require 'bio/db/sam/library' require 'bio/db/sam/bam' require 'bio/db/sam/faidx' require 'bio/db/sam/sam' require 'bio/db/sam/pileup' require 'bio/db/sam/vcf' module LibC extend FFI::Library ffi_lib FFI::Library::LIBC attach_function :free, [ :pointer ], :void # call #attach_function to attach to malloc, free, memcpy, bcopy, etc. end module Bio class DB class Sam attr_reader :sam_file # To make a new sam object. Initialize expects a hash optsa with the following elemets: # fasta:: The fasta file with the reference. (nil) # bam:: path to a binary SAM file (nil) # tam:: path to a text SAM file (nil) # compressed:: If the binary file is compressed (true) # write:: If the file is to be writen (false). Not supported yet. # *NOTE:* you can't use binary and text formats simultaneusly. To make queries, the file has to be a sorted binary. # This function doesn't actually open the file, it just prepares the object to be opened in a later stage. # def initialize(optsa={}) opts = { :fasta => nil, :bam => nil,:tam => nil, :compressed => true, :write => false }.merge!(optsa) @fasta_path = opts[:fasta] @compressed = opts[:compressed] @write = opts[:write] bam = opts[:bam] tam = opts[:tam] if bam == nil && tam == nil && @fasta_path == nil then raise, "No alignment or reference file" elsif bam != nil && tam != nil then raise, "Alignment has to be in either text or binary format, not both" elsif bam != nil then @binary = true @sam = bam elsif tam != nil then @sam = tam @binary = false end @fasta_file = nil @sam_file = nil ObjectSpace.define_finalizer(self, self.class.method(:finalize).to_proc) end #Function that actually opens the sam file #Throws a SAMException if the file can't be open. def open() raise, "Writing not supported yet" if @write raise, "No SAM file specified" unless @sam opts = @write ? "w" : "r" if @binary then opts += "b" if @write then unless @compressed then opts += "u" end end end valid = ["r", "w", "wh", "rb", "wb" , "wbu"] unless valid.include?(opts) then raise, "Invalid options for samopen: " + opts end samFile = Bio::DB::SAM::Tools.samopen(@sam, opts, nil) if samFile.null? then @sam_file = nil raise, "File not opened: " + @sam end @sam_file = end #Prints a description of the sam file in a text format containg if it is binary or text, the path #and the fasta file of the reference def to_s() (@binary ? "Binary" : "Text") + " file: " + @sam + " with fasta: " + @fasta_path end #Closes the sam file and destroys the C pointers using the functions provided by libbam def close() Bio::DB::SAM::Tools.fai_destroy(@fasta_index) unless @fasta_index.nil? || @fasta_index.null? Bio::DB::SAM::Tools.bam_index_destroy(@sam_index) unless @sam_index.nil? || @sam_index.null? Bio::DB::SAM::Tools.samclose(@sam_file) unless @sam_file.nil? @sam_file = nil @fasta_index = nil end # Destructor method that closes the file before letting the object be garbage collected. def Sam.finalize(id) id.close() puts "Finalizing #{id} at #{}" end #Loads the bam index to be used for fetching. If the index doesn't exists the index is built provided that #the user has writing access to the folder where the BAM file is located. If the creation of the file fails #a SAMException is thrown. #If the index doesn't exist, loading it will take more time. It is suggested to generate the index separatedly #if the bam file sits on a server where the executing user may not have writing permissions in the server. def load_index() raise, "Indexes are only supported by BAM files, please use samtools to convert your SAM file" unless @binary @sam_index = Bio::DB::SAM::Tools.bam_index_load(@sam) if @sam_index.null? then p "Generating index for: " + @sam Bio::DB::SAM::Tools.bam_index_build(@sam) @sam_index = Bio::DB::SAM::Tools.bam_index_load(@sam) raise, "Unable to generate bam index for: " + @sam if @sam_index.nil? || @sam_index.null? end end #Loads the reference file to be able to query regions of it. This requires the fai index to exist in