class JobInvocation < ApplicationRecord CACHE_PREFIX = "job_invocation".freeze audited :except => [:task_id, :targeting_id, :task_group_id, :triggering_id] include Authorizable include Encryptable include ForemanRemoteExecution::ErrorsFlattener FLATTENED_ERRORS_MAPPING = { :pattern_template_invocations => lambda do |template_invocation| _('template') + " #{}" end, }.freeze belongs_to :targeting, :dependent => :destroy has_many :all_template_invocations, :inverse_of => :job_invocation, :dependent => :destroy, :class_name => 'TemplateInvocation' has_many :template_invocations, -> { where('template_invocations.host_id IS NOT NULL') }, :inverse_of => :job_invocation has_many :pattern_template_invocations, -> { where('template_invocations.host_id IS NULL') }, :inverse_of => :job_invocation, :class_name => 'TemplateInvocation' has_many :pattern_templates, :through => :pattern_template_invocations, :source => :template validates :targeting, :presence => true validates :job_category, :presence => true validates_associated :targeting, :all_template_invocations scoped_search :on => :id, :complete_value => true scoped_search :on => :job_category, :complete_value => true scoped_search :on => :description, :complete_value => true has_many :template_invocations_hosts, :through => :template_invocations, :source => :host scoped_search :relation => :template_invocations_hosts, :on => :name, :rename => 'host', :complete_value => true delegate :bookmark, :resolved?, :to => :targeting, :allow_nil => true include ForemanTasks::Concerns::ActionSubject belongs_to :task, :class_name => 'ForemanTasks::Task' has_many :sub_tasks, :through => :task belongs_to :task_group, :class_name => 'JobInvocationTaskGroup' has_many :tasks, :through => :task_group, :class_name => 'ForemanTasks::Task' has_many :template_invocation_tasks, :through => :template_invocations, :class_name => 'ForemanTasks::Task', :source => 'run_host_job_task' has_one :user, through: :task scoped_search relation: :user, on: :login, rename: 'user', complete_value: true, value_translation: ->(value) { value == 'current_user' ? User.current.login : value }, special_values: [:current_user], aliases: ['owner'], :only_explicit => true scoped_search :relation => :task, :on => :started_at, :rename => 'started_at', :complete_value => true scoped_search :relation => :task, :on => :start_at, :rename => 'start_at', :complete_value => true scoped_search :relation => :task, :on => :ended_at, :rename => 'ended_at', :complete_value => true scoped_search :relation => :task, :on => :state, :rename => 'status', :ext_method => :search_by_status, :only_explicit => true, :complete_value => Hash[ { |v| [v, v] }] belongs_to :triggering, :class_name => 'ForemanTasks::Triggering' has_one :recurring_logic, :through => :triggering, :class_name => 'ForemanTasks::RecurringLogic' belongs_to :remote_execution_feature has_many :targeted_hosts, :through => :targeting, :source => :hosts scoped_search :on => 'targeted_host_id', :rename => 'targeted_host_id', :operators => ['= '], :complete_value => false, :only_explicit => true, :ext_method => :search_by_targeted_host scoped_search :on => 'pattern_template_name', :rename => 'pattern_template_name', :operators => ['= '], :complete_value => false, :only_explicit => true, :ext_method => :search_by_pattern_template scope :with_task, -> { references(:task) } scoped_search :relation => :recurring_logic, :on => 'id', :rename => '' scoped_search :relation => :recurring_logic, :on => 'id', :rename => 'recurring', :ext_method => :search_by_recurring_logic, :only_explicit => true, :complete_value => { :true => true, :false => false } default_scope -> { order(' DESC') } validates_lengths_from_database :only => [:description] attr_accessor :start_before, :description_format attr_writer :start_at delegate :start_at, :to => :task, :allow_nil => true encrypts :password, :key_passphrase, :effective_user_password class Jail < Safemode::Jail allow :sub_task_for_host, :template_invocations_hosts end def self.search_by_targeted_host(key, operator, value) { :conditions => sanitize_sql_for_conditions([" = ?", value]), :joins => :targeted_hosts } end def self.search_by_pattern_template(key, operator, value) { :conditions => sanitize_sql_for_conditions([" = ?", value]), :joins => :pattern_templates } end def self.search_by_status(key, operator, value) conditions = HostStatus::ExecutionStatus::ExecutionTaskStatusMapper.sql_conditions_for(value) conditions[0] = "NOT (#{conditions[0]})" if operator == '<>' { :conditions => sanitize_sql_for_conditions(conditions), :include => :task } end def self.search_by_recurring_logic(key, operator, value) reucurring = value == 'true' reucurring = !reucurring if operator == '<>' not_operator = reucurring ? 