require 'spec_helper' describe "should include(expected)" do it "should pass if target includes expected" do [1,2,3].should include(3) "abc".should include("a") end it 'should pass if target is a Hash and has the expected as a key' do {:key => 'value'}.should include(:key) end it "should fail if target does not include expected" do lambda { [1,2,3].should include(4) }.should fail_with("expected [1, 2, 3] to include 4") lambda { "abc".should include("d") }.should fail_with("expected \"abc\" to include \"d\"") lambda { {:key => 'value'}.should include(:other) }.should fail_with(%Q|expected {:key=>"value"} to include :other|) end end describe "should include(with, multiple, args)" do it "should pass if target includes all items" do [1,2,3].should include(1,2,3) end it 'should pass if target is a Hash including all items as keys' do {:key => 'value', :other => 'value'}.should include(:key, :other) end it "should fail if target does not include any one of the items" do lambda { [1,2,3].should include(1,2,4) }.should fail_with("expected [1, 2, 3] to include 1, 2, and 4") end it 'should pass if target is a Hash missing any item as a key' do lambda { {:key => 'value'}.should include(:key, :other) }.should fail_with(%Q|expected {:key=>"value"} to include :key and :other|) end end describe "should_not include(expected)" do it "should pass if target does not include expected" do [1,2,3].should_not include(4) "abc".should_not include("d") end it 'should pass if target is a Hash and does not have the expected as a key' do {:other => 'value'}.should_not include(:key) end it "should fail if target includes expected" do lambda { [1,2,3].should_not include(3) }.should fail_with("expected [1, 2, 3] not to include 3") lambda { "abc".should_not include("c") }.should fail_with("expected \"abc\" not to include \"c\"") lambda { {:key => 'value'}.should_not include(:key) }.should fail_with(%Q|expected {:key=>"value"} not to include :key|) end end describe "should include(:key => value)" do it "should pass if target is a Hash and includes the key/value pair" do {:key => 'value'}.should include(:key => 'value') end it "should pass if target is a Hash and includes the key/value pair among others" do {:key => 'value', :other => 'different'}.should include(:key => 'value') end it "should fail if target is a Hash and has a different value for key" do lambda { {:key => 'different'}.should include(:key => 'value') }.should fail_with(%Q|expected {:key=>"different"} to include {:key=>"value"}|) end it "should fail if target is a Hash and has a different key" do lambda { {:other => 'value'}.should include(:key => 'value') }.should fail_with(%Q|expected {:other=>"value"} to include {:key=>"value"}|) end end