the same #folder than the reference. If it doesn't exisits, this functions attempts to generate it. If user doesn't #have writing permissions on the folder, or the creation of the fai fails for any reason, a SAMException is thrown. def load_reference() raise, "No path for the refernce fasta file. " if @fasta_path.nil? @fasta_index = Bio::DB::SAM::Tools.fai_load(@fasta_path) if @fasta_index.null? then p "Generating index for: " + @fasta_path Bio::DB::SAM::Tools.fai_build(@fasta_path) @fasta_index = Bio::DB::SAM::Tools.fai_load(@fasta_path) raise, "Unable to generate fasta index for: " + @fasta_path if @fasta_index.nil? || @fasta_index.null? end end #Returns the average coverage of a region in a bam file. def average_coverage(chromosome, qstart, len) #reference = fetch_reference(chromosome, qstart,len) # len = reference.length if len > reference.length coverages = chromosome_coverage(chromosome, qstart, len) total = 0 len.times{ |i| total= total + coverages[i] } avg_cov = total.to_f / len reference avg_cov end #Returns an array with the coverage at each possition in the queried region #This is a simple average coverage just calculated with the first and last #possition of the alignment, ignoring the gaps. def chromosome_coverage(chromosome, qstart, len) # reference = fetch_reference(chromosome, qstart,len) # len = reference.length if len > reference.length #p qend.to_s + "-" + qstart.to_s + "framesize " + (qend - qstart).to_s coverages =, 0) chr_cov_proc = do |alignment| #last = qstart + len #first = qstart #last = alignment.calend if last > alignment.calend #first = alignment.pos if first < alignment.pos # p first last = alignment.calend - qstart first = alignment.pos - qstart if last < first tmp = last last = first first = last end # STDERR.puts "#{first} #{last}\n" first.upto(last-1) { |i| coverages[i-1] = 1 + coverages[i-1] if i-1 < len && i > 0 } end fetch_with_function(chromosome, qstart, qstart+len, chr_cov_proc) #p coverages coverages end #Returns the sequence for a given region. def fetch_reference(chromosome, qstart,qend) load_reference if @fasta_index.nil? || @fasta_index.null? query = query_string(chromosome, qstart,qend) len = :int reference = Bio::DB::SAM::Tools.fai_fetch(@fasta_index, query, len) raise, "Unable to get sequence for reference: "+query if reference.nil? reference end #Generates a query sting to be used by the region parser in samtools. #In principle, you shouldn't need to use this function. def query_string(chromosome, qstart,qend) query = chromosome + ":" + qstart.to_s + "-" + qend.to_s query end #Returns an array of Alignments on a given region. def fetch(chromosome, qstart, qend) als = fetchAlignment = do |alignment| als.push(alignment.clone) 0 end fetch_with_function(chromosome, qstart, qend, fetchAlignment) als end #Executes a function on each Alignment inside the queried region of the chromosome. The chromosome #can be either the textual name or a FixNum with the internal index. However, you need to get the #internal index with the provided API, otherwise the pointer is outside the scope of the C library. #Returns the count of alignments in the region. #WARNING: Accepts an index already parsed by the library. It fails when you use your own FixNum (FFI-bug?) def fetch_with_function(chromosome, qstart, qend, function) load_index if @sam_index.nil? || @sam_index.null? chr = :int beg = :int last = :int query = query_string(chromosome, qstart,qend) qpointer = FFI::MemoryPointer.from_string(query) header = @sam_file[:header] Bio::DB::SAM::Tools.bam_parse_region(header,qpointer, chr, beg, last) #raise, "invalid query: " + query if(chr.read_int < 0) count = 0; fetchAlignment = do |bam_alignment, data| alignment = alignment.set(bam_alignment, header) count = count + 1 0 end Bio::DB::SAM::Tools.bam_fetch(@sam_file[:x][:bam], @sam_index,chr.read_int,beg.read_int, last.read_int, nil, fetchAlignment) chr beg last qpointer count end #Merges n BAM files. This doesn't