String] the chosen report type ### def get_show_type(default = D3::Admin::Report::DFT_SHOW_TYPE) desc = <<-END_DESC SERVER PACKAGE LIST Enter the type of list you'd like to generate about packages in d3. One of: all - all packages in d3 pilot - packages newer than live live - live packages deprecated - old packages that used to be live skipped - old packages that were never made live missing - packages in d3, but not Casper auto - packages auto-installed for a given computer group excluded - packages not available to a given computer group END_DESC prompt_for_data(desc: desc, prompt: 'Show packages', default: default, required: true) end ### What computer are we generating a receipt report for? ### ### @return [String] A computer name in the JSS ### def get_computer(default = nil) desc = <<-END_DESC COMPUTER NAME Enter the name of a computer Casper. Enter 'v' to view a list available computer names. END_DESC input = 'v' while input == 'v' input = prompt_for_data(desc: desc, prompt: 'Computer name', default: nil, required: true) D3::Admin::Report.show_available_computers_for_reports if input == 'v' end input end # get computer ### Get the config target ### ### @param default[String] the default value when hitting return ### ### @return [String] the prefix to use ### def get_config_target(default = 'all') desc = <<-END_DESC CONFIGURATION Which setting would you like to configure? jss - the JSS and credentials (stored in your keychain) db - the MySQL server and credentials (stored in your keychain) dist - the master distribution point RW password (stored in your keychain) workspace - the folder in which to build .pkgs and .dmgs editor - the shell command for editing package descriptions pkg-id-prefix - the prefix for the .pkg identifier when building .pkgs signing-identity - optional Developer ID Installer certificate issued by Apple signing-options - optional string of signing options to pass to pkgbuild. all - all of the above display - show current configuration END_DESC prompt_for_data(opt: :pkg_identifier_prefix, desc: desc, default: default, required: true) end ### get the shell command for editing package descriptions ### ### @param default[String] the default value when hitting return ### ### @return [String] the command to use ### def get_editor(default = '/usr/bin/nano') desc = <<-END_DESC EDITOR Enter the shell command to use during --walkthru for editing package descriptions e.g. /usr/bin/vim, /usr/bin/emacs Note: if the command launches a GUI editor, make sure the shell command stays running until the document is closed. Most such editors have an option for that. END_DESC prompt_for_data(desc: desc, default: default, prompt: 'Command', required: true) end end # module end # module Admin end # module D3