/* * Wrapping code for the PolarSSL::Cipher class. * * Copyright (C) 2013 Michiel Sikkes * * This file is part of polarssl-ruby (http://github.com/michiels/polarssl-ruby) * * All rights reserved. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #include "polarssl.h" #include "polarssl/cipher.h" #include "ruby.h" VALUE rb_cipher_allocate(); VALUE rb_cipher_initialize(); VALUE rb_cipher_setkey(); VALUE rb_cipher_update(); VALUE rb_cipher_finish(); VALUE rb_cipher_reset(); void rb_cipher_free(); VALUE e_UnsupportedCipher; VALUE e_BadInputData; VALUE e_CipherError; typedef struct { cipher_context_t *ctx; unsigned char *output; size_t olen; size_t input_length; } rb_cipher_t; void Init_cipher(void) { /** Document-class: PolarSSL::Cipher * * This class lets you encrypt and decrypt data. * * == Example * * require 'polarssl' * require 'base64' * * my_iv = SecureRandom.random_bytes(16) * * cipher = PolarSSL::Cipher.new("AES-128-CTR") * cipher.reset(my_iv) * cipher.setkey("mykey", 128, PolarSSL::Cipher::OPERATION_ENCRYPT) * cipher.update("secret stuff I want encrypted") * encrypted_data = cipher.finish() * * encoded_encrypted_data = Base64.encode64(encrypted_data) * encoded_iv = Base64.encode64(my_iv) * * puts encoded_encrypted_data * puts encoded_iv * * == When you get an exception * * When using the Cipher class, you might get an exception. Some * exeptions return a PolarSSL error code, like PolarSSL::Cipher::Error. * * These error codes are directly passed on from the PolarSSL library * and you can look up what they mean in the PolarSSL API documentation * at: https://polarssl.org/api/. * * == Supported Cipher types: * * CAMELLIA-128-CBC * CAMELLIA-192-CBC * CAMELLIA-256-CBC * * CAMELLIA-128-CFB128 * CAMELLIA-192-CFB128 * CAMELLIA-256-CFB128 * * CAMELLIA-128-CTR * CAMELLIA-192-CTR * CAMELLIA-256-CTR * * AES-128-CBC * AES-192-CBC * AES-256-CBC * * AES-128-CFB128 * AES-192-CFB128 * AES-256-CFB128 * * AES-128-CTR * AES-192-CTR * AES-256-CTR * * DES-CBC * DES-EDE-CBC * DES-EDE3-CBC * * BLOWFISH-CBC * BLOWFISH-CFB64 * BLOWFISH-CTR * * NULL * */ VALUE cCipher = rb_define_class_under( rb_mPolarSSL, "Cipher", rb_path2class("Object") ); /* 1: Use cipher for encryption */ rb_define_const( cCipher, "OPERATION_ENCRYPT", INT2NUM(POLARSSL_ENCRYPT) ); /* 0: Use cipher for decryption */ rb_define_const( cCipher, "OPERATION_DECRYPT", INT2NUM(POLARSSL_DECRYPT) ); /* -1: Don't use cipher for anything */ rb_define_const( cCipher, "OPERATION_NONE", INT2NUM(POLARSSL_OPERATION_NONE) ); /* Document-class: PolarSSL::Cipher::UnsupportedCipher * Raised when you do not pass a supported cipher type to PolarSSL::Cipher.new() */ e_UnsupportedCipher = rb_define_class_under( cCipher, "UnsupportedCipher", rb_eStandardError ); /* Document-class: PolarSSL::Cipher::BadInputData * Raised when the input data for the cipher was incorrect. If you get * this exception, please file a bug report. */ e_BadInputData = rb_define_class_under( cCipher, "BadInputData", rb_eStandardError ); /* Document-class: PolarSSL::Cipher::Error * Raised when the PolarSSL library throws a certain Cipher error code */ e_CipherError = rb_define_class_under( cCipher, "Error", rb_eStandardError) ; rb_define_alloc_func( cCipher, rb_cipher_allocate ); rb_define_method( cCipher, "initialize", rb_cipher_initialize, 1 ); rb_define_method( cCipher, "setkey", rb_cipher_setkey, 3 ); rb_define_method( cCipher, "update", rb_cipher_update, 1 ); rb_define_method( cCipher, "finish", rb_cipher_finish, 0 ); rb_define_method( cCipher, "reset", rb_cipher_reset, 1 ); } VALUE rb_cipher_allocate( VALUE klass ) { rb_cipher_t *rb_cipher; rb_cipher = ALLOC( rb_cipher_t ); memset( rb_cipher, 0, sizeof( rb_cipher_t ) ); rb_cipher->olen = 0; rb_cipher->input_length = 0; rb_cipher->ctx = ALLOC( cipher_context_t ); memset( rb_cipher->ctx, 0, sizeof( cipher_context_t ) ); return Data_Wrap_Struct( klass, 0, rb_cipher_free, rb_cipher ); } /* * call-seq: new(cipher_type) * * Initializes a new Cipher object