require to create a SAM object #files:: An array with the paths to the files. #merged_file:: The path to the merged file #headers:: The BAM file containing the header #add_RG:: If true, the RG tag is added (infered from the filenames) #by_qname:: If true, the bamfiles should by ordered by query name, if false, by coordinates. def self.merge(files, merged_file, headers, add_RG, by_qname) strptrs = [] strptrs << FFI::MemoryPointer.from_string("merge") files.each do |file| strptrs << FFI::MemoryPointer.from_string(file) end strptrs << nil # Now load all the pointers into a native memory block argv =, strptrs.length) strptrs.each_with_index do |p, i| argv[i].put_pointer(0, p) end #void bam_merge_core(int by_qname, const char *out, const char *headers, int n, char * const *fn, int add_RG) Bio::DB::SAM::Tools.bam_merge_core(by_qname, merged_file, headers, strptrs.length, argv, add_RG) end #calls the mpileup function, opts is a hash of options identical to the command line options for mpileup. #is an iterator that yields a Pileup object for each postion #the command line options that generate/affect BCF/VCF are ignored ie (g,u,e,h,I,L,o,p) #call the option as a symbol of the flag, eg -r for region is called :r => "some SAM compatible region" #eg bam.mpileup(:r => "chr1:1000-2000", :q => 50) gets the bases with quality > 50 on chr1 between 1000-5000 def mpileup( opts ) raise, "No BAMFile provided" unless @sam and @binary raise, "No FastA provided" unless @fasta_path #long option form to short samtools form.. long_opts = { :region => :r, :illumina_quals => :six, :count_anomalous => :A, :no_baq => :B, :adjust_mapq => :C, :max_per_bam_depth => :d, :extended_baq => :E, :exclude_reads_file => :G, :list_of_positions => :l, :mapping_quality_cap => :M, :ignore_rg => :R, :min_mapping_quality => :q, :min_base_quality => :Q } ##convert any long_opts to short opts opts.each_pair do |k,v| if long_opts[k] opts[long_opts[k]] = v opts.delete(k) end end ##remove any calls to -g or -u for mpileup, bcf output is not yet supported ##and also associated output options [:g, :u, :e, :h, :I, :L, :o, :p].each {|x| opts.delete(x) } strptrs = [] strptrs << FFI::MemoryPointer.from_string("mpileup") opts.each do |k,v| next unless opts[k] ##dont bother unless the values provided are true.. k = '6' if k == :six k = '-' + k.to_s strptrs << FFI::MemoryPointer.from_string(k) strptrs << FFI::MemoryPointer.from_string(v.to_s) unless ["-R", "-B", "-E", "-6", "-A"].include?(k) #these are just flags so don't pass a value... end strptrs << FFI::MemoryPointer.from_string('-f') strptrs << FFI::MemoryPointer.from_string(@fasta_path) strptrs << FFI::MemoryPointer.from_string(@sam) strptrs << nil # Now load all the pointers into a native memory block argv =, strptrs.length) strptrs.each_with_index do |p, i| argv[i].put_pointer(0, p) end old_stdout = STDOUT.clone read_pipe, write_pipe = IO.pipe() STDOUT.reopen(write_pipe) #int bam_mpileup(int argc, char *argv[]) Bio::DB::SAM::Tools.bam_mpileup(strptrs.length - 1,argv) if fork write_pipe.close STDOUT.reopen(old_stdout) #beware .. stdout from other processes eg tests calling this method can get mixed in... begin while line = read_pipe.readline yield end rescue EOFError read_pipe.close Process.wait end end end # utility method that does not use the samtools API, it calls samtools directly as if on the command line and catches the output, # to use this method you must have a version of samtools that supports the pileup command (< 0.1.17) # otherwise the command will fail. # mpileup is the preferred method for getting pileups. # With this method the sam object should be created as usual, but you need to pass this method a string of options for samtools # you don't need to provide the call to samtools pileup itself or -f or the bam file itself, these are taken from the sam object def deprecated_pileup( cmd ) system('samtools pileup > /dev/null 2>&1') ##assumes samtools is in the path... if $?.exitstatus > 1 raise RuntimeError, "samtools is required on the path. A version of samtools with the pileup function is required" end raise, "No BAMFile provided" unless @sam and @binary raise, "No FastA provided" unless @fasta_path command = 'samtools pileup ' + cmd + " -f #{@fasta_path}" + " #{@sam}" pipe = IO.popen(command) while line = pipe.gets yield end pipe.close end def index_stats raise, "No BAMFile provided" unless @sam and @binary raise, "No FastA provided" unless @fasta_path strptrs = [] strptrs << FFI::MemoryPointer.from_string("idxstats") strptrs << FFI::MemoryPointer.from_string(@sam) strptrs << nil # Now load all the pointers into a native memory block argv =, strptrs.length) strptrs.each_with_index do |p, i| argv[i].put_pointer(0, p) end index_stats = {} old_stdout = STDOUT.clone read_pipe, write_pipe = IO.pipe() STDOUT.reopen(write_pipe) #int bam_idxstats(int argc, char *argv[]) Bio::DB::SAM::Tools.bam_idxstats(strptrs.length - 1,argv) if fork write_pipe.close STDOUT.reopen(old_stdout) #beware .. stdout from other processes eg tests calling this method can get mixed in... begin while line = read_pipe.readline #TAB delimited with each line consisting of reference sequence name, sequence length, # mapped reads and # unmapped reads. info = line.split(/\t/) next unless info.length == 4 index_stats[ info[0] ] = {:length => info[1].to_i, :mapped_reads => info[2].to_i, :unmapped_reads => info[3].to_i } end rescue EOFError read_pipe.close Process.wait end end #fork index_stats end end class Tag attr_accessor :tag, :type, :value def set(str) v = str.split(":") @tag = v[0] @type = v[1] @value = v[2] end end class Alignment def initialize ObjectSpace.define_finalizer(self, self.class.method(:finalize).to_proc) end def Alignment.finalize(object_id) # puts "Object #{object_id} dying at #{}" # p "?" . # p object_id.sam object_id.calend object_id.qlen object_id.samstr end #Attributes from the format attr_accessor :qname, :flag, :rname,:pos,:mapq,:cigar, :mrnm, :mpos, :isize, :seq, :qual, :tags, :al, :samstr #Attributes pulled with the C library attr_accessor :calend, :qlen #Attrobites frp, the flag field (see chapter 2.2.2 of the sam file documentation) #query_strand and mate_strand are true if they are forward. It is the opposite to the definition in the BAM format for clarity. #primary is the negation of is_negative from the BAM format attr_accessor :is_paired, :is_mapped, :query_unmapped, :mate_unmapped, :query_strand, :mate_strand, :first_in_pair,:second_in_pair, :primary, :failed_quality, :is_duplicate def set(bam_alignment, header) #Create the FFI object @al = #set the raw data tmp_str = Bio::DB::SAM::Tools.bam_format1(header,al) #self.sam = tmp_str #ObjectSpace.define_finalizer(self, proc {|id| puts "Finalizer one on #{id}" }) self.sam = tmp_str #Set values calculated by libbam core = al[:core] cigar = al[:data][core[:l_qname]]#define bam1_cigar(b) ((uint32_t*)((b)->data + (b)->core.l_qname)) @calend = Bio::DB::SAM::Tools.bam_calend(core,cigar) @qlen = Bio::DB::SAM::Tools.bam_cigar2qlen(core,cigar) #process the flags @is_paired = @flag & 0x0001 > 0 @is_mapped = @flag & 0x0002 > 0 @query_unmapped = @flag & 0x0004 > 0 @mate_unmapped = @flag & 0x0008 > 0 @query_strand = !(@flag & 0x0010 > 0) @mate_strand = !(@flag & 0x0020 > 0) @first_in_pair = @flag & 0x0040 > 0 @second_in_pair = @flag & 0x0080 > 0 @primary = !(@flag & 0x0100 > 0) @failed_quality = @flag & 0x0200 > 0 @is_duplicate = @flag & 0x0400 > 0 end def sam=(sam) #p sam s = sam.split("\t") self.qname = s[0] self.flag = s[1].to_i self.rname = s[2] self.pos = s[3].to_i self.mapq = s[4].to_i self.cigar = s[5] self.mrnm = s[6] self.mpos = s[7].to_i self.isize = s[8].to_i self.seq = s[9] self.qual = s[10] self.tags = {} 11.upto(s.size-1) {|n| t = t.set(s[n]) tags[t.tag] = t } # \ #[:: [...]] end end class SAMException < RuntimeError #we can add further variables to give information of the excpetion def initialize() end end end end