# scoped\_attr\_accessible scoped\_attr\_accessible is a plugin that makes it easy to scope the `attr_accessible` and `attr_protected` methods on any library using ActiveModel's MassAssignmentSecurity module. For those unfamiliar with it, [read here](http://api.rubyonrails.org/classes/ActiveModel/MassAssignmentSecurity/ClassMethods.html#method-i-attr_accessible) to get a bit of back story about how it works in ActiveRecord - thanks to ActiveModel, you can now get the joy of scoped access restrictions across any ORM built on ActiveModel, including [mongoid](http://mongoid.org/)! ## Installation ## To use, just add to any application using ActiveModel. In Rails 3, this is a simple job of adding: gem 'scoped_attr_accessible' To our Gemfile and running `bundle install`. ## Usage With it enabled, your application should continue to work as usual with classic `attr_accessible` and `attr_protected`. When in use, you can simply pass the `:scope` option in your declaration to declare a scope in which it should be accessible. For example, class User < ActiveRecord::Base # All attributes are accessible for the admin scope. attr_accessible :all, :scope => :admin # The default scope can only access a and b. attr_accessible :a, :b # Make both :c and :d accessible for owners and the default scope attr_accessible :c, :d, :scope => [:owner, :default] # Also, it works the same with attr_protected! attr_protected :n, :scope => :default end If both `attr_accessible` and `attr_protected` are used on a given scope, attributes declared in `attr_protected` take precedence. Also, If `attr_accessible` isn't called for a scope at all, it will allow all variables except those marked as protected. When declaring the scopes in the accessible / protected part, please note that they need to be symbol names for simplicity's sake. ### Setting the Scope Next, when you call methods that use mass assignment (e.g. `ActiveRecord::Base#attributes=`), it will use your current scope to sanitize mass-assigned variables. By default, with no user intervention this scope is simply `:default`. To set the scope, you can do so on a class an instance level with instance-level taking precedence. To set it on a class level, simply do: User.current_sanitizer_scope = :admin # Or, dynamically: User.current_sanitizer_scope = @user.role.name.to_sym This will be set Thread local. Also note you can get the current class-level scope: p User.current_sanitizer_scope # => nil by default Or, temporarily switch it out, resetting it afterwards: p User.current_sanitizer_scope User.with_sanitizer_scope :admin do p User.current_sanitizer_scope end p User.current_sanitizer_scope You can also declare this on the instance level, e.g: user = User.find(params[:id]) user.current_sanitizer_scope = :admin # Or, more complex: user.current_sanitizer_scope = "something-else" ### Complex Scoping Although the scope on a given accessible / protected declaration must be a symbol, scoped\_attr\_accessible provides a way to deal with non-symbol scopes when assigning them - Namely, you can set the `current_sanitizer_scope` value on classes or instances to an arbitrary object and let scoped\_attr\_accessible dynamically convert it for you. This is done using two seperate processes - Recognizers and Converters, each run when a given scope is not a symbol. The first of these (and the highest priority) are recognizers - they are simply blocks you can declare (like below) that have a scope name and return a value denoting whether or not they match. e.g: # Reeopen the class class User < ActiveRecord::Base sanitizer_scope_recognizer :admin do |record, scope_value| scope_value.is_a?(User) && user.admin? end sanitizer_scope_recognizer :owner do |record, scope_value| scope_value.is_a?(User) && scope_value == record end end In this example, we could simply do: user = User.find(params[:id]) user.current_sanitizer_scope = current_user user.update_attributes params[:user] And it would automatically set the scope to :owner / :admin when sanitizing the attributes. The second and more flexible option is scope convertors - they're given the same information (e.g. a record and scope value) and they are responsible for returning nil or a reduced form of the scope. If they return a reduced form (e.g. they may return their creating user, or a plain symbol) it is smart enough to reduce it until it does have a symbol. As an example, we could implement the following: # Reeopen the class class User < ActiveRecord::Base sanitizer_scope_converter do |record, scope_value| return user.role.name.to_sym if scope_value.is_a?(User) return scope_value.user if scope_value.is_a?(UserSession) end end When combined, these all form a very flexible way to dynamically scope attribute accessible. ## Note on Patches/Pull Requests * Fork the project. * Make your feature addition or bug fix. * Add tests for it. This is important so I don't break it in a future version unintentionally. * Commit, do not mess with rakefile, version, or history. (if you want to have your own version, that is fine but bump version in a commit by itself I can ignore when I pull) * Send me a pull request. Bonus points for topic branches. ## Contributors * Darcy Laycock * Mario Visic ## Copyright Copyright (c) 2010 The Frontier Group. See LICENSE for details.