module Localeapp module CLI class Install < Command attr_accessor :config_type def initialize(args = {}) super @config_type = :default end def execute(key = nil) installer("#{config_type.to_s.capitalize}Installer").execute(key) end def installer(installer_class) self.class.const_get(installer_class).new(@output) end class DefaultInstaller attr_accessor :key, :project_data, :config_file_path, :data_directory def initialize(output) @output = output end def execute(key = nil) self.key = key print_header if validate_key check_default_locale set_config_paths @output.puts "Writing configuration file to #{config_file_path}" write_config_file check_data_directory_exists true else false end end def print_header @output.puts "Localeapp Install" @output.puts "" end def validate_key @output.puts "Checking API key: #{key}" if key.nil? @output.puts "ERROR: You must supply an API key" return false end valid_key, @project_data = check_key(key) if valid_key @output.puts "Success!" @output.puts "Project: #{project_data['name']}" true else @output.puts "ERROR: Project not found" false end end def check_default_locale localeapp_default_code = project_data['default_locale']['code'] @output.puts "Default Locale: #{localeapp_default_code} (#{project_data['default_locale']['name']})" if I18n.default_locale.to_s != localeapp_default_code @output.puts "WARNING: I18n.default_locale is #{I18n.default_locale}, change in config/application.rb (Rails 3+)" end end def set_config_paths @config_file_path = "config/initializers/localeapp.rb" @data_directory = "config/locales" end def write_config_file create_config_dir write_rails_config end def write_rails_config, 'w+') do |file| file.write <<-CONTENT require 'localeapp/rails' Localeapp.configure do |config| config.api_key = '#{key}' end CONTENT end end def check_data_directory_exists unless @output.puts "WARNING: please create the #{data_directory} directory. Your translation data will be stored there." end end def check_key(key) end private def config_dir File.dirname(config_file_path) end def create_config_dir FileUtils.mkdir_p(config_dir) end end class HerokuInstaller < DefaultInstaller def validate_key @output.puts "Getting API key from heroku config" get_heroku_api_key if key.nil? @output.puts "ERROR: No api key found in heroku config, have you installed the localeapp addon?" return else @output.puts "Add the following line to your .env file for Foreman" @output.puts "LOCALEAPP_API_KEY=#{key}" @output.puts '^' * 80 end super end def get_heroku_api_key self.key = if ENV['CUCUMBER_HEROKU_TEST_API_KEY'] ENV['CUCUMBER_HEROKU_TEST_API_KEY'] elsif ENV['LOCALEAPP_API_KEY'] ENV['LOCALEAPP_API_KEY'] elsif File.exist?('.env') &&'.env') =~ /^LOCALEAPP_API_KEY=(\w+)$/ $1 else nil end end def write_rails_config, 'w+') do |file| file.write <<-CONTENT require 'localeapp/rails' Localeapp.configure do |config| config.api_key = ENV['LOCALEAPP_API_KEY'] config.environment_name = ENV['LOCALEAPP_ENV'] unless ENV['LOCALEAPP_ENV'].nil? config.polling_environments = [:development, :staging] config.reloading_environments = [:development, :staging] config.sending_environments = [:development, :staging] end # Pull latest when dyno restarts on staging if defined?(Rails) && Rails.env.staging? end CONTENT end end end class StandaloneInstaller < DefaultInstaller def check_default_locale # do nothing standalone end def set_config_paths @output.puts "NOTICE: you probably want to add .localeapp to your .gitignore file" @config_file_path = ".localeapp/config.rb" @data_directory = "locales" end def write_config_file create_config_dir write_standalone_config end private def write_standalone_config, 'w+') do |file| file.write <<-CONTENT Localeapp.configure do |config| config.api_key = '#{key}' config.translation_data_directory = '#{data_directory}' config.synchronization_data_file = '#{config_dir}/log.yml' config.daemon_pid_file = '#{config_dir}/' end CONTENT end end end class GithubInstaller < StandaloneInstaller def write_config_file super create_data_directory create_gitignore create_readme end private def create_data_directory FileUtils.mkdir_p(data_directory) end def create_gitignore'.gitignore', 'a+') do |file| file.write "\n#{config_dir}" end end def create_readme'', 'a+') do |file| file.write <<-CONTENT --- A ruby translation project managed on [Locale]( that's open to all! ## Contributing to #{project_data['name']} - Edit the translations directly on the [#{project_data['name']}]({project_data['name']}) project on Locale. - **That's it!** - The maintainer will then pull translations from the Locale project and push to Github. Happy translating! CONTENT end end end end end end