#!/usr/bin/ruby require File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/gruff_test_case" class TestGruffBar < GruffTestCase # TODO Delete old output files once when starting tests def setup @datasets = [ [:Jimmy, [25, 36, 86, 39]], [:Charles, [80, 54, 67, 54]], [:Julie, [22, 29, 35, 38]], #[:Jane, [95, 95, 95, 90, 85, 80, 88, 100]], #[:Philip, [90, 34, 23, 12, 78, 89, 98, 88]], #["Arthur", [5, 10, 13, 11, 6, 16, 22, 32]], ] end def test_bar_graph g = setup_basic_graph g.title = "Bar Graph Test" g.title_margin = 100 g.write("test/output/bar_keynote.png") g = setup_basic_graph g.title = "Visual Multi-Line Bar Graph Test" g.theme_rails_keynote g.write("test/output/bar_rails_keynote.png") g = setup_basic_graph g.title = "Visual Multi-Line Bar Graph Test" g.theme_odeo g.write("test/output/bar_odeo.png") end def test_thousand_separators g = Gruff::Bar.new(600) g.title = "Formatted numbers" g.bar_spacing = 0.2 g.marker_count = 8 g.data("data", [4025, 1024, 50257, 703672, 1580456]) g.write("test/output/bar_formatted_numbers.png") end def test_bar_graph_set_colors g = Gruff::Bar.new g.title = "Bar Graph With Manual Colors" g.legend_margin = 50 g.labels = { 0 => '5/6', 1 => '5/15', 2 => '5/24', 3 => '5/30', } g.data(:Art, [0, 5, 8, 15], '#990000') g.data(:Philosophy, [10, 3, 2, 8], '#009900') g.data(:Science, [2, 15, 8, 11], '#990099') g.minimum_value = 0 g.write("test/output/bar_manual_colors.png") end def test_bar_graph_small g = Gruff::Bar.new(400) g.title = "Visual Multi-Line Bar Graph Test" g.labels = { 0 => '5/6', 1 => '5/15', 2 => '5/24', 3 => '5/30', } @datasets.each do |data| g.data(data[0], data[1]) end g.write("test/output/bar_keynote_small.png") end # Somewhat worthless test. Should an error be thrown? # def test_nil_font # g = setup_basic_graph 400 # g.title = "Nil Font" # g.font = nil # g.write "test/output/bar_nil_font.png" # end def test_no_line_markers g = setup_basic_graph(400) g.title = "No Line Markers" g.hide_line_markers = true g.write("test/output/bar_no_line_markers.png") end def test_no_legend g = setup_basic_graph(400) g.title = "No Legend" g.hide_legend = true g.write("test/output/bar_no_legend.png") end def test_no_title g = setup_basic_graph(400) g.title = "No Title" g.hide_title = true g.write("test/output/bar_no_title.png") end def test_no_title_or_legend g = setup_basic_graph(400) g.title = "No Title or Legend" g.hide_legend = true g.hide_title = true g.write("test/output/bar_no_title_or_legend.png") end def test_set_marker_count g = setup_basic_graph(400) g.title = "Set marker" g.marker_count = 10 g.write("test/output/bar_set_marker.png") end def test_set_legend_box_size g = setup_basic_graph(400) g.title = "Set Small Legend Box Size" g.legend_box_size = 10.0 g.write("test/output/bar_set_legend_box_size_sm.png") g = setup_basic_graph(400) g.title = "Set Large Legend Box Size" g.legend_box_size = 50.0 g.write("test/output/bar_set_legend_box_size_lg.png") end def test_x_y_labels g = setup_basic_graph(400) g.title = "X Y Labels" g.x_axis_label = 'Score (%)' g.y_axis_label = "Students" g.write("test/output/bar_x_y_labels.png") end def test_wide_graph g = setup_basic_graph('800x400') g.title = "Wide Graph" g.write("test/output/bar_wide_graph.png") g = setup_basic_graph('400x200') g.title = "Wide Graph Small" g.write("test/output/bar_wide_graph_small.png") end def test_tall_graph g = setup_basic_graph('400x600') g.title = "Tall Graph" g.write("test/output/bar_tall_graph.png") g = setup_basic_graph('200x400') g.title = "Tall Graph Small" g.write("test/output/bar_tall_graph_small.png") end def test_one_value g = Gruff::Bar.new g.title = "One Value Graph Test" g.labels = { 0 => '1', 1 => '2' } g.data('one', [1,1]) g.write("test/output/bar_one_value.png") end def test_negative g = Gruff::Bar.new g.title = "Pos/Neg Bar Graph Test" g.labels = { 0 => '5/6', 1 => '5/15', 2 => '5/24', 3 => '5/30', } g.data(:apples, [-1, 0, 4, -4]) g.data(:peaches, [10, 8, 6, 3]) g.write("test/output/bar_pos_neg.png") end def test_nearly_zero g = Gruff::Bar.new g.title = "Nearly Zero Graph" g.labels = { 0 => '5/6', 1 => '5/15', 2 => '5/24', 3 => '5/30', } g.data(:apples, [1, 2, 3, 4]) g.data(:peaches, [4, 3, 2, 1]) g.minimum_value = 0 g.maximum_value = 10 g.write("test/output/bar_nearly_zero_max_10.png") end def test_y_axis_increment generate_with_y_axis_increment 2.0 generate_with_y_axis_increment 1 generate_with_y_axis_increment 5 generate_with_y_axis_increment 20 end def generate_with_y_axis_increment(increment) g = Gruff::Bar.new g.title = "Y Axis Set to #{increment}" g.labels = { 0 => '5/6', 1 => '5/15', 2 => '5/24', 3 => '5/30', } g.y_axis_increment = increment g.data(:apples, [1, 0.2, 0.5, 0.7]) g.data(:peaches, [2.5, 2.3, 2, 6.1]) g.write("test/output/bar_y_increment_#{increment}.png") end def test_custom_theme g = Gruff::Bar.new g.title = "Custom Theme" g.font = File.expand_path('CREABBRG.TTF', ENV['MAGICK_FONT_PATH']) g.title_font_size = 60 g.legend_font_size = 32 g.marker_font_size = 32 g.theme = { :colors => %w(#efd250 #666699 #e5573f #9595e2), :marker_color => 'white', :font_color => 'blue', :background_image => "assets/pc306715.jpg" } g.labels = { 0 => '5/6', 1 => '5/15', 2 => '5/24', 3 => '5/30', } g.data(:vancouver, [1, 2, 3, 4]) g.data(:seattle, [2, 4, 6, 8]) g.data(:portland, [3, 1, 7, 3]) g.data(:victoria, [4, 3, 5, 7]) g.minimum_value = 0 g.write("test/output/bar_themed.png") end def test_legend_should_not_overlap g = Gruff::Bar.new(400) g.theme_37signals() g.title = 'My Graph' g.data("Apples Oranges Watermelon Apples Oranges", [1, 2, 3, 4, 4, 3]) g.data('Oranges', [4, 8, 7, 9, 8, 9]) g.data('Watermelon', [2, 3, 1, 5, 6, 8]) g.data('Peaches', [9, 9, 10, 8, 7, 9]) g.labels = {0 => '2003', 2 => '2004', 4 => '2005'} g.write("test/output/bar_long_legend_text.png") end def test_july_enhancements g = Gruff::Bar.new(600) g.hide_legend = true g.title = "Full speed ahead" g.labels = (0..10).inject({}) { |memo, i| memo.merge({ i => (i*10).to_s}) } g.data(:apples, (0..9).map { rand(20)/10.0 }) g.y_axis_increment = 1.0 g.x_axis_label = 'Score (%)' g.y_axis_label = 'Students' write_test_file g, 'enhancements.png' end protected def setup_basic_graph(size=800) g = Gruff::Bar.new(size) g.title = "My Bar Graph" g.labels = { 0 => '5/6', 1 => '5/15', 2 => '5/24', 3 => '5/30', } @datasets.each do |data| g.data(data[0], data[1]) end g end end