to encrypt data with. For supported cipher types, * see: https://github.com/michiels/polarssl-ruby/wiki/Using-PolarSSL::Cipher * */ VALUE rb_cipher_initialize( VALUE self, VALUE cipher_type ) { rb_cipher_t *rb_cipher; char *cipher_type_str; const cipher_info_t *cipher_info; int ret; Check_Type( cipher_type, T_STRING ); cipher_type_str = StringValueCStr( cipher_type ); Data_Get_Struct( self, rb_cipher_t, rb_cipher ); cipher_info = cipher_info_from_string( cipher_type_str ); if (cipher_info == NULL) { rb_raise(e_UnsupportedCipher, "%s is not a supported cipher", cipher_type_str ); } else { ret = cipher_init_ctx( rb_cipher->ctx, cipher_info ); if ( ret < 0 ) rb_raise( e_CipherError, "PolarSSL error: -0x%x", -ret ); } return self; } /* * call-seq: reset(initialization_vector) * * Sets or resets the initialization vector for the cipher. An initialization * vector is used to "randomize" the output ciphertext so attackers cannot * guess your data based on a partially decrypted data. * * This method needs to be called before you run the first #update. * * One option to generate a random initialization vector is by using * SecureRandom.random_bytes. Store this initialization vector with the * ciphertext and you'll easily able to decrypt the ciphertext. * */ VALUE rb_cipher_reset( VALUE self, VALUE initialization_vector ) { rb_cipher_t *rb_cipher; unsigned char *iv; int ret; Check_Type( initialization_vector, T_STRING ); iv = (unsigned char *) StringValuePtr( initialization_vector ); Data_Get_Struct( self, rb_cipher_t, rb_cipher ); ret = cipher_reset( rb_cipher->ctx, iv ); if ( ret < 0 ) rb_raise( e_BadInputData, "Either the cipher type, key or initialization vector was not set." ); return Qtrue; } /* * call-seq: setkey(key, key_length, operation) * * Sets the key to be used for encrypting/decrypting this cipher. The key, key_length and operation * depend on which cipher you are using. For example, when using AES-128-CTR you would use something like: * * cipher = PolarSSL::Cipher.new('AES-128-CTR') * cipher.setkey('mykey', 128, PolarSSL::Cipher::OPERATION_ENCRYPT) * * for both encryping and decrypting your cipher. * */ VALUE rb_cipher_setkey( VALUE self, VALUE key, VALUE key_length, VALUE operation ) { rb_cipher_t *rb_cipher; int ret; Check_Type( key, T_STRING ); Check_Type( key_length, T_FIXNUM ); Check_Type( operation, T_FIXNUM ); Data_Get_Struct( self, rb_cipher_t, rb_cipher ); ret = cipher_setkey( rb_cipher->ctx, (const unsigned char *) StringValueCStr( key ), FIX2INT( key_length ), NUM2INT( operation ) ); if ( ret < 0 ) rb_raise( e_CipherError, "PolarSSL error: -0x%x", -ret ); return Qtrue; } /* * call-seq: update(input) * * Adds input to your cipher. * */ VALUE rb_cipher_update( VALUE self, VALUE rb_input ) { rb_cipher_t *rb_cipher; char *input; int ret; Check_Type( rb_input, T_STRING ); Data_Get_Struct( self, rb_cipher_t, rb_cipher ); StringValue( rb_input ); input = StringValuePtr( rb_input ); rb_cipher->input_length += RSTRING_LEN( rb_input ); /* Increases the output buffer so it results into the total input length so far. */ REALLOC_N(rb_cipher->output, unsigned char, rb_cipher->input_length); ret = cipher_update( rb_cipher->ctx, (const unsigned char *) input, RSTRING_LEN( rb_input ), rb_cipher->output, &rb_cipher->olen ); if (ret < 0) rb_raise( e_CipherError, "PolarSSL error: -0x%x", -ret ); return Qtrue; } /* * call-seq: finish() * * Finishes encrypting the data added by one or multiple update() calls and returns the encrypted data. * */ VALUE rb_cipher_finish( VALUE self ) { rb_cipher_t *rb_cipher; int ret; Data_Get_Struct( self, rb_cipher_t, rb_cipher ); ret = cipher_finish( rb_cipher->ctx, rb_cipher->output, &rb_cipher->olen ); if (ret < 0) rb_raise( e_CipherError, "PolarSSL error: -0x%x", -ret ); return rb_str_new( (const char *) rb_cipher->output, rb_cipher->input_length ); } void rb_cipher_free( rb_cipher_t *rb_cipher ) { if ( rb_cipher->ctx ) cipher_free_ctx(rb_cipher->ctx ); xfree( rb_cipher ); }