from cryptography.hazmat.primitives import hashes, hmac from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.ciphers import Cipher, algorithms, modes import struct ENCRYPTION_KEY_LENGTH = 32 MAC_KEY_LENGTH = 32 HMAC_SHA256_TAG_LENGTH = 32 IV_LENGTH = 16 DEK_LENGTH = 96 def _hmacsha256 (Km, input): assert (len(Km) == MAC_KEY_LENGTH) hm = hmac.HMAC(Km, hashes.SHA256()) hm.update (input) return hm.finalize() class DEK (): """ Class representing a Data Encryption Key (DEK) """ def __init__ (self, bytesIn): assert (len(bytesIn) == DEK_LENGTH) self.Ke = bytesIn[0:32] self.Km = bytesIn[32:64] self.TokenKey = bytesIn[64:96] def fle2_encrypt (M, Ke, IV): """ Compute S = AES-CTR.Enc(Ke, IV, M) Output C = IV || S """ assert (len(Ke) == ENCRYPTION_KEY_LENGTH) assert (len(IV) == IV_LENGTH) # S = AES-CTR.Enc(Ke, IV, M) cipher = Cipher(algorithms.AES(Ke), modes.CTR(IV)) encryptor = cipher.encryptor() S = encryptor.update(M) + encryptor.finalize() C = IV + S return C def fle2_decrypt (C, Ke): assert (len(Ke) == ENCRYPTION_KEY_LENGTH) assert (len(C) > IV_LENGTH) IV = C[0:IV_LENGTH] # S = AES-CTR.Enc(Ke, IV, M) cipher = Cipher(algorithms.AES(Ke), modes.CTR(IV)) encryptor = cipher.decryptor() M = encryptor.update(C[IV_LENGTH:]) + encryptor.finalize() return M def fle2aead_encrypt(M, Ke, IV, Km, AD): """ Do FLE 2 AEAD encryption. See [AEAD with CTR]( See []( for how server team is generating this. """ assert (len(Ke) == ENCRYPTION_KEY_LENGTH) assert (len(IV) == IV_LENGTH) assert (len(Km) == MAC_KEY_LENGTH) # S = AES-CTR.Enc(Ke, IV, M) cipher = Cipher(algorithms.AES(Ke), modes.CTR(IV)) encryptor = cipher.encryptor() S = encryptor.update(M) + encryptor.finalize() # T = HMAC-SHA256(Km, AD || IV || S) T = _hmacsha256 (Km, AD + IV + S) # C = IV || S || T C = IV + S + T return C def fle2aead_decrypt(C, Km, AD, Ke): assert (len(Ke) == ENCRYPTION_KEY_LENGTH) assert (len(C) > HMAC_SHA256_TAG_LENGTH + IV_LENGTH) assert (len(Km) == MAC_KEY_LENGTH) # Parse C as IV || S || T IV = C[0:IV_LENGTH] S = C[IV_LENGTH:-HMAC_SHA256_TAG_LENGTH] T = C[-HMAC_SHA256_TAG_LENGTH:] # Compute T' = HMAC-SHA256(Km, AD || IV || S) Tp = _hmacsha256 (Km, AD + IV + S) if Tp != T: raise Exception("decryption error") # Else compute and output M = AES-CTR.Dec(Ke, S) cipher = Cipher(algorithms.AES(Ke), modes.CTR(IV)) decryptor = cipher.decryptor() M = decryptor.update(S) + decryptor.finalize() return M def ServerDataEncryptionLevel1Token (rootKey): return _hmacsha256 (rootKey, struct.pack("