'NOT' : '' { :conditions => sanitize_sql_for_conditions([" IS #{not_operator} NULL"]), :joins => :recurring_logic } end def notification_recipients_ids [ self.targeting.user_id ] end def build_notification klass = nil if self.remote_execution_feature && self.remote_execution_feature.notification_builder.present? begin klass = remote_execution_feature.notification_builder.constantize rescue NameError => e logger.exception "REX feature defines unknown notification builder class", e end end klass ||= UINotifications::RemoteExecutionJobs::BaseJobFinish end def status end def status_label end def to_label description end # returns progress in percents def progress(total = nil, done = nil) if queued? || !targeting.resolved? || done == 0 0 else total ||= targeting.hosts.count done ||= sub_tasks.where(:result => %w(success warning error)).count ((done.to_f / total) * 100).round end end def queued? status == HostStatus::ExecutionStatus::QUEUED end def deep_clone JobInvocationComposer.from_job_invocation(self).job_invocation.tap do |invocation| invocation.task_group = invocation.triggering = self.triggering invocation.description_format = self.description_format invocation.description = self.description invocation.pattern_template_invocations = invocation.password = self.password invocation.key_passphrase = self.key_passphrase invocation.effective_user_password = self.effective_user_password end end def deep_clone! deep_clone.tap(&:save!) end def to_action_input { :id => id, :name => job_category, :description => description } end def failed_template_invocation_tasks template_invocation_tasks.where(:result => TemplateInvocation::TaskResultMap.status_to_task_result(:failed)) end def failed_host_ids failed_hosts.pluck(:id) end def failed_hosts base = targeting.hosts if finished? base.where.not(:id => else base.where(:id => end end def total_hosts_count if targeting.resolved? task&.main_action&.total_count || targeting.hosts.count else _('N/A') end end def pattern_template_invocation_for_host(host) providers = available_providers(host) providers.each do |provider| pattern_template_invocations.each do |template_invocation| if template_invocation.template.provider_type == provider return template_invocation end end end end # TODO: determine from the host and job_invocation details def available_providers(host) return RemoteExecutionProvider.provider_names end def sub_task_for_host(host) template_invocations.find_by(:host => end def output(host) return unless (task = sub_task_for_host(host)) && task.main_action && task.main_action.live_output.any? task.main_action.live_output.first['output'] end def generate_description template_invocation = pattern_template_invocations.first input_hash = template_invocation.input_values.reduce({}) do |h, v| value = v.value value = '*' * 3 if v.template_input.respond_to?(:hidden_value) && v.template_input.hidden_value? h.update("%{#{}}" => value) end input_hash.update("%{job_category}" => job_category) input_hash.update("%{template_name}" => input_hash.default = "''" self.description = description_format.gsub(/%{[^}]+}/) { |key| input_hash[key] } self.description = self.description[0..(JobInvocation.columns_hash['description'].limit - 1)] end def progress_report map = TemplateInvocation::TaskResultMap all_keys = (map.results | map.statuses | [:progress, :total]) if queued? || (task && task.started_at.nil?) || !targeting.resolved? all_keys.reduce({}) do |acc, key| acc.merge(key => 0) end else counts = task.sub_tasks_counts done = counts.values_at(*map.results).reduce(:+) percent = progress(counts[:total], done) counts.merge(:progress => percent, :failed => counts.values_at(*map.status_to_task_result(:failed)).reduce(:+)) end end def cancel(force = false) method = force ? :abort : :cancel task.send(method) end def finished? !(task.nil? || task.pending?) end def missing_hosts_count targeting.resolved? ? total_hosts_count - targeting.hosts.count : 0 end private def failed_template_invocations results = [:cancelled, :failed].map { |state| TemplateInvocation::TaskResultMap.status_to_task_result(state) }.flatten template_invocations.joins(:run_host_job_task).where(ForemanTasks::Task.table_name => { :result => results }) end def not_failed_template_invocations results = [:cancelled, :failed].map { |state| TemplateInvocation::TaskResultMap.status_to_task_result(state) }.flatten template_invocations.joins(:run_host_job_task).where.not(ForemanTasks::Task.table_name => { :result => results }) end end